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SCOTUS in the bag for Trump


Made in America
Sep 23, 2012
Basic Beliefs
English is complicated
I do believe that the fascists on the Court think we are all as stupid as the trumpsuckers they serve.
If they wanted, they could dispose of this immunity (non) question by this afternoon. Four days at most; it’s not like they’re gonna ever rule that Sleepy Joe can have Cheato euthanized and suffer no consequences.
This court is hopelessly corrupt, and we can thank McTurtle, who is now hiding in his shell as he crawls back under the brush.
Anyhow, it looks like it’s now Biden vs Trump, Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch, Kavansugh and the Jesus freak lady. I hesitate to say Roberts is also sandbagging for Trump, but as a unit his Court is definitely doing everything in their power to ensure Trump’s immunity from prosecution, at least until he can pardon himself.
I hope to hell the electoral count isn’t within a hundred or so, or Trump will cry and they’ll pacify him by giving him the presidency. And the Treasury. And the Military. And we (you, actually) will be living in a dystopian police state for the next 2?generations at least.
I do believe that the fascists on the Court think we are all as stupid as the trumpsuckers they serve.
If they wanted, they could dispose of this immunity (non) question by this afternoon. Four days at most; it’s not like they’re gonna ever rule that Sleepy Joe can have Cheato euthanized and suffer no consequences.
This court is hopelessly corrupt, and we can thank McTurtle, who is now hiding in his shell as he crawls back under the brush.
Anyhow, it looks like it’s now Biden vs Trump, Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch, Kavansugh and the Jesus freak lady. I hesitate to say Roberts is also sandbagging for Trump, but as a unit his Court is definitely doing everything in their power to ensure Trump’s immunity from prosecution, at least until he can pardon himself.
I hope to hell the electoral count isn’t within a hundred or so, or Trump will cry and they’ll pacify him by giving him the presidency. And the Treasury. And the Military. And we (you, actually) will be living in a dystopian police state for the next 2?generations at least.
Could be worse. We could be living in Russofascistan with uncle Adolph. :)
The ability to pardon himself would be no different than full immunity.
The ability to pardon himself would be no different than full immunity.
SCOTUS is trying to figure out how to give Trump total immunity without having to give it to anyone else.
Could take years... meanwhile, immunity granted.

One way to settle this quick - have Joe send Seal team 6 to take out Trump. Then we'd see how fast the Court can move to deny immunity to Presidents while in office! With no Trump left to protect, they'd have Joe sent up the river within a few days.

Even in NY State, I would bet right now that there will be no criminal trial in time for Americans to know whether they're voting for Jesus or a sadistic, self adoring mob boss. I don't think most of trumpsucking sheeples give a shit about that, but when things go to hell it would be nice to be able to hold those sheeples to account, just a tiny bit.
One way to settle this quick - have Joe send Seal team 6 to take out Trump.
What about Seal Team 6 takes out a SCOTUS judge?
Or two...

Then revisit Presidential immunity.

Or maybe a wife has a terrible accident.

Since violent insurrection is protected speech and presidential power requires Congressional action to respond to,
all bets are off.
Okay, if he gets in, he'll probably tear down NATO, all remaining reproductive freedoms, the court system, the FBI, the system of checks and balances, the American Library Association, the libel laws; he'll have Joe and Hillary crated in Gitmo and General Milley executed on America's Got Treason...but you just might get your gas tank filled for $4 or $5 less.
One way to settle this quick - have Joe send Seal team 6 to take out Trump.
What about Seal Team 6 takes out a SCOTUS judge?
Or two...
Naw, one should be enough for the immunity protected President to get his message clear. And why use Seal Team Six, when we can just have Joe walk in with a firearm. It isn't like the justices are that young and can scurry quickly from their bench... not in those robes.
Joe could also appoint a couple more judges to the SC.
I think he needs like, 60 Senators just to get that ball rolling. Of course with total trumpian immunity, he could simply threaten all the tRumpy senators with a little visit from ST6 to get them to go along. Make an example of a few of them like maybe Gaetz, Hawley and Madge; with their blood on the ground the spineless Comers and Scalises will fall in line.
What about Seal Team 6 takes out a SCOTUS judge?
Or two...
Or four…
I guess that is another reason why they don’t want to rule on immunity too quickly.
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