Diabetic retinopathy and poor eyesight. Typos ...
What are particles? Do they exist as we imagine?
Photon energy E = h*f.
For EM radiation wavelength = C/frequency, period in seconds = 1/ frequency t = 1/f.
As f -> inf E goes to infinity. An impossible condition.
As f ->inf the period goes to zero. At some poi8nt I expect the model would break down.
F = 1.0, 1e-1,1e-3…..
Creating an EM sitgnal electronically as f gets small at some point you run into quantum limitations. In spectral anaysus like the Fourier transform there is a form of the uncertainty prole that limits how accurately you can resolve a frequency.
As f gets large energy becomes impassibly high.
I can write the differential equation for a parallel resonant capacitor inductor circuit with no losses, excite it with a delta function, and it will oscillate forever mathematically. Physically impossible.
So, you can say mathematically there are no limits on the frequency of an EM wave/photon but that does not reflect physical reality
Frequencies from lasers are not continuous, they depend on the atoms. Same with emissio0ns from stars. Discrte frequencies from which we can determine the elements of a star.
Photon energy E = h*f.
For EM radiation wavelength = C/frequency, period in seconds = 1/ frequency t = 1/f.
As f -> inf E goes to infinity. An impossible condition.
As f ->inf the period goes to zero. At some poi8nt I expect the model would break down.
F = 1.0, 1e-1,1e-3…..
Creating an EM sitgnal electronically as f gets small at some point you run into quantum limitations. In spectral anaysus like the Fourier transform there is a form of the uncertainty prole that limits how accurately you can resolve a frequency.
As f gets large energy becomes impassibly high.
I can write the differential equation for a parallel resonant capacitor inductor circuit with no losses, excite it with a delta function, and it will oscillate forever mathematically. Physically impossible.
So, you can say mathematically there are no limits on the frequency of an EM wave/photon but that does not reflect physical reality
Frequencies from lasers are not continuous, they depend on the atoms. Same with emissio0ns from stars. Discrte frequencies from which we can determine the elements of a star.