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Trump Calls for Government Shutdown... in September.

Jimmy Higgins

Jan 31, 2001
Basic Beliefs
Calvinistic Atheist
Our wise leader has announced on Twitter that he is an absolute wimp.

article said:
“The reason for the plan negotiated between the Republicans and Democrats is that we need 60 votes in the Senate which are not there!” Trump wrote on Twitter. “We either elect more Republican Senators in 2018 or change the rules now to 51%. Our country needs a good ‘shutdown’ in September to fix mess!

100% wimp status.

Trump isn't getting all that he "wants" and is upset. He thinks that either:
1) Pretend we should hold special elections to cleanse the Senate of Democrats
2) Eliminate the filibuster
3) Shutdown the government

Here is the thing... he can shutdown the Government (or at least try) and demand the Congress give him what he "wants" right now, by not signing the bill and veto'ing it. But he is all big talk with no stick. He has no intention of not vetoing the bill (maybe partially because it'd be overridden by Congress, if he even knows Congress has that power?), so this is just more pointless bluster from the Donhole.
But as his frustration grows, and as his incompetency and unpreparedness continue to be highlighted day after day, will he continue to be the living embodiment of an empty threat?
How exactly does a shutdown fix any mess?

This man has been living off the brain power of others for decades.

He is absolutely clueless.

How amazing these Republicans are that control everything.
Beware of Article II Section 3 (midway through Sectio 3)

Article II Section 3 said:
and in Case of Disagreement between them, with Respect to the Time of Adjournment, he may adjourn them to such Time as he shall think proper;

Il Douchebag could always make up some excuse as to why it thinks the House and Senate are in disagreement on Adjournment.

You guys are so lucky to have such a master negotiator as President so that disagreements like this can always be resolved in his favour. This frustration that he's venting is just a result of his getting so tired of winning. The job just isn't a challenge to him anymore.
Beware of Article II Section 3 (midway through Sectio 3)

Article II Section 3 said:
and in Case of Disagreement between them, with Respect to the Time of Adjournment, he may adjourn them to such Time as he shall think proper;

Il Douchebag could always make up some excuse as to why it thinks the House and Senate are in disagreement on Adjournment.

That'd probably get the Russia investigations restarted and then impeachment hearings. Republicans will let him do what he wants until he get interferes with their plans or electoral success.
You guys are so lucky to have such a master negotiator as President so that disagreements like this can always be resolved in his favour. This frustration that he's venting is just a result of his getting so tired of winning. The job just isn't a challenge to him anymore.
Yeah, it'd suck to have a whiny bitch complaining about not getting what he wants... while claiming he is a deal maker.
He probably doesn't even know he can veto the bill.
And I bet none of the republicans want to remind him of that.
What the heck is a government shutdown anyway? Are they going to temporarily lay off the executive branch, including Trump, EXPENSIVE secret service, the cabinet, and Homeland Security? Somehow I doubt it.
What the heck is a government shutdown anyway? Are they going to temporarily lay off the executive branch, including Trump, EXPENSIVE secret service, the cabinet, and Homeland Security? Somehow I doubt it.
Pretty much everyone who carries a gun is still working. Bureaucracy gets to stay home three to five days a week.
What the heck is a government shutdown anyway? Are they going to temporarily lay off the executive branch, including Trump, EXPENSIVE secret service, the cabinet, and Homeland Security? Somehow I doubt it.
I don't think Trumpty Dumpty has thought that one through.
What the heck is a government shutdown anyway? Are they going to temporarily lay off the executive branch, including Trump, EXPENSIVE secret service, the cabinet, and Homeland Security? Somehow I doubt it.

Every time there is a threat of a shutdown, for whatever reason I can yet to figure out, all remaining money in budgets is to be spent down. I actually had to work overtime spending money last Friday for a shutdown that never happened and now the budgets get replenished. That's the cash burn of just a threat of a shutdown.
During a shutdown all nonessential personnel get a free vacation for however long the shutdown lasts. My experience with two different agencies has been aside from LEOs, there's other public safety, utility operators/maintainers and of course all the admin that needs to support these folks.

I'm not burning through this cash again. I bought useful stuff but it was mostly nice to haves that I could do without. I don't think I can be fired for refusing such a thing. Can I?
Imagine what Trump would be doing if he were head of state of a country like Turkey. Republicans may just help him get to that level.
Yep. Who cares about the peons that they pee on.

This is one reason why I have huge problems with maturity.

Only children throw tantrums like this,
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