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Merged Gaza just launched an unprovoked attack on Israel

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But to address your post, if Islamic terrorists like Hamas stopped inciting violence this would end. But they of choose to continue. So it won't. The Palestinians keep the blood feud going on.
If this is your idea of balanced and nuanced posting, we have very different views on those terms.

The slow persistence in ethnic cleansing in the West Bank had been going on for decades. It is one of a multitude of factors contributing to the ongoing blood feud. It isn’t all at the hands of the Palestinians.
It's a response to one post.
One of many anti-zionist posts. But I have tried, over and over, to be nuanced and balanced. I find myself, often, trying to rebalance the vicious anti-jewish bigotry of many other people.

The Muslim attacks on Israel have also been going on for decades. It's kinda like a continuation of the attacks that resulted in Israel in the first place.
Except now, Jews can defend themselves. And they're doing so. Even when it's not politically correct.
But to address your post, if Islamic terrorists like Hamas stopped inciting violence this would end. But they of choose to continue. So it won't. The Palestinians keep the blood feud going on.
If this is your idea of balanced and nuanced posting, we have very different views on those terms.

The slow persistence in ethnic cleansing in the West Bank had been going on for decades. It is one of a multitude of factors contributing to the ongoing blood feud. It isn’t all at the hands of the Palestinians.
It's a response to one post.
One of many anti-zionist posts. But I have tried, over and over, to be nuanced and balanced. I find myself, often, trying to rebalance the vicious anti-jewish bigotry of many other people.
With vicious anti-Muslim bigotry?
TomC said:
The Muslim attacks on Israel have also been going on for decades. It's kinda like a continuation of the attacks that resulted in Israel in the first place.
Except now, Jews can defend themselves. And they're doing so. Even when it's not politically correct.
Of the 5 sentences, only the third one is balanced. The rest are pure propaganda.
With vicious anti-Muslim bigotry?
Where's my anti-Muslim bigotry?

I'm not talking about all Muslims. Just the ones who support violence in the region.

This is a big part of the problem.
If 90% of a population just wants a simple peaceful life, the other 10% can trash it for everyone. And when that 10% has super rich friends who don't want peace either...
With vicious anti-Muslim bigotry?
Where's my anti-Muslim bigotry?
Throughout the thread.
TomC said:
I'm not talking about all Muslims. Just the ones who support violence in the region.

This is a big part of the problem.
If 90% of a population just wants a simple peaceful life, the other 10% can trash it for everyone. And when that 10% has super rich friends who don't want peace either...
Or hold the key to maintaining power in a democracy , as anyone who is nuanced and balanced would point out.
Of the 5 sentences, only the third one is balanced. The rest are pure propaganda.
The Muslim attacks on Israel have also been going on for decades. It's kinda like a continuation of the attacks that resulted in Israel in the first place.
Except now, Jews can defend themselves. And they're doing so. Even when it's not politically correct.
What makes any of it propaganda?
Are you aware of the Muslim attack on Israel the day after it came to exist?
Of the 5 sentences, only the third one is balanced. The rest are pure propaganda.
The Muslim attacks on Israel have also been going on for decades. It's kinda like a continuation of the attacks that resulted in Israel in the first place.
Except now, Jews can defend themselves. And they're doing so. Even when it's not politically correct.
What makes any of it propaganda?
The reality of history that points to the extreme bias in portrayal.
TomC said:
Are you aware of the Muslim attack on Israel the day after it came to exist?
Of course.
It would also end if the Zionists stopped their opposition to Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank merging with the current state of Israel and forming a new country on the basis of equal rights for all. But they choose to continue. So it won't. The Israelis keep the blood feud going.
Your underlying assumption is that a Muslim majority state would be "equal rights for all".
I don't share that assumption.

Nor would I expect Zionists to do so. Do you realize how many of them were forcibly driven out of Muslim dominated states? They didn't all come from Germany you know.

But pretending to believe that it's Israel keeping the blood feud going is hard for me to fathom. You'd think it was Israeli forces that launched the current debacle. Or that the civilians in Gaza are not human shields for Hamas.


I don't assume that any country can achieve "equal rights for all", but I do assume that they could aspire to the same standard that other countries do. You keep conflating Palestinians and Muslims with Hamas terrorists in order to justify your advocacy for the Zionist cause. I only refer to Palestinians generally in my post, and I reject the attempt to confuse them with the Hamas terrorist organization or any other terrorist group. Nor do I conflate Jews interchangeably with Zionists.

My position, as I've explained to you on multiple times, is that both sides keep the feud going. That's what a "feud" is--a self-perpetuating conflict. You continually blame the Palestinian side for the feud, as if the Israeli side never did anything to provoke it.

You have chosen to align yourself with the Zionist cause, which is backed by superior military force.
Two can play at that game.
You have chosen to align yourself with violent Muslim terrorists. Terrorist leaders that are backed by super rich Muslim oil billionaires and such.

Again, you use the description "violent Muslim terrorists" rather than the one I used--"Palestinians". I have explicitly and repeatedly rejected the terrorists. I don't recall you ever rejecting the violence committed by the Israeli side, which you seem to think is purely defensive and not punitive.

The people caught between the hammer and the anvil are the regular folks who just want to lead peaceful lives and take care of their families and such. Most of those are Palestinians, but many are Israeli.

And it looks to me like Hamas is about to double or triple the number of human shields who die in Rafah. But they will probably keep their grip on power, so those Gazan casualties are not a big deal to them.

That's absurd, Tom. With a ceasefire, no "human shields", as you so inartfully put it, would die. They will die from violence committed by Israel, which is the party committing most of the violence with the most powerful weapons now.
The Muslim attacks on Israel have also been going on for decades.

The rest are pure propaganda.
Of course.
But when I mentioned it, you referred to that as "pure propaganda"
That is an utter falsehood that the part of my response your clipped out explains.
You are now claiming that you didn't refer to my sentence as "pure propaganda"?
Again, you use the description "violent Muslim terrorists" rather than the one I used--"Palestinians". I have explicitly and repeatedly rejected the terrorists.
It's not just Palestinians, as I have consistently pointed out.
Hamas is Gazans, but their international supporters are not.
It's violent Muslim terrorists who keep the blood feud going.
The Muslim attacks on Israel have also been going on for decades.

The rest are pure propaganda.
Of course.
But when I mentioned it, you referred to that as "pure propaganda"
That is an utter falsehood that the part of my response your clipped out explains.
You are now claiming that you didn't refer to my sentence as "pure propaganda"?
No. That refers to your overwhelming bias in your portrayal of the region's history which makes it pure propaganda.
No. That refers to your overwhelming bias in your portrayal of the region's history which makes it pure propaganda.
Seems myopic.
Do you think that history started after WWII or something?

Not everyone has the short attention span or cavalier attitude towards history Americans tend towards.
But to address your post, if Islamic terrorists like Hamas stopped inciting violence this would end. But they of choose to continue. So it won't. The Palestinians keep the blood feud going on.
How do you know this?

Israelis regularly attack west bank residents, murder residents, destroy their farms and steal their land. Do you think if Hamas stopped the attacks by the Israelis would stop?
But to address your post, if Islamic terrorists like Hamas stopped inciting violence this would end. But they of choose to continue. So it won't. The Palestinians keep the blood feud going on.
How do you know this?

Israelis regularly attack west bank residents, murder residents, destroy their farms and steal their land. Do you think if Hamas stopped the attacks by the Israelis would stop?
Or we could reverse your statement
"Hamas regularly attacks Israel residents, murders Israel residents, destroys their homes and invades their land. Do you think if Israel stopped the attacks by Hamas would stop?"
Of course you know the answer.

As has been pointed out so many times, nobody in this region wants to be the first to stop. All want some else to be the first to stop.
And too many outside players have a vested interest in the violence continuing.
No. That refers to your overwhelming bias in your portrayal of the region's history which makes it pure propaganda.
Seems myopic.
What do you think “ myopic” means? And why do you feel that pointing out your one sided view of the region’s history makes my view “myopic”?
Myopic means near sighted.
Commonly used to describe people with a very small view of a much bigger picture.

Rather like people who think that Zionists must stop defending themselves against Muslim neighbors like Gazans. Because they don't want to see the history before October 9, 2023.
It interferes with their self righteous indignation concerning violence in the region.
No. That refers to your overwhelming bias in your portrayal of the region's history which makes it pure propaganda.
Seems myopic.
What do you think “ myopic” means? And why do you feel that pointing out your one sided view of the region’s history makes my view “myopic”?
Myopic means near sighted.
Commonly used to describe people with a very small view of a much bigger picture.
Ah, you mean like people who equate current IDF action with self- defense.
TomC said:
Rather like people who think that Zionists must stop defending themselves against Muslim neighbors like Gazans. Because they don't want to see the history before October 9, 2023.
It interferes with their self righteous indignation concerning violence in the region.
I don’t know about people who think Israel must stop defending themselves. But for some reason, I doubt you do either.
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