For any interested, Tom Clark espouses this same “
reincarnation without a soul or anything else reincarnating” over at
OM fuckin God, HE SAID THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH REINCARNATION. What is it you don't understand POOD? You are so committed to ruining this author that you can't see the forest from the trees! You are the most unobjective person there is when it comes to this discovery because it contravenes what you believe to be true. That is not enough proof to disquality this man.
I know it has nothing to do with reincarnation. Can you please parse the rest of the sentence, or is that too taxing for you?
I mean, I'm waiting with baited breath? Seriously, I LOVE discussing the secrets of life and death!
I mean im kinda a four-trick pony: metaphysics of simulation, autonomous decision making mechanics, the secrets of life and death, and the process of sensation and experience.
Each of these topics is closely interlinked for me.
Why don't you create another thread on these topics? Pood can join you. He's right up your alley.
Nope. Gonna do it right here. You posted spam about your idol's book or whatever, this is another one of the points your idol bullshits about, it's as on topic as the bullshit about "eye lasers".
You came here advertising something you believe in piously. This is literally internet *infidels*.
Flensing beliefs is what we do here.
In another thread, I mention a “reincarnation” option that may actually have scientific warrant — Nietzsche’s Eternal Recurrence. His idea is that when you die, you simply live your life over again from the beginning, and these cycles continue forever.
The scientific warrant lies in the Minkowski/Einstein block universe model, wherein all times past, present and future exist in the same way all places in space exist.
In this model, your life is “eternally engraved,” so to say, in the fabric of spacetime, with your boundary conditions your birth and death.
On this account, the whole of us is not located at the present time, but are temporally spread out from our births to our deaths. If this is right, then we have temporal parts, just as we have spatial parts.
All my temporal parts are equally conscious and aware, at the time they exist, which they all subjectively deem the present. As I write this, my temporal parts at all ages are just as conscious, when they are, as I am conscious in my current indexical Now.
One imagines a video game in which some avatar emerges on the left of the screen (birth), flies across the screen (life), and then flies off the right of the screen (death). But as soon as it does that, it immediately re-emerges on the left side of the screen and starts the process over again.
The Eternal Recurrence. You objectively die, but subjectively you are always alive.