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the phrase 'anti-semitism'


wtf - arabs are semites, too. i hate word games (pro-choice, pro-life, grande cups, etc). should i just go with 'anti-jewish' or is there are better word?

i grew up in the deep south. i had no conception of jews as a 'race' until i was in high school. in middle school history class, when we were talking about the holocaust, i actually asked my teacher, 'why didn't the jews just convert to christians?' and know what - teacher dodged the question. i didn't like the tv show seinfeld at all until someone told me he was jewish. then i thought about it and realize the humor was based on the old testament. the character would do some minor selfish wrong, then god would slap them down for it. seriously.
pro-choice, pro-life, those do sound stupid. Like... who wouldn't be? Jew-ish sounds more like half Jewish. I didn't know Jew was a race until my elementary class went to see Schindler's List UNCENSORED. Then I read the Bible. Whew, they sure have it rough. Seinfeld's light, first world problems did put my mind in a different place, when it comes to Jews. Yet "Jew" is still a word I see below some bloody carnage pictures every other day. Exploded bodies are like white noise unless they exploded in America. Business as usual I suppose. Dang those Jews have it rough. "Jew-hater" has less bite than "anti-Semite", in my opinion. Most people don't even know what Semite means, and that makes Jews seem even more creepy.
I wonder if the word homophobe has made homosexual even more tainted with invective. Gayophobe doesn't work well.

Neither does Jewophobe.

Can a person be an anti-ZOGite without being an antisemite? (ZOG means Zionist Occupied Government)
I wonder if the word homophobe has made homosexual even more tainted with invective. Gayophobe doesn't work well.

Neither does Jewophobe.

Can a person be an anti-ZOGite without being an antisemite? (ZOG means Zionist Occupied Government)

I think ZOG is antisemitic in the first place.
Google antisemitism

The root word Semite gives the false impression that antisemitism is directed against all Semitic people. However, the compound word antisemite was popularized in Germany in 1879[6] as a scientific-sounding term for Judenhass "Jew-hatred",[7][8][9][10][11] and that has been its common use since then.

It's a word popularized in Germany with a specific meaning and an agenda.

The phrase isn't so odd and useless as it seems. It was coined in the 19th century to refer to racists that viewed blonde northern Europeans as superior, and the "darker" people who spoke Semitic languages as inferior. And today, most of the white people in the West that are anti-Jewish (which is not the same as opposing the government of Israel, and sometimes almost the opposite) are also anti-Arab, and anti-semite in general.

The odd association with being specifically anti-Jewish can be blamed on proto Nazi "thought" in Germany. Jews (and not Arabs) were a notable presence in Germany and thus they specifically (rather than Semites generally) were the targeting scapegoat. But "anti-jew" sounds like merely being opposed to their religious ideas, which didn't carry the kind of hate for their very essence as people that the proto-Nazis were going for. The fact is that their ideology inherently did view Arabs as inferior too, but Jews within Germany were the real pragmatic immediate target. So, while almost always meaning "Jews" they used they used the word "semite" to help signal that was the racial heritage and not just beliefs of these people but everything about them as inferior humans that made them a problem. This speaks to the OP question of why the Jews didn't save their asses by "converting". It would not have saved them. Anyone with Jewish ancestry, regardless of their current claimed religious allegiance was the enemy.

This is how anti-semite came to mean being anti-Jewish in particular, and thus the very odd application of "anti-semite" to Arab semites who are anti-Jewish.

In reality, actual anti-semitism is a form of racist ideology that holds white Northern Europeans as superior, and is thus pretty much exclusive to right-wing ideology. Nearly every instance of liberals being charged with anti-semitism is merely anti-Israel policy, which isn't even anti-Jewish, let alone anti-semitic.

So, the term still accurately applies today to many people in West and the US, especially to those looking forward to January 20th, 2017. Which is another example of why being "pro-Israel" is often the opposite of being against neo-Nazi racism and anti-semitism.
The Prime Minister of Israel shares a love of Donald Trump with the KKK, and is on the opposite side of the Jewish Anti-Defamation league. That's because the ADL is opposed to anti-Jew, anti-Arab, and anti-semite racism in general, moreso than having a blind allegiance to the government of Israel. In contrast, the Israeli Prime Minister doesn't give a shit what happens the Jews in America, so long as America sends him weapons to kill Arabs, while the KKK loves Trumps general promotion of racism and xenophobia and doesn't mind if the US maintains policies guaranteed to keep them killing each other.
Anti-Semitism is a term based on antique racism, and seems to be used mainly by zionists wishing to justify murder and theft by cashing in on the disgust created by Hitler and using it to build up his imitators, who decided, esentially, that if you can't beat 'em you should join 'em by developing your own racism and picking on some other, weaker people.
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It sounds like the OP is asking for a word to use to express his hatred towards Jews without implying hatred towards other Semites.
I think the word the OP is seeking is "Kike".
There is so much southern ignorance and hick retardation in this inbred post... deserves complete dissection...

wtf - arabs are semites, too. i hate word games (pro-choice, pro-life, grande cups, etc). should i just go with 'anti-jewish' or is there are better word?
"Kike", you racist ignorant asshole.
i grew up in the deep south.
You poor poor ignorant hick.
i had no conception of jews as a 'race' until i was in high school.
conception? you have no concept.. of anything.
in middle school history class, when we were talking about the holocaust, i actually asked my teacher, 'why didn't the jews just convert to christians?'
Why didn't the Christians just convert to Judaism when the Romans were feeding them to the lions in the coliseum for sport? (we'll wait while you go look up what "Romans" are)
and know what - teacher dodged the question.

Your ignorant hick teacher thought you were too much an ignorant hick kid to take the time to tell you everything wrong with your unused brain.
i didn't like the tv show seinfeld at all until someone told me he was jewish. then i thought about it and realize the humor was based on the old testament. the character would do some minor selfish wrong, then god would slap them down for it.

It's called a SitCom... Situational Comedy. I suppose Three's Company was a Jewish show because Jack Tripper just kept getting himself into one misunderstanding after another... and the Brady Bunch was a Christian show because it was about a family with way too many children.

... which is why I spit this venom at you.
I think that the decision to kill christians in Rome and Jews in Nazi Germany partly had to do with their high level of commitment to the religion for the sake of the faith with christians or the religion as a part of the ethnic identity of the people for Jews.

The power mad in charge of the society, were like can't reform them or bend them to our will - so kill them. That is what power can do. The nail that stands up gets hammered down.

Actually, most of the time it can work pretty well. There must be lots of peoples who are not here anymore or who are permanently weakened because the genocide was carried out successfully. It is almost like the characteristics of Judaism and Christianity are partially forged by the attempts at genociding them.
wtf - arabs are semites, too. i hate word games (pro-choice, pro-life, grande cups, etc). should i just go with 'anti-jewish' or is there are better word?

i grew up in the deep south. i had no conception of jews as a 'race' until i was in high school. in middle school history class, when we were talking about the holocaust, i actually asked my teacher, 'why didn't the jews just convert to christians?' and know what - teacher dodged the question. i didn't like the tv show seinfeld at all until someone told me he was jewish. then i thought about it and realize the humor was based on the old testament. the character would do some minor selfish wrong, then god would slap them down for it. seriously.

You mean the Torah?

Anyway, from the wikipedia article on Semitic people:

The terms "anti-Semite" or "antisemitism" came by a circuitous route to refer more narrowly to anyone who was hostile or discriminatory towards Jews in particular.[15]

Anthropologists of the 19th century such as Ernest Renan readily aligned linguistic groupings with ethnicity and culture, appealing to anecdote, science and folklore in their efforts to define racial character. Moritz Steinschneider, in his periodical of Jewish letters Hamaskir (3 (Berlin 1860), 16), discusses an article by Heymann Steinthal[16] criticising Renan's article "New Considerations on the General Character of the Semitic Peoples, In Particular Their Tendency to Monotheism".[17] Renan had acknowledged the importance of the ancient civilisations of Mesopotamia, Israel etc. but called the Semitic races inferior to the Aryan for their monotheism, which he held to arise from their supposed lustful, violent, unscrupulous and selfish racial instincts. Steinthal summed up these predispositions as "Semitism", and so Steinschneider characterised Renan's ideas as "anti-Semitic prejudice".[18]

In 1879 the German journalist Wilhelm Marr, in a pamphlet called Der Weg zum Siege des Germanenthums über das Judenthum ("The Way to Victory of Germanicism over Judaism"), began the politicisation of the term by speaking of a struggle between Jews and Germans. He accused them of being liberals, a people without roots who had Judaized Germans beyond salvation. In 1879 Marr's adherents founded the "League for Anti-Semitism"[19] which concerned itself entirely with anti-Jewish political action.

Objections to the usage of the term, such as the obsolete nature of the term Semitic as a racial term and the exclusion of discrimination against non-Jewish Semitic peoples, have been raised since at least the 1930s.
The odd association with being specifically anti-Jewish can be blamed on proto Nazi "thought" in Germany. Jews (and not Arabs) were a notable presence in Germany and thus they specifically (rather than Semites generally) were the targeting scapegoat. But "anti-jew" sounds like merely being opposed to their religious ideas, which didn't carry the kind of hate for their very essence as people that the proto-Nazis were going for...

This is how anti-semite came to mean being anti-Jewish in particular, and thus the very odd application of "anti-semite" to Arab semites who are anti-Jewish.

In reality, actual anti-semitism is a form of racist ideology that holds white Northern Europeans as superior, and is thus pretty much exclusive to right-wing ideology. Nearly every instance of liberals being charged with anti-semitism is merely anti-Israel policy, which isn't even anti-Jewish, let alone anti-semitic.
Just to elaborate: it is important to be clear that while the word "anti-semitism" has roots in specific Nazi ideas, the root of *those* ideas is very old in Europe. Indeed, I do not think the Germans were particularly anti-semitic people, at least when compared to the rest of Europe at the time. The Holocaust could have happened anywhere, indeed, less intense versions happened all throughout Europe going back to the Dark Ages. Germany after the Great War was in particularly dire straights, and it just so happened, as Germans are apt to do, the Nazis did it more effectively in the 1930s than similar episodes in Europe throughout history. But the basic pattern was the same: some disaster struck some European people, these people end up blaming the Jews (those people killed Jesus, after all), and then everyone gets together and kills some Jews. Fundamentally, the Christianity that spread through the Roman Empire and become the Roman Catholic Church was always anti-semitic. The Protestants that came later were just as much if not more violently anti-semitic.
The odd association with being specifically anti-Jewish can be blamed on proto Nazi "thought" in Germany. Jews (and not Arabs) were a notable presence in Germany and thus they specifically (rather than Semites generally) were the targeting scapegoat. But "anti-jew" sounds like merely being opposed to their religious ideas, which didn't carry the kind of hate for their very essence as people that the proto-Nazis were going for...

This is how anti-semite came to mean being anti-Jewish in particular, and thus the very odd application of "anti-semite" to Arab semites who are anti-Jewish.

In reality, actual anti-semitism is a form of racist ideology that holds white Northern Europeans as superior, and is thus pretty much exclusive to right-wing ideology. Nearly every instance of liberals being charged with anti-semitism is merely anti-Israel policy, which isn't even anti-Jewish, let alone anti-semitic.
Just to elaborate: it is important to be clear that while the word "anti-semitism" has roots in specific Nazi ideas, the root of *those* ideas is very old in Europe. Indeed, I do not think the Germans were particularly anti-semitic people, at least when compared to the rest of Europe at the time. The Holocaust could have happened anywhere, indeed, less intense versions happened all throughout Europe going back to the Dark Ages. Germany after the Great War was in particularly dire straights, and it just so happened, as Germans are apt to do, the Nazis did it more effectively in the 1930s than similar episodes in Europe throughout history. But the basic pattern was the same: some disaster struck some European people, these people end up blaming the Jews (those people killed Jesus, after all), and then everyone gets together and kills some Jews. Fundamentally, the Christianity that spread through the Roman Empire and become the Roman Catholic Church was always anti-semitic. The Protestants that came later were just as much if not more violently anti-semitic.

You really think the Nazis were religious? To preserve capitalism they picked on a group of people notable for being leaders (at least in popular propaganda) in both the revolutionary movement and capitalism, stole from them what they could and then, when freed by the war, murdered them in large numbers. Like the American Right, they believed deeply in 'race', and, like the Zionist, in the right of their own 'race' to murder every other, but they certainly didn't believe in Jesus.
You really think the Nazis were religious? To preserve capitalism they picked on a group of people notable for being leaders (at least in popular propaganda) in both the revolutionary movement and capitalism, stole from them what they could and then, when freed by the war, murdered them in large numbers. Like the American Right, they believed deeply in 'race', and, like the Zionist, in the right of their own 'race' to murder every other, but they certainly didn't believe in Jesus.

Just because their actions were very much not in accord with Jesus' teachings doesn't mean they weren't religious.

Most followers of Jesus aren't very much in accord with Jesus' teachings.
It sounds like the OP is asking for a word to use to express his hatred towards Jews without implying hatred towards other Semites.
I think the word the OP is seeking is "Kike".

did i not make it clear that i didn't even understand the idea of jewishness being anything other than a religion until i was in high school? deep south - there has never been any trace of anti-jewish feeling in my surroundings, i never heard an anti-jewish slur until i moved to LA.

so, if nazis invented 'antisemitism' isn't using the word promoting their agenda? i played the word game - i was part of QueerNation. for me, queer=any non standard sexuality. heteros into bdsm are queer.

i just basically hate McSpeak. when i go to burgerking, i order a hamburger. at starbucks (if i ever did), i get a medium coffee. i call fast food chains by (food)+hut. thus tacohut, fishhut, burgerhut and now coffeehut. oh, and the proper names are 'mal-wart' and 'homo despot'. fuck corporate capitalism.
In Germany, in 1938, there was a census, the last until after WW2. Only 5% of Germans did not describe themselves as Christian. And 2% of that were the Jews. The claims so often seen that the Germans abandoned Christianity during WW2 are false. They did in fact twist and distort it often, but never outright abandoned religion.
You really think the Nazis were religious? To preserve capitalism they picked on a group of people notable for being leaders (at least in popular propaganda) in both the revolutionary movement and capitalism, stole from them what they could and then, when freed by the war, murdered them in large numbers. Like the American Right, they believed deeply in 'race', and, like the Zionist, in the right of their own 'race' to murder every other, but they certainly didn't believe in Jesus.

Just because their actions were very much not in accord with Jesus' teachings doesn't mean they weren't religious.

Most followers of Jesus aren't very much in accord with Jesus' teachings.

You misphrase that. Most 'Christians' would have crucified Jesus much faster, particularly the American ones.

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In Germany, in 1938, there was a census, the last until after WW2. Only 5% of Germans did not describe themselves as Christian. And 2% of that were the Jews. The claims so often seen that the Germans abandoned Christianity during WW2 are false. They did in fact twist and distort it often, but never outright abandoned religion.

You think the Nazis gave a twopenny what the mugs said?