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God is My Superpower

Is this Waton you keep quoting Rabbi Harry Waton (1870-1959), who wrote:

"Since the Jews are the highest and most cultured people on earth, the Jews have the right to subordinate to themselves the rest of mankind and to be the masters of the whole earth...not by material power, not by brute force, but by light, knowledge, understanding, humanity, peace, justice and progress. Judaism is communism, internationalism, the universal brotherhood of man and the emancipation of the working class and human society. It is with these spiritual weapons that the Jews will conquer the world and the human race. The races and the nations will cheerfully submit to the spiritual power of Judaism, and all will become Jews."

Do you think this vision is a reasonable analysis of history? Do you anticipate the same 'cheerful submission' he described?
Abso-fucking-lutely. The alternative is mouth-breathing, knuckle-dragging, anti-intellectual fascism. It seems you have made your choice.
Well, my knuckles do get low sometimes. Nice to've met ya, and good luck with all that.
For corroboration of Waton's views, see John Macmurray's The Clue to history:

For fascism is a purely negative will, and its power to act negatively and destructively is borrowed from the very positive forces which it negates. It cannot triumph. It can only destroy itself and create its opposite. It depends upon the Jewish consciousness which it opposes, and it develops in the world, through its own negativity, the negative form of the Jewish consciousness, in its rejection of its own Christian substance. But by securing the triumph of this Jewish consciousness it universalizes it; and in its development it must negate the negation and achieve in the world as a whole the triumph of the positive reality of the Jewish consciousness, which is Christianity. It is the inevitable destiny of fascism to create what it intends to prevent—the socialist commonwealth of the world. The fundamental law of human nature cannot be broken. “He that saveth his life shall lose it.” The will to power is self-frustrating. It is the meek who will inherit the earth.

The fascists know their days are numbered. The more they struggle against their inevitable demise, the stupider and weaker they get.
^Reason and faith are both necessary. Faith is necessary to pursue a goal against obstacles, and reason is necessary to overcome obstacles and realize the goal. Ultimately, both faith and reason are united and overcome in the superman's fully developed intellect.

Says the proud hedonist.:uncomfortableness:

I'd think the idea that a person is a "superman" is way cringier, not to mention way more egotistical, than simply being proud about enjoying life and not having any stupid, overly lofty aspirations about being a "superman".
^Reason and faith are both necessary. Faith is necessary to pursue a goal against obstacles, and reason is necessary to overcome obstacles and realize the goal. Ultimately, both faith and reason are united and overcome in the superman's fully developed intellect.

Faith is the opposite of reason. Reason requires justification through evidence, while faith needs nothing more than to believe, to have faith.
Is this Waton you keep quoting Rabbi Harry Waton (1870-1959), who wrote:

"Since the Jews are the highest and most cultured people on earth, the Jews have the right to subordinate to themselves the rest of mankind and to be the masters of the whole earth...not by material power, not by brute force, but by light, knowledge, understanding, humanity, peace, justice and progress. Judaism is communism, internationalism, the universal brotherhood of man and the emancipation of the working class and human society. It is with these spiritual weapons that the Jews will conquer the world and the human race. The races and the nations will cheerfully submit to the spiritual power of Judaism, and all will become Jews."

Do you think this vision is a reasonable analysis of history? Do you anticipate the same 'cheerful submission' he described?
I already pulled that quote from him way, way back. All he ever does is quote this guy. It’s la-la land stuff.
Fascists try to hide their egoism behind a veil of skepticism, criticism and disparagement. They are quick to thwart thinkers by any means necessary: burning them, burning their works, ignoring them, ridiculing them. Our present-day fascists are working away at dismissing the entire literary, spiritual and philosophical foundation of civilization. Those of us who resist this return to barbarism are fortunate to have thinkers like Harry Waton and Constantin Brunner to guide us through the darkness and to help us lay the foundations for the kingdom of heaven on earth.
And do I need to add? Most people understand "superman" to be a comic book character. But I have no issue with cosplaying, so if you're into that, go for it, buddy.
Fascists try to hide their egoism behind a veil of skepticism, criticism and disparagement.

That's odd, you constantly disparage atheists. Also, yes, the fascists who blindly follow their leaders famously are highly skeptical. Lmao what idiocy.
And do I need to add? Most people understand "superman" to be a comic book character. But I have no issue with cosplaying, so if you're into that, go for it, buddy.

The term superman used by Waton is derived from Nietzsche's Übermensch. This is well understood by anyone with even a cursory knowledge of twentieth century philosophy. Waton is using the term superman to counter the fascists. He claims it for those who resist the fascists and join with the great spiritual and intellectual leaders of mankind, most of whom are Jewish.
After quoting Dawkins out of context, now you quote Carrier, very likely out of context as well. But it makes no difference. The first clause of his second sentence is wrong, precisely because the second clause is correct. Because evolution is utterly mindless, it cannot be vicious and heartless..
Not to mention that a process that can be characterized as "vicious and heartless" may still yet be a process by which a discovery of something else is made.

Something random, for example, can be the instigative process for something organized and regular.

If I have a process by which 32 coins are flipped (random), and then the result is written down (random), and then this is repeated infinity times, and each result is fed into a complete Turing complete 32bit processor whose instruction set is randomized (or just a SUBLEQ processor), then the result is going to be completely random, and yet this system is capable of creating nonrandom processes.
1. No moral authority doesn't equal no morality. It's just subjective morality.
2. Subjective morality doesn't equal amorality.
3. Evolutionary theory isn't about how we should behave in the first place so this is just another stupid non-sequitur.

You've been told this repeatedly yet you still spew your bullshit.

The verdict is in. The theory of evolution is the pseudo-scientific foundation of fascism:

When the law of the strong, and of natural selection, took the place of the word of love, it became apparent that giving up the Bible is not always enlightened: Nero's torches can burn all the brighter for it.--Atheism in Christianity / Ernst Bloch

‘Social Darwinism’ is often taken to be something extraneous, an ugly concretion added to the pure Darwinian corpus after the event, tarnishing Darwin’s image. But his notebooks make plain that competition, free trade, imperialism, racial extermination, and sexual inequality were written into the equation from the start—‘Darwinism’ was always intended to explain human society.--Darwin / Adrian Desmond, James Moore

It is remarkable how Darwin rediscovers, among the beasts and plants, the society of England with its division of labour, competition, opening up of new markets, ‘inventions’ and Malthusian ‘struggle for existence’. It is Hobbes’ bellum omnium contra omnes and is reminiscent of Hegel’s Phenomenology, in which civil society figures as an ‘intellectual animal kingdom’, whereas, in Darwin, the animal kingdom figures as civil society.--Karl Marx

At some future period, not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilised races of man will almost certainly exterminate, and replace, the savage races throughout the world. At the same time the anthropomorphous apes, as Professor Schaaffhausen has remarked, will no doubt be exterminated. The break between man and his nearest allies will then be wider, for it will intervene between man in a more civilised state, as we may hope, even than the Caucasian, and some ape as low as a baboon, instead of as now between the negro or Australian and the gorilla.--Darwin

The only moral theory of evolution is the one that sees all of existence as a rational process intended to create a rational being in man.

It does not matter how much garbage you write, how many idiots you quote, or how many times you call people here Fascists. Evolution is a FACT, and the THEORY that describes this fact is CORRECT. All this nonsense connecting “social Darwinism” and the division of labor in England and on and on is a giant red herring, and a prime example of the Naturalistic Fallacy. Even if some of those people used the FACT of evolution and the THEORY that correctly describes it to justify bullshit like social Darwinism and unfettered capitalism, it does not mean that the FACT of evolution is not a FACT, nor does it mean that the THEORY of evolution is not a CORRECT THEORY. This is why it is so despicable that you cherry-picked Dawkins, who went on to explain that you cannot use evolution, the fact or the theory, to justify failure to try to right the ills of the world.
This is why it is so despicable that you cherry-picked Dawkins, who went on to explain that you cannot use evolution, the fact or the theory, to justify failure to try to right the ills of the world.

Dawkins maintains in that article that:

It is a manifest fact that the brain – especially the human brain – is well able to over-ride its ultimate programming; well able to dispense with the ultimate value of gene survival and substitute other values. I have used hedonistic pleasure as just an example, but I could also mention more noble values, like a love of poetry, or music, and of course the long-term survival of the planet - and sustainability.

This is nothing but self-serving woo. According to Dawkins, the whole of nature is subject to the iron laws of Darwinism, but mankind gets a magic get out of jail free card. He means, of course, the better sort of mankind, because he considers it worthwhile to reopen discussion on eugenics.
pfff, Dawk is a transphobe and he has a cold dead fish handshake (he was so disappointed that I was obese).
This is why it is so despicable that you cherry-picked Dawkins, who went on to explain that you cannot use evolution, the fact or the theory, to justify failure to try to right the ills of the world.

Dawkins maintains in that article that:

It is a manifest fact that the brain – especially the human brain – is well able to over-ride its ultimate programming; well able to dispense with the ultimate value of gene survival and substitute other values. I have used hedonistic pleasure as just an example, but I could also mention more noble values, like a love of poetry, or music, and of course the long-term survival of the planet - and sustainability.

This is nothing but self-serving woo. According to Dawkins, the whole of nature is subject to the iron laws of Darwinism, but mankind gets a magic get out of jail free card. He means, of course, the better sort of mankind, because he considers it worthwhile to reopen discussion on eugenics.

You couldn’t be more wrong, which is par of the course for you. First, there is no such thing as “the iron laws of Darwinism,” just as there are no “iron laws” of anything. All “laws” of nature are descriptions, not prescriptions. Second, Darwinism is false. Darwin knew nothing of genes, DNA, genetic drift, molecular biology, etc. To describe the theory of evolution as Darwinism shows your glaring ignorance of the whole subject. Finally, mankind does not get a “magic get out of jail free card” because there is no jail to get out of. As Dawkins notes, the complexity of our brains very much enables us to form our own values, because nature has no values. It is blind. Some other species can do the same thing.
To describe the theory of evolution as Darwinism shows your glaring ignorance of the whole subject.

Erm, it is Dawkins who uses the word in the article. Better let him know.

Finally, mankind does not get a “magic get out of jail free card” because there is no jail to get out of. As Dawkins notes, the complexity of our brains very much enables us to form our own values, because nature has no values. It is blind. Some other species can do the same thing.

Blind but not a jail? Riiiiight.
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