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Boy stabs girl up to 11 times for rejection

Yes, calling people worthless losers is going to discourage then from committing this sort of atrocity.

Ya, and the girl probably should have worn a burka and agreed to have sex with him. The important thing is that we put the blame everywhere except on the killer. I'm sure he's a fine person.
Yes, calling people worthless losers is going to discourage then from committing this sort of atrocity.

Ya, and the girl probably should have worn a burka and agreed to have sex with him. The important thing is that we put the blame everywhere except on the killer. I'm sure he's a fine person.
The good news is she isn't dead. That is the extent of the good news in this story.
Yes, calling people worthless losers is going to discourage then from committing this sort of atrocity.
Some teen stabbed a girl over ten times because she refused to date him. That is some seriously dangerous sense of entitlement. And you are worried about... I'm not certain what you are worried about. Seem to be going out of your way to be all passive aggressive here.
I wasn't aware of this site until recently: incels.me Others may have been. I took a gander, I've become bewildered with "incels" since that Toronto attack.

There's this one "incel" complaining about that specific forum because they wont let him join: http://www.sciforums.com/threads/angry-and-hating-incel-forum-incels-me-trash.161135/ which is how I found out the site existed in the first place.

Anyway, the real fucked up part, apart the Elliot Rodger worship, is the forum statistics itself. I mean WTF?
I wasn't aware of this site until recently: incels.me Others may have been. I took a gander, I've become bewildered with "incels" since that Toronto attack.

There's this one "incel" complaining about that specific forum because they wont let him join: http://www.sciforums.com/threads/angry-and-hating-incel-forum-incels-me-trash.161135/ which is how I found out the site existed in the first place.

Anyway, the real fucked up part, apart the Elliot Rodger worship, is the forum statistics itself. I mean WTF?

Even potentially weirder, unless I am mistaken, there's a senior member there, since 2009, who has your profile pic and name!

ps the one they won't let join is apparently a female, like yourself.

Whoops. The link was to your sciforum not to incel.me

Aargh. Lol. Apologies. I thought I had rumbled a very stupid person there. :(
I wasn't aware of this site until recently: incels.me Others may have been. I took a gander, I've become bewildered with "incels" since that Toronto attack.

There's this one "incel" complaining about that specific forum because they wont let him join: http://www.sciforums.com/threads/angry-and-hating-incel-forum-incels-me-trash.161135/ which is how I found out the site existed in the first place.

Anyway, the real fucked up part, apart the Elliot Rodger worship, is the forum statistics itself. I mean WTF?

Even potentially weirder, unless I am mistaken, there's a senior member there, since 2009, who has your profile pic and name!

ps the one they won't let join is apparently a female, like yourself.

No, on sciforums I talk about bigfoot http://www.sciforums.com/threads/how-to-hunt-bigfoot-in-washington-state.161138/page-3#post-3539021 and cat metaphysics http://www.sciforums.com/threads/sc...hat’s-not-a-joke.160736/page-103#post-3538938 lol

I wouldn't join an incel site
I wasn't aware of this site until recently: incels.me Others may have been. I took a gander, I've become bewildered with "incels" since that Toronto attack.

There's this one "incel" complaining about that specific forum because they wont let him join: http://www.sciforums.com/threads/angry-and-hating-incel-forum-incels-me-trash.161135/ which is how I found out the site existed in the first place.

Anyway, the real fucked up part, apart the Elliot Rodger worship, is the forum statistics itself. I mean WTF?
You'll need to post that info, no way in heck am I visiting a hate site.

I hope I didn't trigger JP with that comment.

FYI, the article does indicate there is no indication the teen in the stabbing case knew that the incel movement existed, forget about participating in it, so while this is an incel attack, he likely wasn't part of the movement and was a lone wolf who thought a girl dared him into doing this by rejecting him.

And how twisted is it that I'm somewhat grateful that it was just a knife attack, that the wounds will heal unlike the wounds from an acid attack. There are some seriously entitled boys out there in this world.

Ziprhead, where are you? Good news, bad news. There is a way we can increase membership at this board... but... umm...
Yes, calling people worthless losers is going to discourage then from committing this sort of atrocity.
Some teen stabbed a girl over ten times because she refused to date him. That is some seriously dangerous sense of entitlement.

It is a seriously dangerous sense of entitlement, of mental instability and of worthlessness. Calling him and others who may be on the edge of doing the same worthless doesn't help. It is also a serious failure of security and of identification of potential threats.

And you are worried about... I'm not certain what you are worried about.

It happening again. You apparently don't share that concern. Goading them by calling them losers for being incels rather than encouraging them to measure their self worth in other ways does not do anything but encourage this to re-occur. And noting this isn't absolving this boy of responsibility or blaming the girl. Neither will ever read this thread.
It is a seriously dangerous sense of entitlement, of mental instability and of worthlessness. Calling him and others who may be on the edge of doing the same worthless doesn't help.
Well, it sure is a good thing that Underseer is no longer running that Organization that reaches out to males that fall into the incel movement.
It is also a serious failure of security and of identification of potential threats.
That is so cute! You think there is a red flag for this type of attack. I'm sure where you live, where men compliment men on their looks, the adults / teachers would have known immediately that when they heard he was rejected by this girl that they would have had the insight to know he was going to stab the girl repeatedly... and would have stopped it.

But in the real world, the one the rest of us live in, this stuff can happen because it wasn't foreseeable. These types of incidents can happen because the teens don't wear a shirt that reads, "I just dare you to say no to me".

And you are worried about... I'm not certain what you are worried about.
It happening again. You apparently don't share that concern.
You seriously going there?
Goading them by calling them losers for being incels rather than encouraging them to measure their self worth in other ways does not do anything but encourage this to re-occur.
They are losers for being incels. They aren't losers for having trouble connecting with the other sex. The first is a choice, the later is not. Being an incel isn't about being depressed about how life is, it is about being angry to the point of hateful rage and feeling the world owes you something. Such behavior shouldn't be coddled.

And noting this isn't absolving this boy of responsibility or blaming the girl. Neither will ever read this thread.
Funny, you seem to want to make an exception there because they won't read this thread, much as the incels won't read this thread, but won't extend Underseer this courtesy.
Fwiw, I personally do tend towards having some sympathy for the boys and men who do such things, or feel the want to, or just can't get a partner, and have anger about that, or what have you, and I say this as a father of two daughters, no sons. Yes, it's really awful, especially if acted out like in the OP (or similar, and there are many examples).

I'm generalising, obviously. In some cases it may be down to a sense of entitlement, or personality disorder or....lots of things.

I can't say exactly how much sympathy I would have for this particular boy because I don't know him. This sympathy is separate from my feelings about the girl. She could have been one of my own daughters. I'd be traumatised and outraged. The parents must be horrified but relieved she's more or less ok, even if only physically. The boy should be punished in some way, and helped too, if it's possible.
It is a seriously dangerous sense of entitlement, of mental instability and of worthlessness. Calling him and others who may be on the edge of doing the same worthless doesn't help. It is also a serious failure of security and of identification of potential threats.

And you are worried about... I'm not certain what you are worried about.

It happening again. You apparently don't share that concern. Goading them by calling them losers for being incels rather than encouraging them to measure their self worth in other ways does not do anything but encourage this to re-occur. And noting this isn't absolving this boy of responsibility or blaming the girl. Neither will ever read this thread.

Are you only on about this incident?

As I don't think the girls and women killed by incels were able, to say, turn the other cheek.
Goading them by calling them losers for being incels rather than encouraging them to measure their self worth in other ways does not do anything but encourage this to re-occur.
They are losers for being incels. They aren't losers for having trouble connecting with the other sex. The first is a choice, the later is not. Being an incel isn't about being depressed about how life is, it is about being angry to the point of hateful rage and feeling the world owes you something. Such behavior shouldn't be coddled.

Mix in a pinch of testosterone, a less than stable mind, and a society that constantly calls them losers and encourages them to measure self worth based on attention from females and the one can very quickly lead to the other. And no, it isn't about entitlement. If it was about entitlement it would be rape. And if these guys raped someone that wouldn't solve their sense of worthlessness anyway, nor will hookers, which is why legalized prostitution (which I do support) is not the answer to this.

It is about a feeling of worthlessness resulting from judging themselves and finding themselves to be failures and losers; exactly what the OP is feeding into. And some of these guys take this in to the point of an outward and defensive sense of hatred and bitterness against others. That happens with more than just incels. It happens with a lot of people, who blame the other for their failures, and some of them become violent. You can see the same thing happening in racism (since that's a common topic on this board). He wasn't stabbing that girl because he truly felt entitled to her love or her body. This isn't date rape. It is actually the opposite. He was stabbing that girl because she came to represent in his mind his own worthlessness, so he felt the need to destroy that manifestation. People like this need to be encouraged not to judge themselves based on the number of women they have slept with. They don't need to be encouraged to continue to see themselves as losers.

And I know you will presume that it does, but no, none of the above absolves them of any responsibility. They ARE to blame for their actions and should be made an example of.

PS - I have noticed a trend in many on this board of binary or partisan thinking. If you point out a flaw in one side, you must be firmly on the other side. If you criticize something person A writes in her attack on person B, you must be defending person B. It is lazy thinking.

- - - Updated - - -

Are you only on about this incident?

No. I would like to do all we can to prevent future incidents. I would hope that you do too.

Ziprhead, where are you? Good news, bad news. There is a way we can increase membership at this board... but... umm...


That should help increase hits by the search engines.
Yes, calling people worthless losers is going to discourage then from committing this sort of atrocity.

Ya, and the girl probably should have worn a burka and agreed to have sex with him. The important thing is that we put the blame everywhere except on the killer. I'm sure he's a fine person.

Well, when someone comes in here and supports the "killer" I intend to respond with strong disagreement to that position.
Mix in a pinch of testosterone, a less than stable mind, and a society that constantly calls them losers and encourages them to measure self worth based on attention from females and the one can very quickly lead to the other.
They aren't called losers in India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan where they throw acid at females for saying no. So, the loser angle isn't what you think it is.
And no, it isn't about entitlement.
It very much is about entitlement. This boy felt entitled to a relationship with that girl.
If it was about entitlement it would be rape.
And the basis for that claim is...?
And if these guys raped someone that wouldn't solve their sense of worthlessness anyway, nor will hookers, which is why legalized prostitution (which I do support) is not the answer to this.
Especially seeing that this person was a teenaged male.

It is about a feeling of worthlessness resulting from judging themselves and finding themselves to be failures and losers; exactly what the OP is feeding into. And some of these guys take this in to the point of an outward and defensive sense of hatred and bitterness against others. That happens with more than just incels. It happens with a lot of people, who blame the other for their failures, and some of them become violent. You can see the same thing happening in racism (since that's a common topic on this board). He wasn't stabbing that girl because he truly felt entitled to her love or her body. This isn't date rape.
It was attempt of fucking murder. It was saying "If I can't have you, no one will! I am your god, die bitch die!" I'm sorry you can't understand the psychology behind his action and how unbelievably about entitlement this is.

PS - I have noticed a trend in many on this board of binary or partisan thinking. If you point out a flaw in one side, you must be firmly on the other side. If you criticize something person A writes in her attack on person B, you must be defending person B. It is lazy thinking.
I don't think your posting is lazy, I just think that you are working a bit too hard to make a counter argument.

- - - Updated - - -

Are you only on about this incident?
No. I would like to do all we can to prevent future incidents. I would hope that you do too.
My eyeballs just barfed. I'm going to have to stop wearing contacts.
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