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  1. J

    Louisiana mandates 10 Commandments In Schools

    Or discussing Matthew 19:12 "accept that this is a thing."
  2. J

    Gender Roles

    ...changed (but nobody else beyond some people who are intent on pushing their own bespoke jargon). Nobody here has such a conniption or issue over it*. It's not unclear or impossible. It does not create any need for a "vexing parse", because context is king here, and the most absurd part about...
  3. J

    The block universe, free will, death, and Nietzsche

    Let's take for a moment a special case in which the programmer uses knowledge of a responsibility to find a different deterministic system in a way similar to how agents within a sufficiently complex system could operate: I run my system forward until an error happens, and I discover a...
  4. J

    The block universe, free will, death, and Nietzsche

    Responsibility is not zero-sum. The developers are responsible for making other things that are themselves responsible for things in turn, but the responsibility of the developer/initial condition/whatever doesn't change the momentary responsibilities through the evolution of the system...
  5. J

    The block universe, free will, death, and Nietzsche

    I think rather the inverse? Programming is the one arena wherein a block universe can actually be observed and probed, especially since this exercise of external influence is optional (and as discussed, does not influence the definition of the uninfluenced case). Take for example the start-up...
  6. J

    The block universe, free will, death, and Nietzsche

    Well, my point here is that you can read the block and make an observation about what time and locations are involved in some event. The responsibility is generated by whatever evokes the existence of the block as it is, but these are observable by any outside observer. Part of how you design...
  7. J

    The block universe, free will, death, and Nietzsche

    But my point is that determination requires the constant conjunction. There's no shortcut to creating a continuous series of sequentially hierarchical events without some rule being applied on earlier states to evoke the later ones. You can't just say "show me what happens at frame 1000"...
  8. J

    The block universe, free will, death, and Nietzsche

    Not predetermined. Just "determined". Predetermined: "I the god of fate say that you will say ABCD in 5 seconds; even if you try not to, the fact I said it compels you to that outcome like a magnet following a vector of force, like an apple falling from a tree" Determined: you make a decision...
  9. J

    According to Robert Sapolsky, human free will does not exist

    You seem to be delusional. Compatibilists do not, in fact, think "necessity" in the way you seem to (badly) understand the topic is a problem for the notion of free will. The initial condition is not "necessary" either given the fact that the initial condition was different literally everywhere.
  10. J

    Gender Roles

    ..or maybe for the last 700 years or so there hasn't been much opportunity to recognize that the pre-scientific understanding of human sex and social development was pre-scientific, that the church's suppression of "third gender" and "gender atypical groups" as heresy was ill-informed, and that...
  11. J

    Breakdown In Civil Order

    Those who are offended by my broad calling-out of moral grandstanding and using folks as props can be offended for all I care. Of course, they could say "unlike (Republicans for whom this is a political prop), I really do care because X/Y/Z", we see "this offends me!". The only reason I can see...
  12. J

    Gender Roles

    Someone's "sex" being "real" and "material" does not make it the case that the "sex" is perfectly or cleanly or consistently "male" or "female", or even in majority "male" or "female". The statistical modes are not explanatory, they and they are only as descriptive insofar as someone happens to...
  13. J

    The block universe, free will, death, and Nietzsche

    Ok, so, look at the vinyl record. That's a good example for this: when the record was produced, could it have possibly be produced with that tune without at some point before it ended up on the record, it having been created by a temporal process? At some point, it was determined by process...
  14. J

    The block universe, free will, death, and Nietzsche

    No, they are all determined, without the "pre", by the nature of whatever defines the set. In order to handle this without the insanities required to think about infinities, I'm going to reduce the problem to a much smaller finite example: a system with only two states per location, sixteen...
  15. J

    The block universe, free will, death, and Nietzsche

    Why would you consider this to be the case? They are not predetermined events, but just determined by the structure and whatever defines the nature of the interactions. Free Will in it is no more an illusion because there is still "time" even within the block, it just is not the "time" of the...
  16. J

    The block universe, free will, death, and Nietzsche

    But I think the point here is that the structure of the block encodes a directionality of "responsibility" within it, a smooth flow not unlike the frames of a movie, and the changes from one frame to the next are constrained in what will be seen by some unstated form of relationship that is not...
  17. J

    According to Robert Sapolsky, human free will does not exist

    Your will is inevitabl[y free] because [when] it was generated by inner necessity [(yourself), which is the basic requirement for compatibilist free will]. The obtuseness of your replies is palpable.
  18. J

    Gender Roles

    Not to mention that "they" is almost always proceeded with a contextualizer. It seems like a massive kvetch over literally nothing. Nobody just says "they went to Germany" without saying it in response to a context token of some kind, even if that context token is a solidly pointed finger as...
  19. J

    Breakdown In Civil Order

    ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ Well, my point through this whole exchange, perhaps not clearly stated, was that I think the video is a piece of performance art sensationalizing and making hyperbole on the prevalence and behavior of porch pirates. The most effective attack against a porch pirate one is...
  20. J

    Gender Roles

    "Waah, I'm being called out for my equivocation games, and for treating Cluster Concepts as if they had explanatory power." Grow up. Cluster concepts do not have explanatory power.
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