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Recent content by maurile

  1. M

    Jordan Peterson and Lindsay Shepher meet in Crowder: Perfect Right Wing Propaganda

    I just watched the video. I don’t know anything about Crowder — never heard of him before. I agree that this particular issue makes the left look bad, but I wouldn’t say it’s Crowder making the left look bad; I’d say it’s certain people on the left taking an unreasonable position that makes the...
  2. M

    Should you vote for your party’s candidate even if he is reprehensible?

    I kind of agree with most of your post, but not the thread title. I think people should vote for the best candidate all things considered. Party doesn’t necessarily have much to do with it. Even if everyone cared only about a candidate’s policy positions and not his personal qualities, it’s easy...
  3. M

    Is it racist for a prostitute to reject black men?

    Most variations of this question seem pretty easy. (She can reject costars if her contract says she can. If it says she can’t, she can either accept the costar or she can quit. If she quits, she might have to pay damages.) The most interesting variation of this question I can think of would be...
  4. M

    The criminalization of life

    It's per day, although it seems more like a wild guess than a careful estimate. I think a fairly common felony is throwing away misdelivered junk mail.
  5. M

    Support GMO foods

    Some here may be familiar with potholer54's terrific series of videos on Creationism, and then subsequently on climate change. He's got one now on GMOs. Genetic Modification -- science vs belief
  6. M

    Justice Stevens: six amendments of the US Constitution

    If he wants the Amendment to overturn Citizens United, he should probably add "or on electioneering communications" to the end of it. I don't think it's at all clear that Hillary: The Movie would be deemed part of an election campaign.
  7. M

    Is it racist for a prostitute to reject black men?

    I believe coloradoatheist is referring to a situation in which no services have actually been rendered, in which case the answer is no.
  8. M

    Is it racist for a prostitute to reject black men?

    All I can say is that if you find sex unexceptional, there's a chance you're doing it wrong. :P
  9. M

    Is it racist for a prostitute to reject black men?

    My belief that sex is exceptional isn't an arbitrary premise; it's an informed observation. The fact that most people consider it to be exceptionally personal and intimate is probably why prostitution is (generally) illegal in the first place.
  10. M

    Is it racist for a prostitute to reject black men?

    I can't tell if that's a yes or a no. Prostitution, and regulations regarding it, are self-evidently about both sex and business. The reason prostitution should be treated differently from other businesses is because of the sex aspect. The business of sex is different from the business of...
  11. M

    Is it racist for a prostitute to reject black men?

    And you don't think the state's refusal to allow you to be legally employed as a prostitute (based on the fact that you racially discriminate) counts as penalizing you? If you do think it counts as penalizing you, I have no idea how I'm misrepresenting your position. Can you clarify? If you...
  12. M

    Is it racist for a prostitute to reject black men?

    Thanks. I agree that what the law is in any given jurisdiction is irrelevant to what the law should be. I made a quick case for what I think the law should be in post #506, and you responded in posts #508 and #511 appearing to say what the law is -- though seeming to get it wrong, for the most...
  13. M

    Is it racist for a prostitute to reject black men?

    I am aware of lots of anti-discrimination laws that do not apply to individual prostitutes. You're saying that you're aware of some that do, but you're not going to tell me where? Not even a hint? Say, for example, that you (mistakenly) have Nevada in mind, or Australia. The reason you're not...
  14. M

    Is it racist for a prostitute to reject black men?

    Are we? Which law? You keep posting as if anti-discrimination laws apply to individual prostitutes. Do you have a jurisdiction in mind where that's true? I'm genuinely curious.
  15. M

    Is it racist for a prostitute to reject black men?

    Do you have a particular jurisdiction in mind where a prostitute's refusal to accept black clients constitutes illegal behavior? As I said before, I don't know of any.
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