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    • Politesse
      Politesse replied to the thread Breakdown In Civil Order.
      God help us all. Your conservative friends have a very inaccurate understanding of the history of Newsom's policies and actions on the...
    • Politesse
      Politesse replied to the thread Breakdown In Civil Order.
      I thought Gavin Newsom was a Progressive activist plotting to have us all murdered by homeless Mexican Muslim parolees? Why would he do...
    • Politesse
      Politesse replied to the thread Images that make you laugh.
      That's not just bad food, that's viral gastroentoritis, aka stomach flu. Bern there.
    • Politesse
      Politesse replied to the thread Racism And Kamala Harris.
      Well, since the late 1960s... And what's going on now is similar. If the Republicans are going in hard for white nationalism, Democrats...
    • Politesse
      Politesse reacted to bilby's post in the thread Breakdown In Civil Order with Like Like.
      That's a justification for abuse of literally ANY subset of humanity: Some Jews are criminals; Therefore the fear of Jewish crime is...
    • Politesse
      Politesse replied to the thread Racism And Kamala Harris.
      Nor should be.
    • Politesse
      Politesse replied to the thread The Race For 2024.
      No one who respects the Constitution would support Trump in the first place. He demonstrated his callous contempt for it before his...
    • Politesse
      Politesse replied to the thread Racism And Kamala Harris.
      I am not objecting to conversations about Harris' actual record or qualifications. Racist and sexist attacks on her identity as a woman...
    • Politesse
      Politesse replied to the thread Racism And Kamala Harris.
      And yet, they attack people like Kamala Harris, whose credentials and record are both well known and above reproach, accusing them of...
    • Politesse
      Politesse replied to the thread The Race For 2024.
      It's so funny that Republicans try to make such a point about their opponents being "divisive" when they are transparently unable to...
    • Politesse
      Politesse replied to the thread Racism And Kamala Harris.
      I use the service AllSides; I don't always agree with their divying up of which papers have what political affiliations, but they do...
    • Politesse
      Politesse replied to the thread Images that make you laugh.
      I think in professional settings it's "oh for holy feckin Mary and her feckin baby-filled cunt".
    • Politesse
      Politesse reacted to ZiprHead's post in the thread Should Biden step down? with Like Like.
      Let him stay and serve out his term. IMO, he is the greatest president that has served this nation in my lifetime. He deserves at least...
    • Politesse
      Politesse replied to the thread Racism And Kamala Harris.
      Dude, everyone knows conservatives what conservatives mean when they say "DEI", your little codes and shit get broken the second they...
    • Politesse
      Politesse reacted to Patooka's post in the thread The Race For 2024 with Haha Haha.
      He is. Don't forget, you think OK isn't a white power symbol because Barack HUSSEIN Obama did it that one time. Nuance and context is...
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