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  1. T

    Compatibilism: What's that About?

    Sheepskins Impress the Sheep Netwits tell what they've been told, imagining that makes them share in the prestige. But the prestige of designated experts is itself imaginary.
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    Compatibilism: What's that About?

    Noli hypotheses fingere As usual, New Age conformists aren't logical in their desperate defense of their weirdness religion. Using quantum facts to create things doesn't imply they know how to explain what makes it work. An auto mechanic could know nothing about the physics of internal...
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    Compatibilism: What's that About?

    Motto of Postmodern Scientists, Who Find Rationality So Boring: "If It's Weird, It's Wise" Having been temporarily infected with the Quantum Quacks' irrationality, I was going to object that your What's for Breakfast example is irrelevant, because you choose the possibility that becomes a...
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    Climate Change(d)?

    You are being both incorrect and dishonest. A typical example of the Trustfundie Treehuggers Kaczynskian cult's overblowing the significance of an event is the recent New York hurricane. The purposely omitted background is that it also happened in the 1930s. when the level of civilization's...
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    Climate Change(d)?

    Nature Is a Crime Against Humanity; It Has No Eminent Domain You're so desperate to belong to the Little Green Men's cult that your loneliness outside it makes you slide into more slippery logic in defending your security blanket. Science works against nature, so any group that is offended...
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    Climate Change(d)?

    With Your Confused Logic, You Can't Handle Anyone Who Thinks the Greens Are Deadlier Than the Unabomber You're not being logical or realistic at all. In what fantasy does someone have to be right about everything he claims to know? Or else, through some twisted thought process, we have to...
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    Climate Change(d)?

    The Green New Deal Is a Dead Man's Hand The Lethal Lockdown reduced auto emissions to the only level at which viruses can survive. "Pollution," a dishonest word taken from an ancient superstition, had prevented all pandemics for 100 years. Primitive degenerate nature-worshipers are...
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    Compatibilism: What's that About?

    Irrational Physics Led Directly to the Irrational Politics of a Collapsing-Civilization Century Indeterminacy was cooked up by Werner Heisenberg, who became a Nazi. Your description of an indeterminate world is exactly what it's like to live in a totalitarian country.
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    The Netherlands, The land of no masks

    We Have Become a Paradise for Control-Freak Weaklings Getting Even With a Society That Rejected Them The cronyvirus is not contagious; it's in the air, everywhere. It is an immune-deficiency problem, like Lou Gehrig's disease and many others. It's not "novel" at all, although the ignorant...
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    January 6 Hearings Live

    The Irresistible Force and the Immovable Object Only secession will create two Americas: Great America and Ingrate America. Since Lefties believe that America was never great and has been all about THOSE HORRIBLE WHITE PEOPLE!!!, guess which one you'll be moved to.
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    Is nature the only true, holy, and worthy God?

    No Drive in the Chauffeured HeirHeads, who never earned anything but were given everything through Daddy's Money, despise people who have to earn everything, who cherish more the more they get by themselves.
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    Is nature the only true, holy, and worthy God?

    Godzillas When God is dead, many lost, confused, and manipulated humans will follow far worse gods to fill the vacuum. Environmentalism and Statism are replacement theologies.
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    Is nature the only true, holy, and worthy God?

    Nature Is a Crime Against Humanity You're treating Nature as supernatural, which is a contradiction. Man, with his intelligence, is not designed to fit in with nature but must conquer it. Nature's mindless tendency towards us is to create our extinction. Nature is the enemy of man, who must...
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    The Civil War of 2025

    The Art of the Deal Why can't we separate? You can't stand us, so why do you want us to stay with you? As an independent country, Great America will send you, free of charge, all your pet groups stuck in the Red States. So they won't be persecuted here. In return, we'll take the White...
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    The Civil War of 2025

    The Country of Great America Is Too Big to Fall Under the Tyranny of Ingrate America Trump didn't agitate the Red States' desire for independence. It's been simmering there for decades, long before Trump answered the roaring call for someone like him.
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    Making the US Senate More Representative

    Sadistic statists prefer that we change our name to "United Urban Cesspools of America."
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    Making the US Senate More Representative

    What Part of the "United STATES of America" Don't You Understand? The majority of people wouldn't want to be stuck in an undesirable state just because it has the majority of the power. Population-based representation would be a way to prevent people from leaving.
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    Movement for Black Lives releases its agenda

    If you say so, but who elected you dictator? Your authoritarian manner is necessary for you to cover up the deep doubt you have about what your told is a morally superior perspective.
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    A clear illustration of how the average Palestinian feels

    Diploma Dumbos All history proved that the jihad would return. The kind of Low-IQ brownnoses who go to college and then get into the ruling class are incapable of understanding history. In college, they are willing to live like 15-year-olds on part-time jobs because they are afraid to grow up.
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    What STUPID Thing Did Trumpy Do/Say, TODAY?

    Kardashian Lexicon "Clueless" is not a word. It's illogical slang coined by bimbo Valley Girl spoiled degenerates. The faddish way this contradiction is used would fit the nonsense of "When it comes to doing crossword puzzles, he is clueless."
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