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First they came for the anti-fascists

What exactly are antifa zealously prejudiced against? The KKK?

Anyone right of centre. No, strike that. Anyone not in 100% agreement with Antifa violence. As I wrote above, the vast majority targeted by these violent zealots are not KKK, are not nazis, are not even white supremacists. That's the problem. You're seeing in binary.

It's not about violence

Its about mob violence.

otherwise you wouldn't rush to the defense of cops, military personnel, insurance companies, corporations, bureaucrats, and YES, NAZIS, when they inflict incredible violence on us all as a civilization with impunity.

Citation needed. Where did I rush to the defence of any of this?

Yours is a position impossible to falsify: it will never be the case that fascism is an actual threat, and even if it were, it will never be the case that rational discussion is inadequate to stem the tide.

Fascism is always a threat. What you don't realize is that by for pushing for violence, you are pushing for, not against, such fascism. You are recruiting for them. They grow more powerful every time you give them a threat to point at and support their narrative with.

Despite history providing zero examples of ascendant fascism being defeated by civility

Fascism is defeated by civility daily. When fascism is defeated by civility it doesn't make for a historic war. Those are the failures when it was sucessfuly shoved aside.

What you present as an aversion to violence in all forms is actually a real disdain for the working class, the poor, and anybody who has been left behind by the same system now being taken over by Pepe the Frog and his clown brigade of race realists.

LMAO! Pepe the Frog eh? Free Kekistan? You're a laugh.
Because he thinks people fighting against nazis and fascists are just as bad as the nazis and fascists themselves.

Nope. Everyone advocating violence against speech is on low ground.

I think you need to practice your reading comprehension. Everyoe being on low ground doesn't mean some aren't lower than others.
Antifa <-- we have to arrest them as terrorists.
Nazis <-- we have to Love them until they change.

Antifa <-- we have to arrest them as terrorists.
Nazis <-- we have to Love them until they change.


Yes your ability to mischaracterize is impressive.

Hello! You are in a thread about a new law to make group membership in antifa a terrorist act. You've not only been completely silent on the validity of the law, you've spent all your time failing to address it, instead providing cover for Trump's new law, while only mentioning how you want to love nazis. If you actually want to provide arguments that don't provide cover for the invalidity of the law or the violent nature of nazis, then all you had to do is say you don't believe in the law or that all antifa members are violent. Hey, you could have even come out as a skeptic. You can still say something. In fact. But you don't seem to want to.
Your ability to mischaracterize is impressive indeed. I spoke against violence. That applies across the board. I did not say we should love Nazis. Of course I don't support a law such as this. But also of course I speak against Antifa VIOLENCE, as I wrote above. That by definition does not apply to anybody who says they are Antifa but do not support violence.

Seriously, WTF do you expect people to write in response to people in this thread endorsing violence? When we say violence is not the way, and that hate begets hate, to you that means we endorse Nazis (who promote hate; the opposite of what you actually read)? Come off it. Your ability to mischaracterize is through the roof.
What is consistently being overlooked by your side here is that Obama didn't really have a choice. He was faced with a bunch of minors--it would be illegal for CBP to have released them as there was no guardian to release them to.

His Flatulence is doing it even when there are guardians, his intent is punitive.

Please save the fascist apologist for some right wing site.

Now you're on the list of people who get punched.

How about addressing the point?

In the US you have to release a minor to a guardian, not simply onto the streets. That leaves no options but to detain them if there is no available guardian.
What is consistently being overlooked by your side here is that Obama didn't really have a choice. He was faced with a bunch of minors--it would be illegal for CBP to have released them as there was no guardian to release them to.

His Flatulence is doing it even when there are guardians, his intent is punitive.

Please save the fascist apologist for some right wing site.

Now you're on the list of people who get punched.

How about addressing the point?

In the US you have to release a minor to a guardian, not simply onto the streets. That leaves no options but to detain them if there is no available guardian.

The point is if you defend putting kids in Japanese internment camps you’re a fascist and get punched.
I would like to point out that Nazis are a subset of Fascists, that there are Fascists who aren't Nazis. Neither Mussolini nor Franco were Nazis.

So I guess we're back to Square#1 here. The usual suspects will continue to be critical of antifa group membership and be silent on arresting group members as terrorists, while these usual suspects continue to preach about Love when it comes to Nazi membership.

I don't see anyone preaching love for Nazis. Even when LD made his defense of Hitler, he made it a "he is less bad" defense.

You know, it is possible for two things to be bad at the same time. That is why there are many people who oppose fascism who aren't antifa.
I did not say we should love Nazis.

Yes, you did.

Jolly_Penguin said:
Cries for violence from the left will only escalate and elevate Trump. Williamson (and maybe Jesus?) were right about this. Love, not hate, is what defeats hate.

Love Nazis like Jesus would, don't hate them like Antifa does.

If you didn't mean Love when you wrote Love, just say you mispoke and meant "Complacency or Tepid Feelings will defeat Nazis, not hate."
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Anti-Fascist Protection Rampart (Antifaschistischer Schutzwall)


Sadly, it looks like the fascists won.

What is consistently being overlooked by your side here is that Obama didn't really have a choice. He was faced with a bunch of minors--it would be illegal for CBP to have released them as there was no guardian to release them to.

His Flatulence is doing it even when there are guardians, his intent is punitive.

Please save the fascist apologist for some right wing site.

Now you're on the list of people who get punched.

How about addressing the point?

In the US you have to release a minor to a guardian, not simply onto the streets. That leaves no options but to detain them if there is no available guardian.

Loren is absolutely right about this.

There was a sudden spike in the number of unaccompanied minors arriving at the border during the Obama Administration. The government suddenly had the responsibility to house, feed, clothe, and care for them while their applications for admittance were processed and guardians for them found. Did it do an awesome, amazingly wonderful job? No. But here's the difference: the Obama Administration wasn't creating and adding to the problem by separating children from their parents. It wasn't cruelly punishing them and their families as a deterrent to other would-be migrants. It wasn't carelessly, thoughtlessly, or deliberately forcing them to live in squalor, on short rations, depriving them of sleep and medical care and clean clothes and basic necessities. It wasn't putting sick toddlers in the care of 12 year olds as a matter of course.

There is a huge difference between what happened then and what is happening now because of why it happened/is happening.
How about addressing the point?

In the US you have to release a minor to a guardian, not simply onto the streets. That leaves no options but to detain them if there is no available guardian.

Loren is absolutely right about this.

There was a sudden spike in the number of unaccompanied minors arriving at the border during the Obama Administration. The government suddenly had the responsibility to house, feed, clothe, and care for them while their applications for admittance were processed and guardians for them found. Did it do an awesome, amazingly wonderful job? No. But here's the difference: the Obama Administration wasn't creating and adding to the problem by separating children from their parents. It wasn't cruelly punishing them and their families as a deterrent to other would-be migrants. It wasn't carelessly, thoughtlessly, or deliberately forcing them to live in squalor, on short rations, depriving them of sleep and medical care and clean clothes and basic necessities. It wasn't putting sick toddlers in the care of 12 year olds as a matter of course.

There is a huge difference between what happened then and what is happening now because of why it happened/is happening.

And now there is an incentive to bring children along whether they're your children or not. Well done.

Migrants apprehended at border are 'recycling' children to appear as a family, officials say

Border Patrol officials say transnational criminal organizations orchestrate the practice, so they can profit from smuggling migrants into the United States, which helps migrants skirt the immigration process through fraud.

But, hey, what's wrong with a little human trafficking?
And now there is an incentive to bring children along whether they're your children or not. Well done.

Migrants apprehended at border are 'recycling' children to appear as a family, officials say

Border Patrol officials say transnational criminal organizations orchestrate the practice, so they can profit from smuggling migrants into the United States, which helps migrants skirt the immigration process through fraud.

But, hey, what's wrong with a little human trafficking?

You need to ask?

WRT the OP: Ted Cruz's proposed legislation is absolutely bass-ackward. Antifa aren't killing Americans, the ones they oppose are. No doubt the Breitbart-backed alt-right Republicans love it, but I wonder why Cruz chose this moment to introduce it. Think he might be angling for their support if Trump flames out before the Republican Convention?
And now there is an incentive to bring children along whether they're your children or not. Well done.

Migrants apprehended at border are 'recycling' children to appear as a family, officials say

Border Patrol officials say transnational criminal organizations orchestrate the practice, so they can profit from smuggling migrants into the United States, which helps migrants skirt the immigration process through fraud.

But, hey, what's wrong with a little human trafficking?

You need to ask?

WRT the OP: Ted Cruz's proposed legislation is absolutely bass-ackward. Antifa aren't killing Americans, the ones they oppose are. No doubt the Breitbart-backed alt-right Republicans love it, but I wonder why Cruz chose this moment to introduce it. Think he might be angling for their support if Trump flames out before the Republican Convention?

I can't help but wonder if this isn't more MS-13 or voter fraud.

The GOP has a history of sensationalizing non-existent or minor threats "Big Deal"s that work their base into a lather.

And lo, I read the article, and it embeds exactly this criticism: that a few examples are being inflated to create the image of a problem much larger than exists in reality, especially when, like voter fraud, the risk to the asset is high and the benefit to the handler is low.

So, just another example of lying for Republican Racist Jesus.
Your ability to mischaracterize is impressive indeed.
I think what he meant was that all you are doing is derailing the thread with your continual screed of people at TF are "endorsing violence" banter and it'd be nice if you were discussing the actual topic of the thread.
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