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  1. Politesse

    The hush money indictment

    Will we? I'd say one of the shittest things about life under an autocratic government is that you don't and can't really know who your fellow citizens are. Hard to gauge what someone really thinks when you all have to watch what you say.
  2. Politesse

    Who lies more --- the Left or the Right?

    That's the part everyone agrees with, not the part that confused everyone.
  3. Politesse

    Columbia University is colluding with the far-right in its attack on students

    Ah, so you are claiming if all of these individuals were put in jail for one week, they would lose their will to continue protesting the Gaza War?
  4. Politesse

    Who lies more --- the Left or the Right?

    Do you really think anyone is fooled when you play these word games?
  5. Politesse

    Who lies more --- the Left or the Right?

    I don't own a television, so I can't comment on it. But the internet exists in barely interacting hives of groupthink. Do you have evidence of a paucity of rightwing bluster in some medium I'm not familiar with?
  6. Politesse

    Who lies more --- the Left or the Right?

    Well, no. And you still haven't explained what you meant. Is that what you mean? That people on the Right don't ever just say what they mean, just pussy-foot around, force people to guess, and feign offense when people "assume the worst" ? Because that does happen a lot. If you people want to...
  7. Politesse

    Who lies more --- the Left or the Right?

    I'm curious what you mean by this. It certainly doesn't seem true, off the bat. Just a cruise down my radio dial finds dozens of conservative and religious stations, in three languages, and exactly one leftist AM station and NPR if you count them. And I live in the alleged heart of liberal land.
  8. Politesse

    Who lies more --- the Left or the Right?

    They secretly have very different visions of what that actually looks like, though. Democratic or post-democratic? Overtly Christian or alt-right? Totalitarian or anarchic? They agree on who they want dead, detained, or deported. But they have no clear vision of America's future once all of the...
  9. Politesse

    Who lies more --- the Left or the Right?

    The progressive, anarchist, communist, and (occasionally) libertarian movements are the fractured constellation that makes up the Left in the US. The Democrats are more of a "big tent party". You could call them the Center, but they are really more of a "whatever suits the needs of the moment"...
  10. Politesse

    Noam Chomsky in poor health

    Damned sorry to hear it. We have never agreed on everything, but who does? It cannot be denied he has changed the world for the better, and I admire his tireless political advocacy and insistence on asserting the relevance of the academic in public life. A new Socrates for a generation that...
  11. Politesse

    Gender Roles

    Civil rights groups do serve the overall group. The principle of equal treatment under the law is a fundamental right, that all citizens should insist upon, and will always benefit from doing so.
  12. Politesse

    Columbia University is colluding with the far-right in its attack on students

    That all sounds like the kind of violation that would result in a citation, yes. Which they received. But it sounded like you wanted them arrested. On what charges? For how long?
  13. Politesse

    Columbia University is colluding with the far-right in its attack on students

    Not having, you know, committed any serious crimes... Tell me, how many years do you believe eomeone ahould spend in jail for disrupting an examination, or setting up a pup tent, in the "land of the free"?
  14. Politesse

    Who lies more --- the Left or the Right?

    “I would say it was bravado. If you want to know the truth, it was bravado ... I was talking and just holding up papers and talking about, but I have no documents. I didn't have any documents.” [1] ~Donald J. Trump, confessing to being a routine and casual liar... even to his closest friends...
  15. Politesse

    Who lies more --- the Left or the Right?

    Ev Everyone lies, but pro-fascist lies are more dangerous. I don't give a shit about Hunter Biden (or Chelsea Clinton, or all them crazy Palins) because I am not electing them. But when the person who is going to be president lies about important matters, like whether he was briefed on an...
  16. Politesse

    The Race For 2024

    They were all bought off by the Woke deep state, and may not be fully in control of their minds.
  17. Politesse

    White People Think Black People Are Magical

    I always imagined him as looking a bit like Avner Eisenberg, because of that Kathleen Turner movie where he plays Bahai Jesus.
  18. Politesse

    Elections aren't secure??

    They want to win the election, not fix the system. The system can be fixed "later", when their people are in place and venegeance ahs been carried out against the deep state collaborateurs who insulted the honor of America's rightful president.
  19. Politesse

    Gender Roles

    This is a batshit insane request on your part. Why would an advocacy group stop advocating because they met some sort of proximate goal? You don't just keep rights, you have to work to keep them.
  20. Politesse

    Gender Roles

    Here's the thing though, they only added the S to GSA after us gays were already full citizens wth full rights, so they'd still have something to do. This proves that straight people are a recent innovation.
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