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  1. S

    The Programming Thread

    URAND appears to be linear congruence. The link has a list of constants that are used. For the code I posed k1 = 907633385,k2 = 1686629725. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear_congruential_generator
  2. S

    6/27/24 presidential debate

    Biden has made his share of incorrect and made up facts. As has been widely commented on, Biden apears to have diminished capacity. I can see wyt Netanyahu is getting his way with the USA, Biden is incapable of confronting an aggressive opponent. Trump's lies are one thing, Biden's inability...
  3. S

    Julian Assange is finally free

    Holy government? I doubt few anywhere in the west would say that, maybe in China. The question today given the population size, economics, and many divisions what does anyone rose as a different form of government? Can a government function with complete transparency and public access to all...
  4. S

    Julian Assange is finally free

    If you go all the way back he selectively released hacked governed communications to areas where it would cause trouble which it did. He is responsible for inciting violence. He was not just releasing information in the nae of transparency, he was actively working against us. Note as far as I...
  5. S

    Russian scientists created cure for cancer (all types/kinds of it)

    The difference between the USA and the west in general is that we acknowledge our moral failings and try to correct it. Unlike China and Russia the west believes in rule of law, freedom of the press, and civil liberties. No one says we are perfect, but it is what we strive for. Here in the USA...
  6. S

    Is a Hidden God the Same as No God?

    A hidden god is a mystery and everybody lies a good mystery. A physical god is something else. Disobey and you get zapped with lightning. No interpretation of what god wants no ifs ands or buts and no deferred punishment until you die.
  7. S

    Local Weather

    I feel for those in the heat, today it is cool and I am wearing a hoody around the apartment instead of a T shirt. Added ab extra blanket last night. The local climate is changing, no question about that. Most people in the region did not have air committing until recent years. Seattle s ok...
  8. S

    The Programming Thread

    ...are too big for the stack so they are allocated on the heap. #include <chrono> #include <random> void normal(int n,double u,double std,double *y){ cout<<"normal"<<endl; int i; unsigned seed = chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count(); default_random_engine...
  9. S

    The Programming Thread

    A clean PDF of the paper with derivationss and original FORTRAN code. It was designed to be portable, it finds the actual int size. http://i.stanford.edu/pub/cstr/reports/cs/tr/73/334/CS-TR-73-334.pdf
  10. S

    Local Weather

    The last few months were all over the place in terms of historical patters. Right now we are in the usual high 40s to 50s at night and 60s to upper 70s in the day sometimes in the 80s, typical for his time.
  11. S

    The Programming Thread

    I coded it from FORTRAN from the 70s paper. URAND A Universal Random Number Generator, its on the net. For a given m K1 and K2 are constants that can be precalculated, I showed it as it is in the paper for clarity. Each iteration then is a multiplication and an addition. In the days of...
  12. S

    The Processor Thread

    Don't forget the Z80, 8051 and 6502. They were important. The Commodore computer was 6502. The DEC VAX was an 9mrtant computer. PDP. The first company I word at used a VAX for software dependent, it had an open bus architecture and 3rd party plug in boards. You might call it the PC of the...
  13. S

    The Programming Thread

    C++ Normal, Exponential Distributions #include <random> #include <chrono> void save(int n,string fname, double *x1,double *x2){ int i; FILE *p = fopen(fname.c_str(),"w"); for(i=0;i<n;i++)fprintf(p,"%.10f\t %.10f\t \n",x1[i],x2[i]); fclose(p); }//save() int...
  14. S

    The Programming Thread

    Moving on to C++ rand https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/standard-library/random?view=msvc-170 The degree of randomness from my simple test is on the the degree of uniform randomness for the mt19937_64 generator is on the order of URAND. About 0.005% There are multiple engines including...
  15. S

    The Programming Thread

    ...seed){ //uniform distribution ints 0 - 2147483646 static unsigned rand_num = 1; unsigned m = 0x7fffffff; unsigned k1 = 2*floor(m*(.5 - sqrt(3)/6.)) + 1; unsigned k2 = 8*ceil(m*atan(1.)/8.) + 5; static unsigned temp_seed = 1; if(seed != temp_seed){...
  16. S

    There is no evidence of Abiogenesis

    My response is life is a set of chemical processes, and natural spontaneous reactions occir. You need a chemical mix and an energy source. Black smokers, underused galvanic vents are a good candidate. Heat and chancels. There are small organisms at the vents that live on chemicals. There is...
  17. S

    We are overloading the planet: Now What?

    From reporting it is looking grim. A Nigerian leader called African youth a ticking tie bomb. We are seeing Africans crossing the southern border. Africa has been trying to industrialize but has gotten very far. Africa has about 20% of global population.
  18. S

    Probability Distributions

    ...//random number >0,<1 double unif_rand(void){return double(rand()+1)/(RAND_MAX+2);} double expon_random(double u) {return -log(1.-unif_rand())*u;} Make u 1 to get a mean of 1. The n0rmal function works but it is incomprehensible to me, can you elaborate on how it works or provide a link...
  19. S

    Probability Distributions

    The Central Limit Theorem is important in applied samplng statistics. It says the distribution of sample means regardless of the underlying distributed will be normally distributed, or close enough to use normal statistics. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_limit_theorem I know it holds...
  20. S

    Probability Distributions

    ...and the median of the normal distribution are the same. For the exponential distribution the mean and median are not the same. The median = log(2)*mean. The mean and starboard deviation may appear correct but for the exponential distribution the median = log(2)*mean. t as to be checked...
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