MH370 demonstrates is inductive vsdeductive analysis.
Trying to reason out causes ad reachconclusions going from the specific to the general and viceversa.
The plane disappears, the s[specific. Assigning causeswithout hard data, top down deductivereasoning.
A car crash occirs and two teams investigate. One starts atthe crash end poinytand tries to determine causation. Top down.
Theother team looks at the road and conditions trying to determinecausations. Bottoms up analysis.
There is no special inductiveor deductive logic. The difference is the starting point.
Working backwards from the conclusion to detailsor working forward to a conclusion from details.
For anaxiomatic system like Boolean Logic, given a set of conditions, theconclusions are unambiguously defined.
In general problem solving like thecar crash example, the problem is induction and deduction may notalways agree.
You can't have one without the oter.
From the book How To Read And DoMathematical Proofs, the backwards-forward method is alternatingbetween deduction and induction.
In a closed completely defined logicalsystem, one only has to apply the rules.
The application of logical reasoning does not infer a valid conclusion. A logally vvalid syllogism can lead to a false conclusion. In CS parlance, garbage in garbage out.