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    • RIS
      RIS replied to the thread Do Gods Exist?.
      What the hell does this have to do - with anything?
    • RIS
      RIS replied to the thread Do Gods Exist?.
      Why not? The question was intended to establish if gods exist. It didn't specifically mention any of that, so why bring it up? You...
    • RIS
      RIS replied to the thread Do Gods Exist?.
      Oxford Dictionary definition of God: 1. In Christianity and other monotheistic religions, the creator and ruler of the universe and...
    • RIS
      RIS replied to the thread Do Gods Exist?.
      I agree with all of this. This is factually wrong. I've named several non-fiction gods that exist. If I can name just one, then that...
    • RIS
      RIS replied to the thread Do Gods Exist?.
      That's very clever. So, you think God does exist, but mistake thunder for unnatural phenomenon. That might explain much of the atheist...
    • RIS
      RIS posted the thread Do Gods Exist? in Existence of God(s).
      Yes. Piece of cake. Don't understand the confusion.
    • RIS
      RIS replied to the thread Is a Hidden God the Same as No God?.
      They instruct in a way which allows you to see things from another perspective.
    • RIS
      RIS replied to the thread Is a Hidden God the Same as No God?.
      What difference does it make? Are you familiar with parables?
    • RIS
      RIS replied to the thread Is a Hidden God the Same as No God?.
      I feel like I'm talking to a family of children who have really serious abandonment issues. Are you trying to insult me by insulting my...
    • RIS
      RIS replied to the thread Is a Hidden God the Same as No God?.
      Because I made it up, it couldn't have happened. Another quick story I just made up. A man went to the store. No gods were involved...
    • RIS
      RIS replied to the thread Is a Hidden God the Same as No God?.
      Surely, you're not serious?! A science minded person can't be so blatantly dogmatic, tyrannical, and ideologically fixated. I don't...
    • RIS
      RIS reacted to lostone's post in the thread Is a Hidden God the Same as No God? with Haha Haha.
      Whatever this God is, or may be, and however defined, if it doesn't exist, it is not mighty
    • RIS
      RIS replied to the thread Is a Hidden God the Same as No God?.
      I'm no writer, that's for sure, but to be compared to a comic book superhero?! That's low. Shit is real. Superman is real in a different...
    • RIS
      RIS replied to the thread Is a Hidden God the Same as No God?.
      I didn't. It was never alive. Heartwarming, isn't it. And I've repeatedly explained that there are many gods in the Bible. I've...
    • RIS
      RIS replied to the thread Is a Hidden God the Same as No God?.
      Define worship.
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