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Trump's Silent Endorsement of White Supremacists

The thing is, His Flatulence says whatever he thinks his audience wants to hear. Truth or his own feelings have little to do with this.
I think it's worse than that.
When little kids get caught stealing cookies, they know they'll be punished unless they can blame someone else. SO they concoct terrible stories about 'this man came in through the window' and since THIS story will save their ass, they WILL believe it. They will maintain that it's the truth, because this is the truth they need at that moment.

Trump will say whatever he thinks his audience wants to hear AND i believe that he believes it fully when he says it.

At least, the off-the-cuff, spittle-spreading statements that come from Trump. The crafted messages that other people convince him he has to say, the day-late explanations, those are things he can say without belief.
This is why he can insist 'I never said that' about things he said directly to a camera. Because at that point he realizes, 'it would be nice if i never said that, so therefore i never said that.'
The thing is, His Flatulence says whatever he thinks his audience wants to hear. Truth or his own feelings have little to do with this.
I think it's worse than that.
When little kids get caught stealing cookies, they know they'll be punished unless they can blame someone else. SO they concoct terrible stories about 'this man came in through the window' and since THIS story will save their ass, they WILL believe it. They will maintain that it's the truth, because this is the truth they need at that moment.

Trump will say whatever he thinks his audience wants to hear AND i believe that he believes it fully when he says it.

At least, the off-the-cuff, spittle-spreading statements that come from Trump. The crafted messages that other people convince him he has to say, the day-late explanations, those are things he can say without belief.
This is why he can insist 'I never said that' about things he said directly to a camera. Because at that point he realizes, 'it would be nice if i never said that, so therefore i never said that.'
I don't know what Trump truly believes, but I think the process is more he expects everyone to believe what he says because he said it.
You're either incredibly ignorant or a fascist. I'm betting the latter. It is painfully obvious that Trump is blaming the counter protestors as much as the fascists, KKK, and others who stand against everything that this country stands for. This isn't too hard. As has been pointed out many times he is all too happy to name names when he wants to. That he equated both sides is beyond the pale. And anyone who defends this is a cocksucking fascist. And someone who truly hates our freedoms. Now go away.


er, ahem, let me clear my throat from a bit of phlegm, or shocked upchuck or whatever; ahem again: there, now I can proceed, no: a pussy-grabbing fascist, perhaps--cocksucking has no particular relation to fascism--if anything is slightly negatively correlated with it.

I apologize to all cock suckers. I didn't mean to equate Trump with you. Please proceed with whatever you were doing.

You're either incredibly ignorant or a fascist. I'm betting the latter. It is painfully obvious that Trump is blaming the counter protestors as much as the fascists, KKK, and others who stand against everything that this country stands for. This isn't too hard. As has been pointed out many times he is all too happy to name names when he wants to. That he equated both sides is beyond the pale. And anyone who defends this is a cocksucking fascist. And someone who truly hates our freedoms. Now go away.


er, ahem, let me clear my throat from a bit of phlegm, or shocked upchuck or whatever; ahem again: there, now I can proceed, no: a pussy-grabbing fascist, perhaps--cocksucking has no particular relation to fascism--if anything is slightly negatively correlated with it.

Former fundraiser for the British communist party will be a better description if you're looking at politics with a leaning towards the left in the UK for mixed economies with emphasis on basic housing comprehensive health care (not modeled on any US one) and so forth. I only ever attended on Maoist meeting however.

The condemnation covered all parties thus not itemizing them in a list would not of reduced the meaning and intent of what was said.

However if we were members of the Red Guards during the 1970s, and such groups were not condemned individually several times in different ways he would have been deemed to be silently supporting these groups
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I think it's worse than that.
When little kids get caught stealing cookies, they know they'll be punished unless they can blame someone else. SO they concoct terrible stories about 'this man came in through the window' and since THIS story will save their ass, they WILL believe it. They will maintain that it's the truth, because this is the truth they need at that moment.

Trump will say whatever he thinks his audience wants to hear AND i believe that he believes it fully when he says it.

At least, the off-the-cuff, spittle-spreading statements that come from Trump. The crafted messages that other people convince him he has to say, the day-late explanations, those are things he can say without belief.
This is why he can insist 'I never said that' about things he said directly to a camera. Because at that point he realizes, 'it would be nice if i never said that, so therefore i never said that.'
I don't know what Trump truly believes, but I think the process is more he expects everyone to believe what he says because he said it.

Sounds like a politician. His business background gave him a bit of a background to start with.
I don't know what Trump truly believes, but I think the process is more he expects everyone to believe what he says because he said it.

Trump believes in nothing. If you realize that, it all comes into place.
I don't know what Trump truly believes, but I think the process is more he expects everyone to believe what he says because he said it.

Trump believes in nothing. If you realize that, it all comes into place.

He believes in enriching himself at whatever expense. Know that and it all makes sense.
Trump believes in nothing. If you realize that, it all comes into place.

He believes in enriching himself at whatever expense. Know that and it all makes sense.
True, but I think he also needs to feed his ego/insecurities about as much as his luv of wealth and his displaying of it. The truth is just a trifle to a narcissist like Don the Con, he'll use it when convenient and when it will help his goals/mood, and cast it aside otherwise like a used tissue.
I don't know what Trump truly believes, but I think the process is more he expects everyone to believe what he says because he said it.

Trump believes in nothing. If you realize that, it all comes into place.
I was speaking about verifiable statements, like people called Trump and said it was the best speech ever. I don't know if Trump actually believes that or whether he just expects people to believe it because he said so.
Hence the businessman and the politician. Both are normally after popularity.

WUT? Did you say something, or just pen the first meaningless phrases that came to mind?
I get the distinct impression that you have no position on anything that you'd be willing to try to defend rationally - just an endless number of versions of "yabut".
Do you deny that the popularity of a president is highly important to said president's reelection?
Here is Trump in 2016 refusing to disavow David Duke:

Trump refused to condemn that endorsement or say he didn't want the support of white supremacists — four times.

"I don't know anything about David Duke. I don't know what you're even talking about with white supremacy or white supremacist. I don't know. I don't know, did he endorse me, or what's going on?" he said. That prompted a back-and-forth that went, in part:

Trump: I don't know what group you're talking about. You wouldn't want me to condemn a group that I know nothing about. ... If you would send me a list of the groups, I will do research on them and certainly I would disavow them if I thought there was something wrong.
Tapper: The Ku Klux Klan?
Trump: You may have groups in there that are totally fine and it would be very unfair. So give me a list of the groups and I'll let you know.
Tapper: I'm just talking about David Duke and the Ku Klux Klan here.
Trump: Honestly, I don't know David Duke.

That's not speaking out against him. That's pretending not to know who David Duke, or even the KKK, is.
I've seen some of the interviews, I don't need also a partisan recounting.

- - - Updated - - -

Here is Trump in 2016 refusing to disavow David Duke:

That's not speaking out against him. That's pretending not to know who David Duke, or even the KKK, is.

Fifteen years ago, when Trump was flirting with a White House bid as a Reform Party candidate, he named Duke as a cause of concern at least three times.

Trump is a liar and a cheat - always has been, always will be.
I definitely agree with this.
WUT? Did you say something, or just pen the first meaningless phrases that came to mind?
I get the distinct impression that you have no position on anything that you'd be willing to try to defend rationally - just an endless number of versions of "yabut".
Do you deny that the popularity of a president is highly important to said president's reelection?

Look Sharon - I'm a businessman. But not a lying sleazebag like Cheato. I don't lie, break contracts and dare people to sue if they don't like being stiffed.
To your question though - I can only HOPE that popularity might better correspond with electability next time. Last time, Cheato lost the popular vote, yet ended up in office. Republican gerrymandering, their fake news, and help from Russian trolls, bots and financiers helped make that possible, and they'll do it again if Cheato gets his way.
I disagree. While he might very well be a racist I do not think this is evidence.

The thing is, His Flatulence says whatever he thinks his audience wants to hear. Truth or his own feelings have little to do with this. He knows a decent amount of his base is racists, thus he's going to avoid criticizing the racists unless really pushed.
Yes, politically beneficial.
Do you deny that the popularity of a president is highly important to said president's reelection?

I don't lie, break contracts and dare people to sue if they don't like being stiffed.
Now, please don't take this the wrong way, but you are hardly going to admit that you do otherwise, right? This is going to be much more so for a very public businessman and politician.
To your question though - I can only HOPE that popularity might better correspond with electability next time. Last time, Cheato lost the popular vote, yet ended up in office. Republican gerrymandering, their fake news, and help from Russian trolls, bots and financiers helped make that possible, and they'll do it again if Cheato gets his way.
The left needs to also stop playing the victim of the right and seriously get a candidate that will bring the party and the American people together a lot better than last round.
er, ahem, let me clear my throat from a bit of phlegm, or shocked upchuck or whatever; ahem again: there, now I can proceed, no: a pussy-grabbing fascist, perhaps--cocksucking has no particular relation to fascism--if anything is slightly negatively correlated with it.

Disagree. There's no way His Flatulence is a cocksucker. He wouldn't do something for someone else's pleasure!
He's defending the neo nazi's


It's getting really bizarre.

Can you point out exactly where he defended Nazis. It is clear that from his first speech he condemned all involved but did not specify which groups (on both sides).

The press may do a spin on it but also it is a long process to specify each group that was involved.
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