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  1. J

    Breakdown In Civil Order

    How about leave me the fuck alone.
  2. J

    Breakdown In Civil Order

    Essentially giving people new EVs at the expense of the auto industry does not harm the poor. Further, leave me the fuck alone.
  3. J

    Gender Roles

    I recall a piece of media called CentaurWorld: Centaur™
  4. J

    Breakdown In Civil Order

    I did not ONLY say that we should pull ICE vehicles from markets, I also said in addition to removing all ICE vehicles, that we should help people make the change by putting the financial burden on auto manufacturers as a consequence of their historic pushing of ICE vehicles. Anyone bickering...
  5. J

    A scientific definition of the term 'free will'

    Well, I wasn't ever really intending on saying it wasn't more than it's everyday definition, rather I was going on the long and very painful journey of defending its "realness" and its importance to the dialogues around that everyday definition. It's the fundamental approach to validating that...
  6. J

    A scientific definition of the term 'free will'

    @rousseau Apologies for my above post. I know you liked it, so I ascertain you got my point, but OMG it was so badly stated that I'm surprised you did!
  7. J

    A scientific definition of the term 'free will'

    And this is where we are different. To me it's more like saying "it came from over there" rather than "it came from over here". The direction and magnitude of forces directly impact the effect that force has when imparted by an object onto another. This is relational, but not "unreal" or...
  8. J

    A scientific definition of the term 'free will'

    Well, it's not subjective. It's an object, that answers a question about another object, relative to other objects. This is a flaw of the very concept of considering "subjectivity" rather than "relativity". It's pretty important when the question is over whether some exercise of force aligns...
  9. J

    A scientific definition of the term 'free will'

    Which my point is, this is untrue: it clearly refers to the momentary immediate state which drives the output "true" or "false" to a process that renders a conclusion against the question "did the wills pass internal review such that they came from me, or did they come from outside such that...
  10. J

    Part A of My New 3-Part Essay on Jesus Has Been Published on The Secular Web!

    Well, to me this is like saying "extraction and re-implementation of an emulated substrate in a system of physical laws into a more 'fundamental' system of physical laws is impossible, and simulation owners/simulations are non-existent". It's not actually true. Gods of this world are not...
  11. J

    According to Robert Sapolsky, human free will does not exist

    I'm not asking all or even much. Just pointing out that the "some" you do spend is often ill spent and I question whether it can be a bit more successfully or usefully spent discussing things with people who actually want to discuss things rather than play runaround fuck-fuck games. I don't...
  12. J

    Gender Roles

    No, he's arguing that people tend to only argue for freedoms they themselves want, which is often, but not always, true. If I saw someone arguing for the right to send kids to conversion camps, I can pretty well say that if they had a kid who was "starting to smell a little fruity" that I would...
  13. J

    A scientific definition of the term 'free will'

    So, after reviewing some of the posts I made in response to Copernicus yesterday, maybe this might help: It is argued by many that there is no "Realis" mode in which "freedom" makes sense. Incompatibilist argue, and too often compatibilists argue, that freedom requires irrealis modality; the...
  14. J

    According to Robert Sapolsky, human free will does not exist

    So, your own incredulity is your own problem there. Semantic completion to me is about supporting each idea with a definition until all the ideas are either supported with physical examples, or until you hit a contradiction between terms that cannot be reconciled. Regardless, every time you...
  15. J

    Political Rant Funny Images II

    I don't think an NDA can restrict whistle blowing on illegal actions.
  16. J

    Mark Manson's "Life is a Video Game" analogy - and the "cheats"

    So, and I say this as someone who bases their entire structure of ethics in agentic game theory, this whole thing strikes me, as it has others, as hopelessly myopic. If life is a game, the only point to it is "how to make the game as enjoyable as possible for as many of the players as possible...
  17. J

    Are there really infinite transcendental numbers?

    Thank you! This illustrates the concept very succinctly!
  18. J

    Breakdown In Civil Order

    No great fortune happens without great sins. Whether it is theft of proper accreditations, exploitation of workers, prevention of unions, shady back room deals, making bad design decisions and paying fines instead of insisting on good design decisions, premature testing on human subjects...
  19. J

    A scientific definition of the term 'free will'

    Really, I'm not sure what Rousseau even wants at this point. Abandonment of the term "free will" as an address relating to responsibility? I don't see what's so wrong with saying "I had free will in my decision to do the thing" instead of "I was responsible for doing the thing". That's really...
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