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Why the free market is the best way to save the planet


Veteran Member
Jul 1, 2005
Basic Beliefs
that people in the US are living in the matrx

This is a white board technical discussion on exactly why the global elite would prefer for everyone excepting themselves to be poor because there are too many people versus the resources available. And although their goal of saving the planet seems to be valid, their methods are horrible. The only thing I would add though is that in the case of fossil fuels, a carbon tax would make sure that the real cost of the environment was reflected in the market properly.

One thing for sure though is he does real good job of making Bill Gates look like a schmuck.
It is not difficult to make Mr. Gates look like a schmuck.

Why anyone would think the free market would necessarily save the planet is ridiculous.

BTW, a tax is not part of the free market - it is an imposition into a free market. Don't get me wrong, a carbon tax would help emitters of carbon to internalize some of the costs of carbon emissions.
Very clickbaitey title, I very much doubt the contents are worth it.

And note that keeping everyone else poor will make them poorer than they otherwise would be. The real road to wealth is not to hog the pie, but grow the pie. A look at the Forbes list requires going down to the #10 spot before you find anyone that didn't clearly get there by pie-growing.
Very clickbaitey title, I very much doubt the contents are worth it.

And note that keeping everyone else poor will make them poorer than they otherwise would be. The real road to wealth is not to hog the pie, but grow the pie. A look at the Forbes list requires going down to the #10 spot before you find anyone that didn't clearly get there by pie-growing.
But considering most of them are ridiculously wealthy in the first place, they are no doubt experts at pie growing and knowing that capitalism is the best means. Its that they don't want any more pie growing because they know the world does not have enough energy to sustain that.

What they don't appear to realize is that capitalism (if done right) is also the best solution growing renewable energy along with population growth. But the only billionaire I can think of sharing that opinion is Musk.
Why anyone would think the free market would necessarily save the planet is ridiculous.

BTW, a tax is not part of the free market - it is an imposition into a free market. Don't get me wrong, a carbon tax would help emitters of carbon to internalize some of the costs of carbon emissions.
Its hard to beat the free market when you want to get the most amount of innovation for the lowest cost. Its just that the free market has to be free and fair to everyone somehow. Hence a carbon tax to capture the real long term damage of some types of fuel. Yes, I know a carbon tax is not part of the free market and it is also not global in nature either which are both big issues. But those issues are still better (IMHO) than a global elite task force telling the whole world how to live.
Very clickbaitey title, I very much doubt the contents are worth it.

And note that keeping everyone else poor will make them poorer than they otherwise would be. The real road to wealth is not to hog the pie, but grow the pie. A look at the Forbes list requires going down to the #10 spot before you find anyone that didn't clearly get there by pie-growing.
But considering most of them are ridiculously wealthy in the first place, they are no doubt experts at pie growing and knowing that capitalism is the best means. Its that they don't want any more pie growing because they know the world does not have enough energy to sustain that.

What they don't appear to realize is that capitalism (if done right) is also the best solution growing renewable energy along with population growth. But the only billionaire I can think of sharing that opinion is Musk.
Look at the Forbes list. #1 to #9 didn't start out wealthy. They aren't taking money from anyone, they're making more wealth and keeping some of it for themselves.
Very clickbaitey title, I very much doubt the contents are worth it.

And note that keeping everyone else poor will make them poorer than they otherwise would be. The real road to wealth is not to hog the pie, but grow the pie. A look at the Forbes list requires going down to the #10 spot before you find anyone that didn't clearly get there by pie-growing.
But considering most of them are ridiculously wealthy in the first place, they are no doubt experts at pie growing and knowing that capitalism is the best means. Its that they don't want any more pie growing because they know the world does not have enough energy to sustain that.

What they don't appear to realize is that capitalism (if done right) is also the best solution growing renewable energy along with population growth. But the only billionaire I can think of sharing that opinion is Musk.
Look at the Forbes list. #1 to #9 didn't start out wealthy. They aren't taking money from anyone, they're making more wealth and keeping some of it for themselves.
Again. Its not about money its about energy. Klaus et all wants you and others to be permanent renters, to be poor, and be happy. They want you and everyone else to take cold showers so there is the energy left for them to fly in their huge carbon footprint jets.
In the west you can still see the effects of unrestricted free market capitalism from the 19th and 20th century.

In the early 90s I spent time in the North Idaho Silver Valley, silver mining. The whole are was and is a Superfund cleanup site. Hiking inthe back country old mines and toxic waste are common.

Free market capitalism works as advertised with commodities lie TVs, cars, washingmachines and computers.

In the 19th century resources seemed infinite. Open a mine and it plays out walk away and abandon it.

Water and air pollution.

Free market capitalism produced a range of solar electricity for the home, but it is up to people to choose solar electricity for the home.

After the 70s Arab Oil Embargo there were tax credits to promoyr alternative energy. When oil came back the credits expired. Japan went smaller gas efficient cars. American auto went big gas guzzlers. The size of some the pick up trucks today are ridiculous. That is free market capitalism.

Unrestricted real estte and housing speculation is one of the causes of a lack of affordable housing. Not just invetment groups. People buy a hose and sell when prices go up, buy anoter house and repeat.

I siubt the welthy 'want' peope to be poor. It is the fact that our system allowsnear unresticted accumilation of welth legally. There rae no requirements for social responsibility.

Musk is a good example. Recently several welthy people paid for a joy ride to the space station. That one launch could have built a lot of affordable housing.

It is not just the people at the top.
Very clickbaitey title, I very much doubt the contents are worth it.

And note that keeping everyone else poor will make them poorer than they otherwise would be. The real road to wealth is not to hog the pie, but grow the pie. A look at the Forbes list requires going down to the #10 spot before you find anyone that didn't clearly get there by pie-growing.
But considering most of them are ridiculously wealthy in the first place, they are no doubt experts at pie growing and knowing that capitalism is the best means. Its that they don't want any more pie growing because they know the world does not have enough energy to sustain that.

What they don't appear to realize is that capitalism (if done right) is also the best solution growing renewable energy along with population growth. But the only billionaire I can think of sharing that opinion is Musk.
Look at the Forbes list. #1 to #9 didn't start out wealthy. They aren't taking money from anyone, they're making more wealth and keeping some of it for themselves.
Again. Its not about money its about energy. Klaus et all wants you and others to be permanent renters, to be poor, and be happy. They want you and everyone else to take cold showers so there is the energy left for them to fly in their huge carbon footprint jets.
So long as we build breeder reactors energy isn't going to be a significant issue.
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