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  1. T

    Merged Gaza just launched an unprovoked attack on Israel

    What makes any of it propaganda? Are you aware of the Muslim attack on Israel the day after it came to exist? Tom
  2. T

    Merged Gaza just launched an unprovoked attack on Israel

    Where's my anti-Muslim bigotry? I'm not talking about all Muslims. Just the ones who support violence in the region. This is a big part of the problem. If 90% of a population just wants a simple peaceful life, the other 10% can trash it for everyone. And when that 10% has super rich friends...
  3. T

    Merged Gaza just launched an unprovoked attack on Israel

    It's a response to one post. One of many anti-zionist posts. But I have tried, over and over, to be nuanced and balanced. I find myself, often, trying to rebalance the vicious anti-jewish bigotry of many other people. The Muslim attacks on Israel have also been going on for decades. It's kinda...
  4. T

    Merged Gaza just launched an unprovoked attack on Israel

    Two can play at that game. You have chosen to align yourself with violent Muslim terrorists. Terrorist leaders that are backed by super rich Muslim oil billionaires and such. The people caught between the hammer and the anvil are the regular folks who just want to lead peaceful lives and take...
  5. T

    British By Elections - Tories Lose Big

    It's not just them. I pay little attention to such affairs. It's hard enough to keep up with the nonsense here in my own country. But there was a poster on another forum who was a huge supporter of brexit. She went from cheering it on, to celebrating it's passage, to griping about how slowly it...
  6. T

    Merged Gaza just launched an unprovoked attack on Israel

    Your underlying assumption is that a Muslim majority state would be "equal rights for all". I don't share that assumption. Nor would I expect Zionists to do so. Do you realize how many of them were forcibly driven out of Muslim dominated states? They didn't all come from Germany you know. But...
  7. T

    Merged Gaza just launched an unprovoked attack on Israel

    Long ago, over 20 years, I made a tongue in cheek suggestion on a couple of other forums. It was for the USA to divide it's military aid in half. Give on half to Israel and the other half Palestinians. My guess was that if the Palestinians had attack helicopters and such the conflict would end...
  8. T

    Moved Live Trump Trial Updates

    I'm trying to imagine the response to a busty female politician telling reporters: "When you have knockers like mine, you can grab any guy you want by the cock. They love it!" Especially if she's a Democrat. Tom
  9. T

    Hope For The Dying

    I'm not familiar with that. I am familiar with a Christian denomination called "Universalist". They are otherwise fairly standard trinitarians. But they teach "Universal Salvation". Essentially, "Almighty God wants all his children Saved. Almighty God gets what Almighty God wants. Therefore...
  10. T

    Hope For The Dying

    I think a big part of the issue is how recent it is, historically speaking. For virtually all of human history, most of the worst conditions would also end the patients life in a matter of days or weeks. But now, oftentimes, the process of dying can be dragged out for months or years. Tom
  11. T

    Merged Gaza just launched an unprovoked attack on Israel

    I cannot imagine why you think that my staunch support of Biden is playing into the hands of Trump's supporters, instead of the people trying to reduce Biden's support. Sorry, an Arabic voter, or a student, in a swing state like Michigan who "just can't" support Biden anymore is supporting...
  12. T

    Merged Gaza just launched an unprovoked attack on Israel

    Putin yells "Yes! Four more years!' Tom
  13. T

    Merged Gaza just launched an unprovoked attack on Israel

    I agree. Would you bet your family and country on it happening? I would not. So I don't expect Netanyahu or other Zionists to do so either. Tom
  14. T

    The hush money indictment

    I don't claim to understand the details. But I think one of Trump's big problems here is having thrown his fixer, Cohen, under the bus. Now Cohen has the kind of immunity that results from having been convicted and serving his time. And he has a bunch of information about what Trump did. What...
  15. T

    Merged Gaza just launched an unprovoked attack on Israel

    Ok. Your best response doesn't include the possibility that Israel's neighbors might decide to choose peace and prosperity over Islamic vengeance. Of course not. Everyone knows how likely that is. Tom
  16. T

    Merged Gaza just launched an unprovoked attack on Israel

    Why do you think that? Is that your best response to what I posted? Tom
  17. T

    What Movie Is This? - Only Give Wrong Answers

    Yeah, I broke that rule awhile back. Oops! Tom ETA ~Now I don't break thread rules. Just basic decorum rules.~
  18. T

    The hush money indictment

    As bilby points out, that is not what he's charged with. Had Trump pulled out his own wallet and paid, he could have lied all he wanted to about it. It's the fraud and misuse of campaign funds that is the legal problem here. Tom
  19. T

    Merged Gaza just launched an unprovoked attack on Israel

    I'm not sure anyone in this thread has done that. As I pointed out up thread, I probably come across as more staunchly Zionist than I really am. That's because I read a lot of what looks to me like heavily biased Israeli bashing. To start with, "okay" is not the same as "understandable". Or...
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