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There’s Already a Corrupt Presidential Kid. It’s Ivanka.


Substitute Looney
Staff member
Oct 22, 2002
Frozen in Michigan
Old Fart
Basic Beliefs
Don't be a dick.
As the right races manically to pin whatever it can on Joe Biden’s son, let’s not forget who’s actually made millions while in the White House.

The closing arguments of the 2020 campaign can be summed up as: Donald Trump wants to talk about Joe Biden’s family, while Joe Biden wants to talk about your family, and how to help it get through these times.

And when I say Trump wants to talk Joe Biden’s family, I of course mean Biden’s son Hunter and the new (sketchy at best) allegations arising from a mysterious laptop that recently surfaced courtesy of Trump’s BFF Rudy Giuliani. Despite no independent verification of the contents of this laptop, there was Trump at his rally Sunday leading his audience in a chant of “Lock him up” about Joe Biden.

But where is the discussion and investigation into the various conflicts of interest and possible illegality that involves Donald Trump’s daughter, Ivanka, who appears to have greatly profited from being a part of this White House? And these aren’t new allegations raised to be a political counterbalance to the recent ones against Hunter.

Another jaw-dropping example of possible blatant corruption, as CREW detailed, came when Ivanka received preliminary approval for additional trademarks from China’s government on June 7, 2018. What else happened on June 7, 2018? Her father agreed to lift sanctions against the massive Chinese telecommunication company ZTE, which is partly owned by the Chinese government. The Trumps aren’t even trying to hide the conflicts!

One of the most serious allegations flagged by CREW was in January 2019 when the organization filed a complaint with Trump’s Department of Justice addressed to then Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein asking “that the Department of Justice investigate whether Assistant to the President Ivanka Trump violated the primary federal conflict of interest law, 18 U.S.C. § 208, when she participated personally and substantially in a particular matter directly and predictably affecting her financial interests.”

What prompted this complaint was Ivanka and her husband’s personal involvement in the Trump administration’s implementation of a new tax law authorizing “Opportunity Zones” that would provide tax breaks to owners of certain types of real estate holdings. As CREW explained, Ivanka worked on this program while being aware that “her husband, Jared Kushner, held financial interests worth millions of dollars in an entity benefitting from that program.”
Right. The corruption couldn't be clearer; it was reported at the time; it was done in public view; it didn't hurt the Trumps at all (except, I have to think, that it joins the thousands of other execrable facts about this clan that have solidified a majority of Americans against them and frozen his current favorables in the low 40s.)
As I remember the reporting, Ivanka got her trade permits after a short sit-down, while most US companies put in long months of applications and going through layer after layer of bureaucracy. Nothing to get a modern Republican upset about, obviously.
I can't think of the woman without seeing that smug picture of her watching the first "debate", impudent and maskless. An uberKaren.
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