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Emily Lake
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    • Emily Lake
      Emily Lake replied to the thread Racism And Kamala Harris.
      The Democratic Party might represent inclusion and compassion on paper... but its supporters don't seem even remotely shy about wearing...
    • Emily Lake
      Emily Lake reacted to hurtinbuckaroo's post in the thread Racism And Kamala Harris with Haha Haha.
      That would have been awesome. Biden could have sent him to Ukraine to gather first-hand information about Russian bombing of civilians.
    • Emily Lake
      Emily Lake replied to the thread Racism And Kamala Harris.
      I know you're the forum owner and all, but I would expect that you are still bound by the same forum rules, and thus shouldn't be making...
    • Emily Lake
      Emily Lake replied to the thread Racism And Kamala Harris.
      *Some* of the republican party platform family values, just as *some* of the democratic party platform the elimination of the police and...
    • Emily Lake
      Emily Lake replied to the thread Racism And Kamala Harris.
      What are you going to do? I'm not okay with it. I've never suggested that I am. On the other hand, you seem quite happy to assume...
    • Emily Lake
      Emily Lake replied to the thread Racism And Kamala Harris.
      Well... except for you know, prior to the civil war, and those pesky southern democrats in the 60's. But you know, they've totally been...
    • Emily Lake
      Emily Lake reacted to Tigers!'s post in the thread Racism And Kamala Harris with Like Like.
      Unfortunately that does not say much about the integrity of the whole VP selection circus process itself. Perhaps it is time for a new...
    • Emily Lake
      Emily Lake replied to the thread Breakdown In Civil Order.
      Because he has aspirations to be President someday, and he's realized that his policies are both ineffective and unpopular.
    • Emily Lake
      Emily Lake replied to the thread Racism And Kamala Harris.
      Well that's a dumb take. The american people didn't actually get a choice about who Biden selected as his running mate. It was a...
    • Emily Lake
      Emily Lake replied to the thread Racism And Kamala Harris.
      No, of course they're not relevant. On the other hand, I don't think that any mention of her being a DEI hire is necessarily racist or...
    • Emily Lake
      Emily Lake replied to the thread Racism And Kamala Harris.
      Why do you think that? What supports your speculation?
    • Emily Lake
      Emily Lake replied to the thread Racism And Kamala Harris.
      Oh FFS. I don't think Harris is incompetent - nor have I said so at any fucking point. I'm so incredibly sick of this bullshit where...
    • Emily Lake
      Emily Lake replied to the thread The Race For 2024.
      Neither ignorant nor bullshitting. But definitely a very poorly expressed sentiment written in a hurry and extremely misleading on my...
    • Emily Lake
      Emily Lake replied to the thread The Race For 2024.
      There are tons of people that most reasonable folks wouldn't support, but who are still not actually disqualified.
    • Emily Lake
      Emily Lake replied to the thread Racism And Kamala Harris.
      Some people are idiots. Are you under the impression that I dispute that? On the other hand... there are a great many people who do...
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