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Transnistria – the next flash point


Senior Member
Sep 23, 2008
Basic Beliefs
We must do everything in our power to keep Transnistria out of the hands of Russia. The fate of western civilization hangs in the balance. ( Yes, sarcasm)



'...Transnistria is a breakaway state,recognized by no sovereign nation. It's a sliver of land sandwichedbetween Moldova and Ukraine and only a little larger than RhodeIsland, the smallest state in the United States.

Transnistria split from the formerSoviet republic of Moldova following a two-year war (1990-1992) thaterupted as the Soviet Union collapsed. The Russians stepped in toback Transnistria -- located on the right bank of the River Dniestr-- but never recognized it as an independent state....

The general described this as one ofRussia's "frozen conflicts" -- an unresolved political andterritorial dispute -- which Moscow could reignite at any time in abid to expand its influence across the region...'
I find the idea of going to war with Russia repulsive, but, it is one that will have a clear and early winner. By the time Russia figures out to get it's military missiles up and running they will have found out they just don't have the resources to accomplish the task.

Putin is a bully who has no bank. A country of the economic power of Italy going to war with Europe and the US. Are you kidding? The last time they tried to compete when their client states went to war with Israel they found they just couldn't compete in re-supply. In just five days the massive attacks were blunted and Israel was ready with fresh equipment to go forward. Egypt and Syria? Not so much.

He wants to poo poo our capability to wreck his economy? Fine. Game on.
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