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Bill Maher For President - 2028

Why are we so far behind Mexico?
On civil rights? When have we ever not been? They emancipated their slaves, methodically dismantled the corrupt alliance between church and state, and legalized interracial marriage within years of attaining nationhood. When it comes down to it, we only ever threw off the shackles of colonialism halfway; Mexico blew them all to hell. Of course, their freedoms came at a considerable cost, a cost they are still paying.
But, Mexico is known for machismo culture. That is what I was thinking of when I made the comment. A culture known for its macho attitude elects a female president, but we can't even elect a woman who was well qualified, even if she wasn't well liked and had a lot of baggage. We will never have a president who everyone likes. None of them have ever been perfect, and none of them ever will be, but there is only one who is a major threat to democracy.

I don't think this thread was meant to be serious. I took it as a way of using humor to cope with the mess we may be facing in the next 4 years.

Ahhhhh, you guessed it right. But a serious question remains. Who will run for president in 2028? And will the Democrats end up with another ho hum candidate. Will the DNC as usual. stomp in with its big, muddy feet, screwing anybody running who is even mildly progressive as usual?
But, Mexico is known for machismo culture. That is what I was thinking of when I made the comment. A culture known for its macho attitude elects a female president, but we can't even elect a woman who was well qualified, even if she wasn't well liked and had a lot of baggage.
That's because Mexican men are Real MenTM, and real men aren't scared of strong women.
But, Mexico is known for machismo culture. That is what I was thinking of when I made the comment. A culture known for its macho attitude elects a female president, but we can't even elect a woman who was well qualified, even if she wasn't well liked and had a lot of baggage.
That's because Mexican men are Real MenTM, and real men aren't scared of strong women.
¡Es verdad! Real men are good to their mothers. Also, women vote too.
Ahhhhh, you guessed it right. But a serious question remains. Who will run for president in 2028? And will the Democrats end up with another ho hum candidate. Will the DNC as usual. stomp in with its big, muddy feet, screwing anybody running who is even mildly progressive as usual?
I am very, very concerned that it wil be my state's well known but variously received governor, Gavin Newsom.
But, Mexico is known for machismo culture. That is what I was thinking of when I made the comment. A culture known for its macho attitude elects a female president, but we can't even elect a woman who was well qualified, even if she wasn't well liked and had a lot of baggage.
That's because Mexican men are Real MenTM, and real men aren't scared of strong women.
¡Es verdad! Real men are good to their mothers. Also, women vote too.
Based on the Mexican American macho men I knew when I lived in Texas, I have a feeling that most of them didn't bother to vote. :) The machismo culture I'm familiar with isn't very respectful of women, and would never vote for one. You might understand that better if you were a woman.
Ahhhhh, you guessed it right. But a serious question remains. Who will run for president in 2028? And will the Democrats end up with another ho hum candidate. Will the DNC as usual. stomp in with its big, muddy feet, screwing anybody running who is even mildly progressive as usual?
I am very, very concerned that it wil be my state's well known but variously received governor, Gavin Newsom.

I read an article that I can't find right now, that discussed how surprising it was that a culture that is still very machismo, voted for a female by a huge margin.

Btw, Iran, was very progressive when it came to abortion and female rights until Komeni took over. The Shah was an awful person, but people didn't realize that what was replacing him was even worse. Some people didn't like women dressing however they wanted. They didn't approve of abortion or birth control etc. but most didn't realize they were replacing one bad leader with something much worse. My point is that just because a country makes progress at some point, it doesn't mean it won't regress. Look at what's happening in the US right now. We seem to be heading toward a Christian theocracy. I doubt it will be to the extent of Iran, but conservatives are already breaking down what's left of the SCS and even my reasonable Christian friends are very concerned about that.

I agree with you that Newsom would be a terrible candidate. I don't see the attraction myself. But, this country isn't going to elect someone who is perceived as being very progressive, so we can put that dream away and try and find a decent, experienced person who can work with both sides of the aisle and get things done without causing chaos. Who would even want the job, assuming we actually have another election in 2028? :eek:
Ahhhhh, you guessed it right. But a serious question remains. Who will run for president in 2028? And will the Democrats end up with another ho hum candidate. Will the DNC as usual. stomp in with its big, muddy feet, screwing anybody running who is even mildly progressive as usual?
I am very, very concerned that it wil be my state's well known but variously received governor, Gavin Newsom.

They guy that you defend at every turn, the guy you think is doing a good job of running the state of California? Why wouldn't you want him to run for president?
On Bill Maher, he complains a lot about the younger woke and that they don't like his comedy. Maybe it's his comedy that needs to change, not the audience.
On Bill Maher, he complains a lot about the younger woke and that they don't like his comedy. Maybe it's his comedy that needs to change, not the audience.
Yeah but for his comedy to change, he'd have to hire new writers. It is a long-known fact in the comedy world that Bill doesn't do a whole lot of joke-writing.
Ahhhhh, you guessed it right. But a serious question remains. Who will run for president in 2028? And will the Democrats end up with another ho hum candidate. Will the DNC as usual. stomp in with its big, muddy feet, screwing anybody running who is even mildly progressive as usual?
I am very, very concerned that it wil be my state's well known but variously received governor, Gavin Newsom.

They guy that you defend at every turn, the guy you think is doing a good job of running the state of California? Why wouldn't you want him to run for president?
Did you mean to reply to my post? If so, I'm not sure what you're referring to. I've always had something of a measured perspective on Gavin Newsom. Just because I think California Republicans are batshit insane for seemingly believing that The Governor has granular control over everything that happens in rhe state doesn't mean I love every governor without reservation. There really is room for more nuance in the world.

If you've been following the Biden 2024 thread, it shouldn't take that much intelligence to reason out why I would be reluctant to see one of Biden's closest allies and simpaticos on the podium four years from now. Especially the one who nearly cost us gay marriage with a single dingbat blunder of a sound clip. And who endorsed the same genocide in the same week on the same state visit as did Biden.
Yes. How about Sarah Silverman or Amy Schumer for president if we need a smart comedian for president? They would be far more entertaining and smarter than the men.
Why do you think they are "smarter than the men"? Just because they are women?
We need to end the Patriarchy! Mexico just elected a Jewish female for president. Why are we so far behind Mexico?
And this is Mexico's first female presidenta. US almost had a female president in 2016, let's not forget.
On the plus side for us, our mayoral candidates do not get murdered on the regular either.
I'd vote for Warren over any male,
I'd vote against Warren and for almost anybody else, male or female. She has drank too deep from the well of woke identity politics (remember her pledge that her SecEd pick will be vetted by a 12 year old trans kid or something like that?) and her scolding, schoolmarmish personality is not exactly winning. Her unfair attacks on Bloomberg (who would have been a better president than Biden, I think) sealed the deal. Besides, she came in third in Massachussetts in the 2020 primaries.
but she didn't get that far in the primaries.
She really should have dropped out after NH. Nevertheless, she persisted until Super Tuesday only to be embarrassed in her home state. Ouch!
I'd also vote for Stacy Abrams, and she would be our first Black female president. She's smart and experienced.
Smart yes, experienced, no. She has only ever been in the state legislature, and that from very safe, uncontested districts.
She needs more seasoning. Unfortunately, she opted against running for Senate in 2020, opting to endorse that pastor instead. That was a mistake. I do not see a path for her getting to the White House without some more high profile political experience.
Fuck. I'd take Fani Willis for that matter. She's a hard working, tough on crime liberal! ( yes, Derec, she has a reputation for being very tough on crime, despite some of the claims in your posts, just sayin' )
I did not say she was soft on crime in general, but I did criticize her for not seeking jail time for the #BLM arsonists who burned down that Wendy's in 2020.
2 plead guilty in fire at Atlanta Wendy’s restaurant during protest after Rayshard Brooks killing
Especially given how harshly right-wing rioters are treated, this kid-glove treatment of left-wing rioters is some banana repubic shit.

She has also jeopardized the Trump case by not keeping it in her pants. But even without that, county DA --> White House needs a stepping stone. Like Abrams, she would need to run for another office first.
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I’d take Katie Porter over any comedian, female or otherwise. That woman knows how to say it like it is, and make people understand it.
She lost her race for Senate. What makes you think she'd be viable for president? Especially since no mere congressman was elected president since Garfield I think, in 1880. And even he was the Chairman of the Appropriations Committee.
Ditching the political hacks in favor of a hack comedian? Nah. Plus, as of late Maher has been leaning into the right wing trope of whining about "woke" culture and the "woke mob." Why?
Because he has a point. "Woke" is a form of false consciousness of race issues. It's even in the name - grammatically incorrect form of "awake" - the sufferers think they are awake, but are not.
The term "woke" entered the mainstream lexicon in 2014 with Ferguson riots. See this Jezebel article as a type specimen of the use of this term at the time.
In the Aftermath of Ferguson, Stay Angry and Stay Woke
It was a term for people who, all evidence to the contrary, believed Michael Brown was "murdered". And also for those who thought that "burning this bitch down" was the right way to protest.

While the term, used pejoratively, has been overused as of late, there is legitimate criticism of the type of identity politics that has unironically been described as "woke" by the supporters of identity politics.
Hillary might've been the most qualified person to have run for POTUS.
Not that canard yet again! She was not even the most qualified candidate to run in either 2008 nor 2016. She wasn't more qualified than Sanders in 2016 for example.
Dime a dozen among politicians, esp. Democrats in the last 40 years.
First Lady,
That's not a qualification. There is no imputed experience for being the wife or a governor or a president. No more than Denis Thatcher is qualified to be Prime Minister for having been married to the Iron Lady.
Finally, a bona fide qualification and experience. But most other candidates are Senators or Governors, or both. Her 1⅓ unremarkable terms in Senate are hardly the stuff that make a "most qualified" candidate.
Ambassador? When? To which country?
Secretary of State.
Bona fide experience for her second run, but, again, not something that would put her in the running for "most qualified". Especially since SecState has been a terminal political position in recent decades. In fact, last SecState to be elected president was James Buchanan, in 1856.

The GOP went after her with a vengeance for nearly three decades and she still won the popular vote against the orange shart.
Almost anyone could have done that against Trump, but most would have also gotten what matters, the electoral college.
Also, she didn't win the majority of the popular vote, and popular vote doesn't matter in US elections any more than the total number of runs does in the World Series.

Anyway, Bill Maher... I'm a fan, but the kids these days have really taken a disliking to him. It appears that's mainly because he's a little more sophisticated than the black and white absolutism that's become so popular among the young left. Hopefully they grow out of that.
I agree with you here. I do not agree with Maher on everything, but these Gen Zers who grew up on the Tik Tok algorithm do not respond well to people disagreeing with them.

I don't take the OP's initial question seriously and it doesn't seem to have been intended seriously.
I think so too.
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I wonder what the winning percentage is when known entertainers run against non-entertainers.

I think it's very high.

(one) Problem with Bill is that he doesn't seem to change his opinion in light of better information.
Then he would make for an excellent politician
By the time I even notice the thread it has several dozen responses. Sorry if my points have already been made.

Hillary isn't a comedian but she is a bad joke. 😆
Hillary might've been the most qualified person to have run for POTUS. Attorney, First Lady, Senator, ambassador, Secretary of State. The GOP went after her with a vengeance for nearly three decades and she still won the popular vote against the orange shart.

Anyway, Bill Maher... I'm a fan, but the kids these days have really taken a disliking to him. It appears that's mainly because he's a little more sophisticated than the black and white absolutism that's become so popular among the young left. Hopefully they grow out of that.

I don't take the OP's initial question seriously and it doesn't seem to have been intended seriously.

I agree with Colonel Sander' post almost completely. Hillary was an outstanding candidate. Her biggest flaw was that she was NOT a natural politician, and never sought those skills. Still she almost won and lost only because the Bullshit Machine spent many millions denigrating her and millions of Americans are so ignorant all they thought when pulling a lever was "Hillary ... I vaguely remember hearing bad things about her; I may as well just vote for locker-room boy."

(Joe Biden would have beaten Trump easily, and I was rooting for a summer-time switch. Another board nattered "Swammi doesn't understand how the primary system works." A year or two later the then-Chairman of the DNC revealed that she was also pushing for such a switch.)

I also agree with the Colonel about Bill Maher. And I do assume that OP was just some attempt at sarcasm.

Everybody bitches about the fact we have less than exciting candidates for president. Win or lose, 2028 is going to be a wide open race. I suggest drafting Bill Maher. He's smart. He's thoughtful. He is exciting. Why wait for some political hacks to float to the surface while everybody moans, "Is this the best these two parties can do?".

Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!

The last thing we need is a faster devolution into "populism." Please include emoticons when you're being sarcastic. Some right-wingers, OTOH, are, I think, fully serious when they advocate for a Tucker Carlson Presidency.

I don't want to be entertained by politics, I want to be bored by them!

Yes. Note how the exciting JFK provoked more foreign-policy disasters or ear-disasters in three years than the boring Ike provoked in eight years. There is a Chinese curse which says “May he live in interesting times.”

Can't wait for Michelle Obama to run, you know it's coming.

If Michelle is elected, the U.S. would get an extremely competent First Husband. I oppose the idea ONLY because I fear there are too many racists and misogynists in America for her to win. (2008 was a "perfect storm" where the Democrat should have won in a landslide but due to racism, Barack barely eked out victory against the most incompetent duo ever nominated by a major party.)

Given Biden's age, the Ds NEED a strong contender warming up in the bull-pen. Unfortunately i have no good suggestion to offer.
2008 was a "perfect storm" where the Democrat should have won in a landslide but due to racism, Barack barely eked out victory against the most incompetent duo ever nominated by a major party.
I LIKED John McCain and admired him. I'd take him over almost any of the current crop of Republicans.

But he simply lacked the intelligence, judgment and knowledge to be President. This becomes absolutely clear if you read a book about the 2008 crisis and campaign. His choice of Sarah Palin -- whom he'd never heard of -- as running-mate is proof of his total lack of sound judgment.
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