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Recent content by Infinite Monkey

  1. I

    The Rational Atheist

    Is it necessary to conclude that? All I ever had to do was conclude that I don't personally believe they do. I'm not sure how rationality affects lack of belief. The best "rational" reason I can think of for that is that a lack of belief in one thing frees up my thoughts and time for things that...
  2. I

    The Rational Atheist

    There's something a bit interesting about this question in that it involves self-applying the quality of rationality to the entirety of the person answering it. Nobody's completely rational- we have access to rationality, but only filtered through subjective experience. Am I a rational atheist...
  3. I

    What would make you religious?

    You asked the wrong question in that you're ignoring or trying to conflate the difference between "converting" as a sort of performance, and "converting" as a literal change in beliefs and convictions. I tried to answer earlier assuming you meant the first type of conversion. In both...
  4. I

    What would make you religious?

    I don't think I have too many skills that would be useful to a religious organization as a permanent employee, but I have done work for religion-related clients who didn't require conversion for contract work, luckily. I suppose it would depend on whether there were demands on my time outside...
  5. I

    Is there a God of atheism?

    It's a fair point, but yeah, I was talking about the offerings/promises of the religion itself. But it would be interesting if Unknown Soldier left Christianity due to a less-than-adequate gift shop.
  6. I

    Is there a God of atheism?

    Did the Catholic church promise you these things? What do you mean by that? Did they promise you, personally, would encounter Mary? Or were they examples of events to have faith in? "Products"? Bizarre term for sightings of Mary.
  7. I

    Is there a God of atheism?

    I was raised Catholic, and we were definitely never promised miracles. Or revelation. Perhaps you just went to the wrong church.
  8. I

    Ray Comfort on the stupidity of atheism/atheists

    It's been a couple years since I've been active on this forum, and when I come back I immediately see this exquisitely funny post? I should not have stayed away so long. Well, if you would like actual answers to your questions, you should devise a scientific experiment to find them. A...
  9. I

    Religious arguments and analogies that really bother you

    Because it's ubiquitous and polyglottal. Like donkeyballs. I hope someone gets that reference.
  10. I

    Syed's Mega-Thread

    Nonsense. Think of all the most evil societies you can come up with. Societies full of people with immense power to inflict cruelty and misery on others, and who have no hesitation to do so. I'm willing to bet every single one of them were clothed and literate. Not only that, they were likely...
  11. I

    Syed's Mega-Thread

    This is an interesting point. Syed seems to think that the only relationship a modern society could have with a tribal one is where we teach them our ways, and they listen. Any group of two cultures has much to learn from each other. I don't want to change people to be more like me, I want to...
  12. I

    Syed's Mega-Thread

    Yeah, I'm Canadian. I'm going to have to remember what vaguely-car-shaped lump of snow is mine tonight after work and dig it out, and clothes definitely help for this. Definitely doesn't feel "civilized" though to have to scrape ice off your windshield. Peacefully fishing naked on a tropical...
  13. I

    Syed's Mega-Thread

    You say that as a joke, but do you really think a peaceful world full of nudists would be a bad thing?
  14. I

    Syed's Mega-Thread

    Show them examples of the benefits of literacy- "lead" by example. At the very least, the idea of preserving oral histories and traditions seems to be pretty universally appealing to humans. I might also show them, however, how technologically advanced, literate societies tend to destroy the...
  15. I

    DERAIL: So the Crucifixion - What's up with that?

    Between my snarky reply to an old post and the smiley comment, I think I was just being grouchy this morning. You're clearly a really hoopy frood.
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