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WH lying by email too...


Mar 15, 2001
Massachusetts USA
Basic Beliefs
Secular Humanism
Somehow I got onto the White House emailing mailing list. Don't know how....

In any case, the delisionals at the WH seem to think that this is a credible email.

In just two days, President Donald J. Trump will deliver his highly anticipated first Address to a Joint Session of Congress.

There is an incredible spirit of optimism sweeping across the Nation, and in preparation for this address, the President has hosted numerous listening sessions at the White House. During these meetings he has heard from men and women from all over the country about issues that are impacting American families, communities, and workers.

Now is your chance to give your input. We want to know what issues you want President Trump to focus on and your ideas for the future of our country.

The President is checking off the promises he made to the American people, and he won’t stop until the job is done.

The forgotten men and women of this great Nation will be forgotten no longer. That is the heart of this movement. As President Trump has made clear, this is your country and this is your Government, and now we want to hear from you.

An "incredible spirit of optimism"? Trumps approval ratings are in the dung pit.

Here's the link to the survey. It seems to assume that people necessarily approve of him.

Wow, what another crazed survey...

I offered up the idea of painting the WH orange, as the questions weren't really helpful... Return email address: FFvC@mailinator.com
Well, they're having a hard time coming up with a way to replace Obamacare. I guess they hope that someone gives them the winning idea.
I got that stupid email as well. I thought it was likely because I had supported petitions at whitehouse.gov in the past. Anyway, they already have my email address, so I didn't feel the need to provide a fake one. In the first suggestion box I put in "Release your taxes." and a lot of other suggestions about things for Trump to stop doing, like attacking the press, scapegoating immigrants and Muslims. I don't remember everything I typed in there. For the second box, I kept it simple, "Resign".
Somehow I got onto the White House emailing mailing list. Don't know how....

I'm there, also. The only place I can think of is that I've signed a few of the petitions on the site Obama set up.

In any case, the delisionals at the WH seem to think that this is a credible email.

Yeah, they're jokes.
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