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US Presidents in the Dark over UFOs


Jul 28, 2006
London UK
Basic Beliefs
1. Trump will deport all the aliens.

2. I think Hillary might be an alien.
I would be not at all surprised by this if it were true:

There's this mighty fine bridge in New York I'd like you to look at. It's for sale.

Well, after the Iraq invasion and all those lies about WMD, I'm wondering why anyone believes western governments anymore. But even if HC does get told about it, I doubt we will know any more about the subject than we do now. Or anything else not deemed relevant to our lives.
It's called plausible deniability. Am I the only one who's seen Independence Day?
We had a similar promise from David Cameron here in the UK before he became prime minister. AFAIK, nothing official has been heard since, for reasons unknown. Amongst the UFO-nuts, that silence seems to encourage more febrile speculation about the situation.

I do wonder if actually confirming the situation - assuming there is something to confirm - will actually make the whole question worse not better.
The US President is afraid, because Space Aliens killed Kennedy. Or it could be just the Invisible Lizard Jewish Catholic Freemasons who run everything from their secret base in Svalbard.

Eldarion Lathria
Another interesting reason might run along these lines: the leader simply doesn't have the time to read, let alone absorb every aspect of running a country. That's why there are various departments who deal with more detailed aspects of running things and report to him (very like a CEO in a large company). So he has to have information filtered to him on the basis of what is relevant and/or most important. Thus the leader cannot possibly know everything he might need to know. And this is not just about invisible space aliens, it's potentially about much more "down to earth" concerns.

I just wonder who is doing the filtering, and is it always consistent with what needs to be known? After all, you don't need aliens involved to have a conspiracy. Nor time travel, terrorists, telepathy or grassy knolls. I reckon the biggest conspiracy is about money and power. Good luck getting to the bottom of that!
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