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  1. N

    God is My Superpower

    Your reading comprehension is deficient. He's saying that it is scientists who declare that the nature of life is unknowable, and that it is the Bible that declares that the nature of life is knowable.
  2. N

    God is My Superpower

    Glad you like these! Here's a favorite from Waton: He has a sterling analysis of Herbert Spencer, if you're interested.
  3. N

    God is My Superpower

    The theory of evolution is the inverse of the naturalistic fallacy: it is an attempt by mankind to justify its egoism, greed and lust as "natural." At the same time, it allows mankind a magic escape from "blind" nature by virtue of some property that only it possesses. Mere egoism.
  4. N

    God is My Superpower

    Erm, it is Dawkins who uses the word in the article. Better let him know. Blind but not a jail? Riiiiight.
  5. N

    God is My Superpower

    Dawkins maintains in that article that: This is nothing but self-serving woo. According to Dawkins, the whole of nature is subject to the iron laws of Darwinism, but mankind gets a magic get out of jail free card. He means, of course, the better sort of mankind, because he considers it...
  6. N

    God is My Superpower

    The term superman used by Waton is derived from Nietzsche's Übermensch. This is well understood by anyone with even a cursory knowledge of twentieth century philosophy. Waton is using the term superman to counter the fascists. He claims it for those who resist the fascists and join with the...
  7. N

    God is My Superpower

    Fascists try to hide their egoism behind a veil of skepticism, criticism and disparagement. They are quick to thwart thinkers by any means necessary: burning them, burning their works, ignoring them, ridiculing them. Our present-day fascists are working away at dismissing the entire literary...
  8. N

    God is My Superpower

    For corroboration of Waton's views, see John Macmurray's The Clue to history: The fascists know their days are numbered. The more they struggle against their inevitable demise, the stupider and weaker they get.
  9. N

    God is My Superpower

    Says the proud hedonist.:uncomfortableness:
  10. N

    God is My Superpower

    Abso-fucking-lutely. The alternative is mouth-breathing, knuckle-dragging, anti-intellectual fascism. It seems you have made your choice.
  11. N

    God is My Superpower

    Certainly, the more we grow in knowledge, the less we rely on faith. Here is Harry Waton: Our degraded scholarship urges us to distrust all our faculties of thought: sense perception, understanding, reason, intuition, intellect. This leaves us helpless to resist political and economic tyranny...
  12. N

    God is My Superpower

    ^Reason and faith are both necessary. Faith is necessary to pursue a goal against obstacles, and reason is necessary to overcome obstacles and realize the goal. Ultimately, both faith and reason are united and overcome in the superman's fully developed intellect.
  13. N

    God is My Superpower

    ^See my quotations from Waton above for more. For example, "when man attains to the intellect, he then perceives that he and Jehovah are one" and "rational humanity will overcome all other kinds of lower humanity."
  14. N

    God is My Superpower

    ^I and the Father are one.
  15. N

    God is My Superpower

    Jesus hates low-life fuckers who twist meanings to serve their own egoistic interests.
  16. N

    God is My Superpower

    It is the Christian perversion of the New Testament that is the problem. Jesus teaches nothing about eternal damnation. His invective is largely reserved for those who moralistically condemn others. Jesus did believe that sins must be paid for, but that divine mercy spares the sinner from full...
  17. N

    God is My Superpower

    To align one's intellect with that of Jehovah is indeed a superpower. As Harry Waton puts it: Abraham, Moses, the prophets and Jesus were the first intellectual supermen. There will be more and more and until all mankind will be supermen:
  18. N

    The Oven of Akhnai and the Talmud

    ^As for the referenced Wikipedia article "Yahwism", this is further evidence of the degraded thought of scholars. Here is something vastly superior:
  19. N

    The Oven of Akhnai and the Talmud

    Here is Harry Waton: Those who reject this are simply trying to get something from existence without paying for it. It is you who underestimate the clarity and depth of the thought that is developed in the Bible. Judaism is not theism at all. Here is Constantin Brunner: The original...
  20. N

    The Oven of Akhnai and the Talmud

    God is the source of all things, including evil. Without evil, there can be no good. The Bible is indeed monist. Jehovah is existence itself. Hear, Israel, Being is your god, Being is one!
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