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Will Kamala Harris Upstage Joe Biden?


Jul 27, 2000
Eugene, OR
Basic Beliefs
I don't know how common it is for Presidential candidates to be upstaged by their running mates, but I think that there is a serious risk of that happening here.

Joe Biden is 77 years old, while Kamala Harris is 55 years old. KH seems to me more energetic than JB, and I think that there is a risk of KH upstaging JB as a consequence. But if that happens, I hope that JB will be mature about it.
I do not think Biden is a narcissistic prima donna like Trump. Biden does not have a giant ego that demands the spotlight all to himself like the orange idiot. Nor is Harris a brainless ditz like Sarah Palin who should be hid in a closet until the election is over. Relax and enjoy having an adult at top of the ticket as VP candidate.
I think you are right, she will upstage him. And I expect he will embrace it and cheer her on.
In the run up to elections? No. I assume they have a unified team that controls media appearances. So far, I've seen Kamala Harris only in the traditional role as understudy. Would I like to see her debate Trump and Pence at the same time while Joe takes a nap? Hells yes. But tradition dictates it is not to be.
Kamala Harris has some admirers who call themselves the KHive. Search for hashtag #KHive on Twitter.

That fan following is why I suspect that she has at least some charisma.
It's Pence, the albino Mortimer Snerd, who's out of step with the recent trend in more activist, upfront VPs. This trend goes back to '93, but with Trump, aint no one gonna get air time ahead of him.
It is an odd question to ask because there aren't many venues for her to outshine Biden at anyway. There is no convention anymore, other than the speeches. Outshining moment was generally going to be there. Otherwise, her job is to encourage turnout. The venues to outshine Biden simply don't exist.
Trump prepares a new fall offensive: Labeling Kamala Harris - POLITICO - "Drawing on a playbook of caricature and condemnation, Trump’s campaign hopes to chip away at Joe Biden’s lead by presenting Harris as an extreme California liberal."
The president and his allies are plotting ways to portray Harris as a serious threat to the working-class voters whom Biden hopes to flip this fall, four years after many across the Rust Belt ditched Democrats to support Trump. They’re digging up her comments from Democratic primary debates, hoping they can use them to put her and Biden on defense. And despite Harris’ lukewarm relationship with some anti-establishment progressive groups, they are considering ways to cast her as a champion of the radical left by concentrating on positions she’s taken that run afoul of Biden-style centrism, one of the former vice president’s key appeals to swing voters.

“Kamala Harris is a California liberal who has already defined herself as a radical Democrat with her support of the Green New Deal, socialized medicine, fracking bans, tax raises and taxpayer-funded abortions,” said Courtney Parella, deputy national press secretary for the Trump campaign.
That may be difficult for them.
So far, Harris has emerged as an asset since Biden tapped her as his running mate in August. Her presence on the ticket contributed to a major fundraising boost last month as the Biden campaign and Democratic National Committee raised a record-breaking $364.5 million. And her history-making potential as the first Asian American and Black woman on a major party ticket has helped inject enthusiasm into the party’s base, particularly among female and minority voters, according to recent polls.
That's what ticket balancing is supposed to do, broaden the appeal of a Presidential ticket. It's usually geographical, but here it is also race and gender ticket balancing.
Bernie Bros, meet the KHive, Kamala Harris's fans.

Kamala Harris Has A Vibrant Online Fan Club. But It Also Has A Toxic Side. | HuffPost
Members of the KHive, which one member estimated is made up of 50,000 to 60,000 Twitter accounts, see themselves as defenders and boosters of Harris, particularly as she faces an onslaught of racist and misogynistic harassment as the first Black and first Asian American woman to be nominated for vice president by either major party. Harris and her allies have shouted out the group multiple times.

It’s not surprising Harris has such a devoted group of supporters and defenders, given the historical significance of her candidacy. And the inevitable vitriol faced by women, particularly women of color, in politics helps to explain why some supporters are passionate in their defense of her reputation online. But, according to nearly a dozen people who spoke with HuffPost, some members of the KHive have crossed the line from ardent fandom to overt harassment and threatening language.

Nearly a dozen people said accounts identified as part of the KHive often kicked off or instigated harassment campaigns against them for originally backing Democratic candidates other than Harris. Often, after the harassment began, self-identified KHive members and other accounts swarmed them on Twitter.

The harassment included slurs about people’s ethnicity, including calling Black people “house slaves” for backing other Democrats. One Elizabeth Warren supporter, who identifies as gay, said he was told that all “Warren gays should be chemically castrated,” after he was the target of a harassment campaign kicked off by a KHive member. A recent high school graduate who supported Bernie Sanders said a volunteer organizer for Harris’s presidential campaign tweeted that he “hoped I would be raped in a gas chamber by MAGA nazis” (the teen is Jewish). The Harris supporter deleted the tweet minutes after posting it, according to the teen.
This goes as far as doxing some people.
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