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  1. Politesse

    Louisiana mandates 10 Commandments In Schools

    The Tao which can be translated is not the eternal Tao, anyway. ;)
  2. Politesse

    6/27/24 presidential debate

    Painfully plausible, despite his reputation as "fightin' Joe". Then again, I think the more likely case is that he simply could not read the room, and had no idea that more than half of Americans would become uncomfortable with Netanyahu's retributive genocide as quickly as they did. He thought...
  3. Politesse

    Gender Roles

    There's only so careful I'm willing to be on questions of civil rights and the equal application of the law. There were plenty of real cases of black men raping white women in the Jim Crow South. Cases true beyond a doubt. But you cannot penalize a population for the crimes of an individual, and...
  4. Politesse

    According to Robert Sapolsky, human free will does not exist

    Must I? Perhaps you can find contentment in the simple joy of providing me so many opportunities to say true things. I know I do.
  5. Politesse

    6/27/24 presidential debate

    I'd find that explanation more convincing if we'd heard it before he started fumbling.
  6. Politesse

    6/27/24 presidential debate

    Jesus, if only... But of course, that would just mean she was constantly at odds with the houses of Congress... It's funny how conservatives genuinely believe that one of the most painfully impotent factions in the Legislative branch is secretly ruling it, just because politicians occasionally...
  7. Politesse

    Gender Roles

    No, but they are a disadvantaged class that white women were afraid to see in their changing room. Like trans folks. The racists of your childhood didn't say "I hate blacks and that's why I want to discriminate against them". They said things like "I have nothing against Ne---s personally. We...
  8. Politesse

    According to Robert Sapolsky, human free will does not exist

    This is a feeling, not an observation. What does it mean to be "free to do as you please"? How would a universe in which the God's favorite primates are "free to do as they please" look demonstrably, measurably different from a universe in which no primates were "free to do as they please"?
  9. Politesse

    According to Robert Sapolsky, human free will does not exist

    Do I? Compatiblism will need to make a clear and cohererent claim before it "has problems" with anything.
  10. Politesse

    According to Robert Sapolsky, human free will does not exist

    We did indeed! Clever, clever monkeys. But if you do encounter a person or book with knowledge of quantum mechanics, you should embrace it as the next step in better understanding the universe, not reject it because late medieval chemistry was good enough for your grandpappy. If you reify a...
  11. Politesse

    According to Robert Sapolsky, human free will does not exist

    Except that the person who used too much Glen-20 when cleaning the room that morning had a lot more to do with it than Steve did, or even you did. If they didn't overdo it with the damn disinfectant, none of it would have happened. You didn't "choose" to be irrationally angry at Steve, and Steve...
  12. Politesse

    According to Robert Sapolsky, human free will does not exist

    It isn't, though. It absolutely requires inputs from beyond your body in order to function at all. A brain without external stimuli and nutrients is just a lump of carbon slowly decaying into the soil, not even salvageable let alone functional. We look back on our day and think "I was mad at...
  13. Politesse

    According to Robert Sapolsky, human free will does not exist

    I think that's an excellent analogue, but not for the reasons you think. That claim, "I know that pushing the right hand pedal makes it go faster" is only a reasonable position insofar as it is deduced from a pattern observed in the real world. It also isn't strictly true. Sure, it will get you...
  14. Politesse

    According to Robert Sapolsky, human free will does not exist

    Because you are defending free will, or claiming to. Have you really never read any of the literature on free will at all? I get that you think you can discuss Sapolsky without reading Sapolsky, but you haven't even read the fundamental literature on your own side of the debate? Yes, free will...
  15. Politesse

    According to Robert Sapolsky, human free will does not exist

    That doesn't even make sense. The brain is the hub of a complex neural network, and the purpose of that network is to process information from the environment; if you cut it off from the body, it dies instantly. If you disable its senses, it cannot function.
  16. Politesse

    According to Robert Sapolsky, human free will does not exist

    This is a statement of faith, not reason. "Whether or not I understand this phenomenon, I am certain I am right in my absolute claims about it" is an emotional, not rational, stance.
  17. Politesse

    According to Robert Sapolsky, human free will does not exist

    Kind of? Self is a complex concept and a discussion in and of itself. You construct your sense of "you" to some degree, but it is also constructed by others, is a component of a culture larger than yourself, and responds to environmental factors well beyond your control. And like "choices", it...
  18. Politesse

    According to Robert Sapolsky, human free will does not exist

    Actually, what do you mean by "compatible"? What is compatible with what? Because unless you are lying or deluded about your views on the deterministic universe, your views are no more compatible with the original theological doctrine of Free Will than Sapolsky's are. Orthodox Christians...
  19. Politesse

    According to Robert Sapolsky, human free will does not exist

    What, precisely, do you mean by the word "free"? What, precisely, do you mean by the word "will"? Both of these words strongly imply, if they do not outright require, magic.
  20. Politesse

    According to Robert Sapolsky, human free will does not exist

    A dubious claim at best, but even if it were so, "we" are not free in any reasonable sense of that term.
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