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  1. Emily Lake

    Gender Roles

    I strongly disagree. Look - for many, many years, none of this was a problem at all. We had some transsexual people who used female spaces, and they were accepted into them. In some very few cases, it's because we couldn't tell that they were female - they successfully passed. When we're...
  2. Emily Lake

    Gender Roles

    No, that's not the problem, and it never really has been. The problem isn't females who have features that are a bit more masculine than the average woman, nor is it females who seem somewhat androgynous. The problem is people who are OBVIOUSLY male who are claiming they have a RIGHT to invade...
  3. Emily Lake

    Breakdown In Civil Order

    I understand this is personal, and there's no obligation for you to respond. How problematic would it need to be for you to approve your child's use of puberty blockers? What sort of situation is one in which you think blockers would be necessary? How long of a use of blockers are you...
  4. Emily Lake

    Breakdown In Civil Order

    Just to level set... your argument here is essentially that women get attacked by males in women's spaces already, so making it easier for males to attack women in women's spaces is just no big deal.
  5. Emily Lake

    Breakdown In Civil Order

    Okay, again: How do you tell the difference?
  6. Emily Lake

    Breakdown In Civil Order

    Because if it were the scat, there are a plethora of ways to get access to porn involving scat, as well as people out there perfectly willing to engage in such activities. Why they would do something so repulsive... I couldn't tell you. There are a whole lot of things that I consider repulsive...
  7. Emily Lake

    Breakdown In Civil Order

    What right do you think is at play here? Why do you think it should be a right for males who identify as women to supersede sex? The rights of transgender women aren't being infringed upon at all - none of what is being demanded is actually a right, it's a demand for special privileges. And...
  8. Emily Lake

    Gender Roles

    This is some postmodern philosophical bullshit, Poli. Humans are sexually dimorphic. At the end of the day, sex is defined based on the type of reproductive system a person has. But that's far from the only way to discern a person's sex. There are a plethora of secondary and sex-correlated...
  9. Emily Lake

    Breakdown In Civil Order

    Hormones do not change the skeleton, the overall size, the lung and heart capacity, and a number of other physical aspects that vary on the basis of sex. Hormones do not alter the angle at which the thigh joins the hip - something that affects gait and stride which has a fundamental impact on...
  10. Emily Lake

    Breakdown In Civil Order

    No, you're not telling TSwizzle to stay quiet. But you (and many others both male and female) are discounting and ignoring the effects of these policies on women. You less than others, granted... but you're still taking a general position that assumes that women who object are wrong-headed...
  11. Emily Lake

    Breakdown In Civil Order

    I don't agree with your unstated assumption here, Gospel. Yes, there are risks to women in prison as prisons are now arranged, just as there are risks to men. But those risks are NOT the result of them being separated on the basis of sex. And the unstated assumption in your comment here is...
  12. Emily Lake

    Breakdown In Civil Order

    Transgender females would be transmen - females who identify as men. I don't think there's any need to provide special protection of females from other females. But I'm going to assume that when you say "transgender females" what you actually mean are males that identify as women, thus...
  13. Emily Lake

    Breakdown In Civil Order

    I don't think that wholesale removal of all sex offenders to a separate estate is necessarily a good idea. I get where you're coming from, but I think the target victim demographic should be taken into consideration. Male sex offenders whose target demographic is females should not be housed...
  14. Emily Lake

    Breakdown In Civil Order

    Up to here, I'm in agreement with you. I don't particularly like your "fear of rape babies" approach, but ignoring the emotive dismissal of female experiences, the rest of it is largely reasonable. Right now, however, these prison policies do NOT require any substantive transition at all...
  15. Emily Lake

    Breakdown In Civil Order

    Of course you don't.
  16. Emily Lake

    Breakdown In Civil Order

    My opinion is that prisons should remain separated on the basis of SEX, full stop. If male prisoners with gender identity concerns are at higher risk, then male prisons should enact policies to provide extra protections or separate areas for those at-risk prisoners. I do not think that any...
  17. Emily Lake

    Biden's Crusade Against Solar Panels and Electric Vehicles

    Check your mirror. I'm not offended. You're the one that jumped straight to an accusation of xenophobia from my commentary on the way that China - the government entity not the citizens - has engaged in disingenuous and malicious business and cyber activities. It seems like you're the one who...
  18. Emily Lake

    Biden's Crusade Against Solar Panels and Electric Vehicles

    There's no xeonophobia. Please stop just ramping things up to such an absurd level, it's nothing more than ad hominem. Yes, we turned over a lot of stuff to China, and that wasn't very smart of us. But that's also not what I was talking about. Current US policies don't disallow investment...
  19. Emily Lake

    Gender Roles

    For anyone else who has missed the point... I would suggest you consider things like The Onion or The Babylon Bee before finding yourself aghast at Titania McGrath.
  20. Emily Lake

    Gender Roles

    Sure... but women's rights groups are full of evil bigoted TERFs who should just shut the fuck up and know their place?
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