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  1. T

    How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

    Are you one of the few pro-Russian Swedes?
  2. T

    How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

    I saw a calculation showing that if the US spent as much in relation to its GDP, it would be USD 335 billion.
  3. T

    Bill Maher For President - 2028

    Bill Maher has a history of being anti-vaxx long before Covid. See for example Bill Maher: Still an antivaccine crank after all these years which is from 2015.
  4. T

    Bill Maher For President - 2028

    Maher is an anti-vaxx crackpot. No thanks. Please pick Neil deGrasse Tyson.
  5. T

    What would a tidally locked Earth be like?

    Plenty of exoplanets we find are tidally locked, and reportedly they may be more common than previously thought. This led me to the thought, what if the Earth (or a planet of the same size with the same distance to its star as we have, and the same kind of star at that) was tidally locked? One...
  6. T

    How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

    Agreed. Russia's claim to being a superpower has certainly evaporated. Despite Ukraine's current difficulties, Russia has not even managed to completely conquer the provinces it claims to have annexed, and is advancing at a snail's speed.
  7. T

    How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

    The only country in the world, except for Israel, with a Jewish president, is a Nazi regime? Yikes...
  8. T

    How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

    Sad to see pro-Russian comments here. I think Ukraine should be armed and supported until Russia is defeated, like the majority of my countrymen and women. There is nothing to negotiate about, Russia has no legitimate demands.
  9. T

    Signed into Gmail, it said the site can't be reached

    Today when I signed into my Gmail account on my computer (on Chrome), after hitting the sign in button after having entered the password, I did not come to my inbox as would be expected, but instead got the message that the site can't be reached. After short while, I suddenly got to my inbox...
  10. T

    Moral constructivism

    Almost all of philosophy is to an extent an ivory tower activity. I don't think it is reasonable to demand that everything being done should be relevant with regards to Trump or Myanmar.
  11. T

    Moral constructivism

    A while back I listened to an episode of Sean Carroll's podcast Mindscape called On Morality and Rationality. I am fascinated by moral philosophy, and if you have two hours to spare and have the slightest interest in the topic, I encourage you to listen to this episode. In his book The Big...
  12. T

    Were Romulus and Remus really nursed by a she-wolf?

    I don't think that Romulus and Remus were historical persons.
  13. T

    "When Wokes and Racists Actually Agree on Everything"

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ev373c7wSRg Unfortunately, this feels kinda true.
  14. T

    Was Deng Xiaoping a nationalist rather than a communist?

    Communism was (there aren't many orthodox communists around these days) supposed to be internationalist, "Workers of the world, unite!", and all that. Thus in contradiction to nationalism.
  15. T

    Best evidence for a historical Joshua ben Joseph

    I don't see any reason for why one needs to explain the alleged miracles attributed to Jesus. They are legends, pure and simple. Unless there is some historical corroboration that they happened other than the Gospels, there is nothing to explain.
  16. T

    Best evidence for a historical Joshua ben Joseph

    I think a historical Jesus (Yeshua) who in some way pissed off the Romans and was then crucified is the simplest answer. Yeshua was a common name, the area had lots of Messiah claimants, and it was a politically unstable area, with lots of revolts against the Romans. Assuming a historical...
  17. T

    Why is it so difficult to invent or develop scalable technology to suck CO2 out of the atmosphere?

    Probably a stupid question (I'm not an inventor, technologist, or engineer by any means), but here we go: In addition to getting off our collective addiction to fossil fuels, we would ideally need technology that can suck CO2 out of the atmosphere. Such technology does exist, it is just not...
  18. T

    How has your view of religion changed over the years?

    NOMA only holds if religion makes no factual claims. Is there any major religion that does not make factual claims?
  19. T

    How has your view of religion changed over the years?

    I don't think religion is harmless at all. I'm at a loss as to how someone can come to that conclusion.
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