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Trump Campaign Using Nazi Symbol


Feb 25, 2001
Birmingham, Alabama
Basic Beliefs
So Trump himself has apparently come up with this symbol for his campaign:


And sure enough it’s what the Nazis used to designate political prisoners:


This is making some news. I just refuse to believe he is truly that clueless. He is deliberately aligning himself with Fascism.

From Wiki article

Single triangles
Red triangle – political prisoners: social democrats, socialists, communists and anarchists; rescuers of Jews; trade unionists; and Freemasons.
Green triangle – convicts and criminals (often working as kapos).
Blue triangle – foreign forced laborers and emigrants. This category included apatrides, French refugees from Francoist Spain, whose citizenship was deprived and emigrants to countries which were occupied by Nazi Germany or were under German sphere of influence. [2]
Purple triangle – primarily Jehovah's Witnesses (over 99%) as well as members of other small pacifist religious groups.[notes 1]
Pink triangle – primarily homosexual men and those identified as such (e.g., bisexual men and trans women)[3][4][5] as well as sexual offenders including rapists, pedophiles and zoophiles.[6]
Black triangle – people who were deemed asocial elements (asozial) and work-shy (arbeitsscheu), including the following:
Roma and Sinti (Gypsies). They wore the black triangle with a Z notation (for Zigeuner, meaning Gypsy) to the right of the triangle's point.[7] Male Romani were later assigned a brown triangle. Female Romani were still deemed asocials as they were stereotyped as petty criminals (prostitutes, kidnappers and fortune tellers).
Mentally ill and mentally disabled. Their triangles were inscribed with the word Blöd, meaning stupid.[8]
Alcoholics and drug addicts.
Vagrants and beggars.
Pacifists and conscription resisters.
Brown triangle – Romani males.
Uninverted red triangle – an enemy POW (Sonderhäftling, meaning special detainee), a spy or traitor (Aktionshäftling, meaning activities detainee), or a military deserter or criminal (Wehrmachtsangehöriger, meaning service member).
Tiny little glimmer of hope. FB actually pulled the ads when it was pointed out that these were nazi symbols.

That's refreshing.
Brad Parscale has been trolling his entire run as Campaign Manager for Trump. I think he does this stuff intentionally. Trump is too dumb to even know what any of this is. Heck, he probably thinks the swastika was a symbol made up the Indiana Jones movies.
The scrubland Bubbahs who eat Hot Pockets in their Army Surplus tents and shoot automatic weapons at tree stumps in Montana have never had a doubt about Der Donald.
I think Antifa may use it ironically,




the last looks like the anarchy A is in a superior position to the triangle


like taking back the words faggot and nigger I guess.
What. Have you seen Montana. Trees end about 1/3 of the way through the state. What remains are mostly rocks and cow frisbees. Most of the head banging Montanans live near Hole-in-the-Wall anyway, That's somewhere between Glendeevie and Ybox (NY pronunciation).

My family comes from the southwestern part of the state closer to Robbers Roost near Deer Lodge with its mental hospital and prison.
After a bit of digging, I find that Team Trump is the Facebook page for a PAC named DONALD J. TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT, INC. That PAC is headed by Bradley T. Crate, a Romney Republican.

It is curious that a Romney Republican would use that symbol in particular.
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