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Google Removes Chrome Extention Used to Track and Harass Jews


Jul 30, 2003
Basic Beliefs
Agnostic Humanist
Coincidence Detector used multiple brackets around a user’s name to identify them as Jewish.

An extension for Google’s Chrome browser that let users identify and track suspected Jewish members of the media and entertainment industries has been removed from the Chrome store after the web giant said it breached its rules against promoting hate speech and inciting violence.

The extension, known as Coincidence Detector, identified suspected or confirmed Jews by adding triple parentheses to their names wherever they were referenced online. Its existence was first reported by Mic, a New York-based news site targeted at millennials, in a post on Thursday that described how neo-Nazis and anti-Semites were using it to target Jews for abuse and harassment.

I think it's only a matter of hours before the Neo-nazis and White Supremacists start screaming about how their First Amendment rights are being trampled because Google won't let them use its browser to single out Jews for abuse.
IN their defense, Jews are super intelligent shape shifters that cannot be tracked by conventional methods. Look at Sammy Davis Jr., Cindy Crawford and David Hasselhof!

ZOG Note: Nothing to see here.
I worked a Jewish event where, I shit you not, the woman on the stage said "you can help the world by saving a Jewish life".

At that point, I made up my mind...

Same woman would probably talk to white gentiles about white privilege.

Full nationalist Jews are cool. Pro Israel and pro border controls for Europe and the US. Ben Shapiro is an example of this.

Full lefty Jews are cool. Anti-Zionist, pro palestinian and full open borders for Europe and the US. Don't agree, but they are not hypocrites. Sanders seems to be in this camp.

Hypocrites who back Netanyahu while being open borders for the west are total scum. These are the people deserving of triple parentheses.
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Your false equivalency is the same as those who would wrongly complain that this is a case of trampling free speech rights. There is nothing remotely similar let alone the same about Google choosing not to enable anti-Semites and a person being imprisoned by the state for the t-shirt they chose to wear.
If the state comes and imprisons Google for their choice, then it would be similar to hate speech laws.
Your false equivalency is the same as those who would wrongly complain that this is a case of trampling free speech rights. There is nothing remotely similar let alone the same about Google choosing not to enable anti-Semites and a person being imprisoned by the state for the t-shirt they chose to wear.
That is true. It isn't a completely fair equivalence. But there is some. The idea that people put together such a tool to begin with is grossly disturbing.
Your false equivalency is the same as those who would wrongly complain that this is a case of trampling free speech rights. There is nothing remotely similar let alone the same about Google choosing not to enable anti-Semites and a person being imprisoned by the state for the t-shirt they chose to wear.
That is true. It isn't a completely fair equivalence. But there is some. The idea that people put together such a tool to begin with is grossly disturbing.

Yes, but Google not enabling them isn't disturbing, whereas the State arresting that guy was disturbing, and those who support the State doing so are more dangerous than the guy wearing the shirt.
That is true. It isn't a completely fair equivalence. But there is some. The idea that people put together such a tool to begin with is grossly disturbing.
Yes, but Google not enabling them isn't disturbing, whereas the State arresting that guy was disturbing, and those who support the State doing so are more dangerous than the guy wearing the shirt.
I find actual targeting people who are Jewish more disturbing than a fake assault against free speech.
One of the only reasons a person could be fairly arrested for a t-shirt would be if it said something like:

"Kill an immigrant and bring me proof I will pay you $1 million dollars. Call me at 555-SPIC." That would not be protected speech.
Yes, but Google not enabling them isn't disturbing, whereas the State arresting that guy was disturbing, and those who support the State doing so are more dangerous than the guy wearing the shirt.
I find actual targeting people who are Jewish more disturbing than a fake assault against free speech.

Not people who are Jewish, but Jewish hypocrites who are proud to be Jewish but ashamed to be white or who make gentile whites ashamed to be white.

Ben Shapiro is a cool dude in my book. Noel Ignatiev should hang himself.
Yes, but Google not enabling them isn't disturbing, whereas the State arresting that guy was disturbing, and those who support the State doing so are more dangerous than the guy wearing the shirt.
I find actual targeting people who are Jewish more disturbing than a fake assault against free speech.

IOW, you only care about people being assaulted for their ideas or speech, depending upon your personal views about their ideas.

Not only was the arrest of the guy with the shirt a very real assault against free speech, it was an assault against his person for his speech. He had hands put on him against his will, was forcibly restrained and put in a cage, all for wearing a shirt with a distasteful joke about a soccer rivalry.
Anyone who supports such a state-sponsored assault is more immoral and a far greater fascistic danger to everyone than the dipshit wearing the shirt. Google's ability to choose to remove tech that enables anti-semites actually depends upon the very same principle that is attacked by arresting the guy with that shirt. I bet dollars to donuts that the Google execs who made this choice recognize that and oppose the arrest of that guy.
I find actual targeting people who are Jewish more disturbing than a fake assault against free speech.
IOW, you only care about people being assaulted for their ideas or speech, depending upon your personal views about their ideas.
The millions slaughtered because of similar thoughts is one of those rare cases where I make exceptions. Anyone who thinks like a Nazi can go fuck themselves.

Not only was the arrest of the guy with the shirt a very real assault against free speech, it was an assault against his person for his speech.
That sort of speech led to an unimaginable horror... and despite that horror, they still continue to preach the intolerance. Fuck them. This isn't about free speech, this is about basic human decency. These people are gaining steam. Heck, look in the US. If you polled anti-semitism among Trump supporters, it'd be frightening. This shit has to stop.
Strange that Trump's supporters don't realize how many Jews he has giving him money and as his advisers.

Anyway, what exactly is this shirt you are talking about?
I find actual targeting people who are Jewish more disturbing than a fake assault against free speech.
Not people who are Jewish, but Jewish hypocrites who are proud to be Jewish but ashamed to be white or who make gentile whites ashamed to be white.
That is interesting, why only Jewish hypocrites? That is a rhetorical question. *self-moderated rant not typed up to save moderators the time of snipping through it and having to close the thread*
Not people who are Jewish, but Jewish hypocrites who are proud to be Jewish but ashamed to be white or who make gentile whites ashamed to be white.
That is interesting, why only Jewish hypocrites? That is a rhetorical question. *self-moderated rant not typed up to save moderators the time of snipping through it and having to close the thread*

This is a comment from the article, that I wholly support:

Nobody was being “tracked”, it was a heuristic for identifying bias and calling out privilege. Whites are told to check our privilege, calling attention to our race in order to discount what we say, often by Jews. We just applied the same concept.

So you mean to tell me that finding out someone is Jewish changes how you view their political statements! Can’t have that now. Honestly, when the scope of Jewish hypocrisy dawns on you, it is so stunning and intolerable, you feel you have to speak out on it. This latest incident only underscores this.
That is interesting, why only Jewish hypocrites? That is a rhetorical question. *self-moderated rant not typed up to save moderators the time of snipping through it and having to close the thread*

This is a comment from the article, that I wholly support:

Nobody was being “tracked”, it was a heuristic for identifying bias and calling out privilege. Whites are told to check our privilege, calling attention to our race in order to discount what we say, often by Jews. We just applied the same concept.

So you mean to tell me that finding out someone is Jewish changes how you view their political statements! Can’t have that now. Honestly, when the scope of Jewish hypocrisy dawns on you, it is so stunning and intolerable, you feel you have to speak out on it. This latest incident only underscores this.
Here is a snippet that I agree with:
snippet said:
People that try to justify their bigotry by painting the hatred as some sort of rationalized thought process are at best kidding themselves, but maybe more importantly, they aren't fooling anyone else.
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