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Trump at G7


Jul 27, 2000
Eugene, OR
Basic Beliefs
Another ludicrous G7 with Donald Trump: How the "essential nation" became a joke | Salon.com
Over the past week President Trump has seemed to come progressively unglued. He dramatically escalated the trade war with China, declared the whole world to be in recession — except the United States — wondered publicly whether the chairman of the Federal Reserve (whom he appointed) was a bigger enemy than the Chinese president, and "ordered" American companies to stop doing business with China. Oh, and he called American Jews who vote for Democrats either stupid or disloyal and canceled a state visit to Denmark after the Danish prime minister said that his proposal to buy Greenland was absurd.
The article cited more of Trump's recent derangement, like how loved he was in El Paso and Dayton, and wanting to amend the Constitution by executive order, and continued with
The meeting at the G7 this past weekend couldn't have been more different from last year's when, as you may recall, Trump treated his colleagues like lackeys and strutted around as if he were a Roman emperor, refusing to sign the joint communiqué in a fit of anger over a comment by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. This year the president of the so-called "essential nation" has been relegated to the status of the dotty old aunt about whom everyone speaks in hushed tones and smiles indulgently when she starts babbling. They seem to have finally realized that Trump can't be reasoned with like a normal leader and therefore they must gather together like members of the family and stage an intervention to cajole him into changing course.

G7 Nations Seem to Be Moving On Without Trump - The Atlantic - "At the G7 meeting, leaders seemed to have given up on an agreement with him on trade, climate, and even whether Russian President Vladimir Putin is friend or foe."
The most striking photograph to emerge from the G7 summit meeting in Biarritz, France, is one of an empty chair.

It’s the seat that President Donald Trump was supposed to occupy during a meeting today where world leaders talked about climate trends that could render parts of the planet uninhabitable if left unchecked.

Trump skipped it.
He claimed that he was busy elsewhere, but he could have put it into his schedule.
Donald Trump's story on skipping the G7 climate meeting makes no sense - CNNPolitics
As CNN's Jim Sciutto pointed out, both German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi were in the climate change meeting. (There's visual evidence!) That fact gives us these options by way of explaining the White House position:
1) Modi and Merkel have been cloned and can appear in two places at once
2) Trump was meeting not with the heads of Germany and India but with lower-level staff
3) The official White House line is total bunk
I'm no scientist but option No. 1 feels far-fetched. Option No. 2 is also ridiculous, because if anyone would see it as beneath him to meet with staff rather than the principals, it's Donald Trump. Which leaves us, by process of elimination, with Option No. 3 -- the White House isn't telling the truth.

Biarritz was an empty charade. The G7 is a relic of a bygone age | Simon Tisdall | Opinion | The Guardian - "From Syria to the US-China trade war, the list of issues left untackled by the world’s leaders is shamefully long"

Trump at G7: Nation's wealth won't be traded for dreams and windmills
Trump, on climate, says he won't jeopardize U.S. wealth on 'dreams' - Reuters
From Reuters:
“I feel that the United States has tremendous wealth. The wealth is under its feet. I’ve made that wealth come alive. ... We are now the No. 1 energy producer in the world, and soon it will be by far,” Trump told reporters when asked about his views on climate change.

“I’m not going to lose that wealth, I’m not going to lose it on dreams, on windmills, which frankly aren’t working too well,” he added.

“I want the cleanest water on Earth. I want the cleanest air on Earth. And that’s what we’re doing. And I’m an environmentalist, a lot of people don’t understand that. I have done more environmental impact statements probably than anybody that’s ... ever been president. And I think I know more about the environment than most people,” Trump told reporters.
He deserves the 25th Amendment.
During the campaign, he said he knew more than the generals. In a Rose Garden interview, he said he knew more than most CPAs. He also knows "how the system works" and "how the world works." This, and his college transcripts are locked up and never to be revealed. Judge from his C-average 7th grade student level of spelling where his learning stopped.
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