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A clear illustration of how the average Palestinian feels

Clearly we need more Palestinians like the ones who actually saved the Jewish family. Perhaps there are but they are too cowed by the powers that be that they're afraid to rise up in defense of the couple. Maybe not. It's too bad that there is so much hatred that others would condemn their actions. Who knows what it will take to ever have peace in that region.
Clearly we need more Palestinians like the ones who actually saved the Jewish family. Perhaps there are but they are too cowed by the powers that be that they're afraid to rise up in defense of the couple. Maybe not. It's too bad that there is so much hatred that others would condemn their actions. Who knows what it will take to ever have peace in that region.

I've personally known and worked with Palestinians. In this I would find the article from a biased source. Israel at peace with the Palestinians and with good relations with the Arab world would benefit the region in terms of commerce, high tech and tourism. However the Israelis are seen as an army of occupation. At the same time there are fanatics amongst the Palestinians who would disrupt the peace process. Settlers need to stop expanding into Arab owned properties. Of course with rockets launched against Israel and Israel bombing Palestinian (Gaza) targets, there is a constant war zone situation.
Clearly we need more Palestinians like the ones who actually saved the Jewish family. Perhaps there are but they are too cowed by the powers that be that they're afraid to rise up in defense of the couple. Maybe not. It's too bad that there is so much hatred that others would condemn their actions. Who knows what it will take to ever have peace in that region.

I've personally known and worked with Palestinians. In this I would find the article from a biased source. Israel at peace with the Palestinians and with good relations with the Arab world would benefit the region in terms of commerce, high tech and tourism. However the Israelis are seen as an army of occupation. At the same time there are fanatics amongst the Palestinians who would disrupt the peace process. Settlers need to stop expanding into Arab owned properties. Of course with rockets launched against Israel and Israel bombing Palestinian (Gaza) targets, there is a constant war zone situation.

I think there's hatred on both sides that is fomented and used by the powers that be to further political goals.
Nobody will deny that Palestinian society is filled with anti-Israeli hatred and prejudice.

This is an expected end result of oppression.

And some here seem to want to use it to continue the oppression.
Clearly we need more Palestinians like the ones who actually saved the Jewish family. Perhaps there are but they are too cowed by the powers that be that they're afraid to rise up in defense of the couple. Maybe not. It's too bad that there is so much hatred that others would condemn their actions. Who knows what it will take to ever have peace in that region.

Evict the Muslims from Israel, Gaza, and the West Bank. They are descended from desert bandit gangs who never used the land for anything but a pit stop. The Israelis are exactly like our pioneers who won the land from useless and bloodthirsty fugitives from evolution. Those who oppose Americans and Israelis are traitors to civilization.
Clearly we need more Palestinians like the ones who actually saved the Jewish family. Perhaps there are but they are too cowed by the powers that be that they're afraid to rise up in defense of the couple. Maybe not. It's too bad that there is so much hatred that others would condemn their actions. Who knows what it will take to ever have peace in that region.

Evict the Muslims from Israel, Gaza, and the West Bank. They are descended from desert bandit gangs who never used the land for anything but a pit stop. The Israelis are exactly like our pioneers who won the land from useless and bloodthirsty fugitives from evolution. Those who oppose Americans and Israelis are traitors to civilization.

This is just a guess, but.....you're not a History Major.....Right?

"The outbreak of World War I in 1914 and the Ottoman Empire’s alliance with Germany gave Britain and other imperial powers new opportunities to help themselves to the region’s riches. Britain and Russia reached a new agreement in 1915, dividing up Iran and Turkey. Britain and France likewise made plans to divvy up much of the Middle East between them once the war was won.

At the same time, Britain encouraged Arab revolts against the Ottoman Empire with the promise that victory would lead to a united Arab nation, reaching from the Red Sea to the Persian Gulf.

And in November 1917, British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour wrote to the Zionist leader, Lord Rothschild, promising British government support for "the establishment in Palestine of a National Home for the Jewish People." (The Zionist movement, which originated in Europe, sought creation of a Jewish state.)

The British government had promised the same country to two nations.

At the war’s end, private interests hopeful of exploiting the region’s oil urged their governments to ignore war-time promises to Arab leaders. A variety of small, divided Arab states would be much easier to maneuver into oil deals than a large, independent Arab republic. The European powers agreed. France assumed control of Syria and Lebanon. Britain took Palestine and Mesopotamia. London granted local control to kings and sheiks favorable to British interests. These arrangements were ratified by the League of Nations; Britain’s Palestinian colony was officially a League "Mandate."

The new states needed boundaries. Five days of wrangling over the borders (at a conference in Baghdad) ended when Sir Percy Cox, British High Commissioner, arbitrarily drew the boundary lines setting off Iraq, Kuwait, Jordan and Saudi Arabia.

The Ottoman Empire’s three Mesopotamian provinces of Mosul, Baghdad and Basra became a new nation, Iraq. What had been an adjunct of Basra became a separate political entity, Kuwait. Tiny Kuwait obtained 310 miles of coastline, Iraq just 36. Britain offered the Iraqi throne to the Bedouin leader Faysal, Kuwait to the al-Sabah family, Transjordan to the Hashemite leader Hussein and confirmed Ibn Saud as ruler of Saudi Arabia (the world’s only country named after its ruling family).

Britain backed up its plans for the new oil-rich nations with military might. A nationalist revolt demanding the promised independence quickly spread throughout Iraq. The British army mustard-gassed Shia rebels while the Royal Air Force bombed the Kurds. (Winston Churchill, then Secretary of State for War, recommended dropping mustard gas on the Kurds, too.)

The opening up of Palestine to Jewish settlements, meanwhile, served imperial strategy by furthering division in the region and by establishing a beachhead for British interests."

Nobody will deny that Palestinian society is filled with anti-Israeli hatred and prejudice.

This is an expected end result of oppression.

And some here seem to want to use it to continue the oppression.

^ Pretty much sums it up.

You can't expect people to behave themselves and like you when you displace them, wall them off and treat them like dogs. They will lash out and bite you. How this is a surprise to anyone boggles the mind.
Nobody will deny that Palestinian society is filled with anti-Israeli hatred and prejudice.

This is an expected end result of oppression.

And some here seem to want to use it to continue the oppression.

^ Pretty much sums it up.

You can't expect people to behave themselves and like you when you displace them, wall them off and treat them like dogs. They will lash out and bite you. How this is a surprise to anyone boggles the mind.​

You're pretty-obviously forgotten......God is on OUR side!!!!

Israel Is Our Shield

Evict the Muslims from Israel, Gaza, and the West Bank. They are descended from desert bandit gangs who never used the land for anything but a pit stop. The Israelis are exactly like our pioneers who won the land from useless and bloodthirsty fugitives from evolution. Those who oppose Americans and Israelis are traitors to civilization.

This is just a guess, but.....you're not a History Major.....Right?

"The outbreak of World War I in 1914 and the Ottoman Empire’s alliance with Germany gave Britain and other imperial powers new opportunities to help themselves to the region’s riches. Britain and Russia reached a new agreement in 1915, dividing up Iran and Turkey. Britain and France likewise made plans to divvy up much of the Middle East between them once the war was won.

At the same time, Britain encouraged Arab revolts against the Ottoman Empire with the promise that victory would lead to a united Arab nation, reaching from the Red Sea to the Persian Gulf.

And in November 1917, British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour wrote to the Zionist leader, Lord Rothschild, promising British government support for "the establishment in Palestine of a National Home for the Jewish People." (The Zionist movement, which originated in Europe, sought creation of a Jewish state.)

The British government had promised the same country to two nations.

At the war’s end, private interests hopeful of exploiting the region’s oil urged their governments to ignore war-time promises to Arab leaders. A variety of small, divided Arab states would be much easier to maneuver into oil deals than a large, independent Arab republic. The European powers agreed. France assumed control of Syria and Lebanon. Britain took Palestine and Mesopotamia. London granted local control to kings and sheiks favorable to British interests. These arrangements were ratified by the League of Nations; Britain’s Palestinian colony was officially a League "Mandate."

The new states needed boundaries. Five days of wrangling over the borders (at a conference in Baghdad) ended when Sir Percy Cox, British High Commissioner, arbitrarily drew the boundary lines setting off Iraq, Kuwait, Jordan and Saudi Arabia.

The Ottoman Empire’s three Mesopotamian provinces of Mosul, Baghdad and Basra became a new nation, Iraq. What had been an adjunct of Basra became a separate political entity, Kuwait. Tiny Kuwait obtained 310 miles of coastline, Iraq just 36. Britain offered the Iraqi throne to the Bedouin leader Faysal, Kuwait to the al-Sabah family, Transjordan to the Hashemite leader Hussein and confirmed Ibn Saud as ruler of Saudi Arabia (the world’s only country named after its ruling family).

Britain backed up its plans for the new oil-rich nations with military might. A nationalist revolt demanding the promised independence quickly spread throughout Iraq. The British army mustard-gassed Shia rebels while the Royal Air Force bombed the Kurds. (Winston Churchill, then Secretary of State for War, recommended dropping mustard gas on the Kurds, too.)

The opening up of Palestine to Jewish settlements, meanwhile, served imperial strategy by furthering division in the region and by establishing a beachhead for British interests."

It is dishonest to conclude that anyone who doesn't reach the same conclusions you are fed with the facts just doesn't know the facts. Wiser European leaders knew that a new jihad would come after the Ottoman one had ended (It peaked on September 11, 1683, by the way). The Jewish Homeland was set up as a decoy to that inevitable jihad. It worked on the dumb, wild, and trigger-happy Arabs until Al Qaida realized they must bypass it, especially since the West had become a decadent pushover pretending to New Age tolerance of Islam in order to cover up its Death Wish cowardice.
Diploma Dumbos

Wiser European leaders knew that a new jihad would come after the Ottoman one had ended (It peaked on September 11, 1683, by the way).​


You forgot to provide proof of that.

All history proved that the jihad would return. The kind of Low-IQ brownnoses who go to college and then get into the ruling class are incapable of understanding history. In college, they are willing to live like 15-year-olds on part-time jobs because they are afraid to grow up.
Solution to the Palestinian problem

^ Pretty much sums it up.

You can't expect people to behave themselves and like you when you displace them, wall them off and treat them like dogs. They will lash out and bite you. How this is a surprise to anyone boggles the mind.​

You're pretty-obviously forgotten......God is on OUR side!!!!

Thanks for that video -- always a pleasure to hear it performed still again. I especially like hearing that opening verse they usually omit.

If only the Palestinians could spawn an Irving Berlin! ---------------- Yeah, fat chance!

Maybe the only hope for them is Eugenics!
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