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  1. I

    Profound Thoughts

    The real victimless crime: blasphemy
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    There is no evidence of Abiogenesis

    "My hypothesis involves natural processes and chemical combinations." "We don't need that, because we have a book that gives us the answer." "Doesn't that book also have a talking ass, a man who dies at age 969, a woman who turns into salt, a man who grazes on grass for seven years, and a...
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    16 Nobel Prize Winning Economists Warn Trump Will Ruin Economy

    Anyone for some bleach blonde, bad built, butch body around here? No?
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    Local Weather

    I've already booked my gear for Mar-a-Lago: Scuba Encounter, in 2060.
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    16 Nobel Prize Winning Economists Warn Trump Will Ruin Economy

    I didn't mention the so-called "independent" voters, so you have a point. But today's independent voters seem to me to be as maddeningly obtuse as the Trumpies. Who, in the summer of 2024, doesn't know all they need to know about Donald Trump? But maybe, some of those mysterious independents...
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    16 Nobel Prize Winning Economists Warn Trump Will Ruin Economy

    Gospel and Scom nailed it. This report will only matter to those who already know that supporting Trump is like being pro-brain tumors. The loyal Trump base won't hear about it, because they're insulated from any unfavorable news about their hero. The news feeds they use wouldn't touch it...
  7. I

    Morality in Bible stories that you don't understand

    The sign makers missed a real stinker in I Corinthians: "...any woman who prays or prophesies with her head unveiled dishonors her head...For a man ought not to cover his head, since he is the image and glory of God; but woman is the glory of man. For man was not made from woman, but woman from...
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    Controversial upcoming game: Brutal Bible Bloodbaths

    I think my born again cousins would appreciate a pillow sham with the donkey dicks & huge emission quote. It would let them know that I pay serious attention to their favorite book. It should also be the quote on those religious billboards you sometimes see in Indiana cornfields. And let it...
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    Joke gallery

    Sunday. Time for more Pope jokes. Trump dies and sneaks into heaven using Alec Baldwin's ID. A half hour later, heaven's security team locates him. "It's you, Donald. Alec Baldwin is still down on earth and you, sir, are going to hell." They drag him to the edge of a cloud and kick him in...
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    Louisiana mandates 10 Commandments In Schools

    I found it by googling Kimmel 10 Commandments.
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    Louisiana mandates 10 Commandments In Schools

    On Kimmel Live a couple of nights ago, he covered this in his monologue...and his staff put together a Power Point of all 10 Commandments paired with images of Trump violating them. SPOILER: ...the best one was Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house, showing Biden and the WH.
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    Strange religious sites

    The postmistress in Looneyville was a riot -- she told me about all the other tourists who stopped just to say they'd been there, and also that their town signs are continually stolen. Weiner is big enough to have cop cars that say Weiner PD, and there's a Bank of Weiner. I didn't see a Weiner...
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    Louisiana mandates 10 Commandments In Schools

    Yeah, but Leviticus 11 still gives you the basis for a hearty, diverse spread of food. You can eat all the crickets, locusts, and grasshoppers you want. (Just add a little sriracha.) The Leviticus writers seem to think these bugs have 4 legs, by the way, but maybe they closed their eyes...
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    Strange religious sites

    ...and 90s I'd drive miles and miles out of my way to visit crazy-sounding places. I'm proud to have visited: Cement, Indiana Greasy Corner, Arkansas * Intercourse, PA Blue Ball, PA * Knockemstiff, Ohio * Cut and Shoot, Texas Looneyville, WV Weiner, Arkansas (I watched my speed, didn't wanna...
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    Louisiana mandates 10 Commandments In Schools

    The Baton Rouge Jesus Posse is making a fairly sensible bet that the Supremes will sustain them. SCOTUS already decided that your boss's supernatural beliefs can dictate your health benefits, that vouchers for religious education are perfectly OK, that a coach can make a BFD of praying on the...
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    Morality in Bible stories that you don't understand

    A 600-year-old man with a pronounced alcohol problem. Just who you want for your skipper. "Hold my beer, Shem." (Do Sunday school kids who hear this story get to hear about Noah's supposed age? Makes you wonder. Get 'em when they're young and can be taught nonsense.)
  17. I

    There is no evidence of Abiogenesis

    Amazon sells Irony Detectors...look into it.
  18. I

    There is no evidence of Abiogenesis

    You can get a whole person from dust. Abiogenesis.
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    Strange religious sites

    OMG... Thanks for the info; I may have to book my flight to Aomori. Without devoting too much space to it (see wikipedia for more), this tradition has Jesus' look-alike brother taking his place on the cross, and Jesus absconding to Japan, to marry and become a garlic farmer. Hell, why not...
  20. I

    Souls And Brains And IQs

    All right, but back in the day, did you own a Suzanne Somers Butt and Soulmaster? I'm sorry, but I just couldn't make the time commitment.
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