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  1. J

    Split Biden or Trump too old?

    …with a political agenda. Vetting sources is important if you are a serious person. It’s not important if you want to live in a make-believe world.
  2. J

    Split Biden or Trump too old?

    meet the "psychiatrist" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carole_Lieberman
  3. J

    Jason's or the LP's stance on money creation

    How in the world does tribal law not ensue a plan like this? If the idea is to never have to pay any tax, then you have basically gutted any idea of a state. "Hooray" you say - but I'm not sure you can own enough guns to protect yourself from the Mad Max adventure that follows. What am I...
  4. J

    GOP: The party of idiots

    I agree, but It makes me think about Hillary using the term deplorables - she wasn't referring to the average "low info" republican like this, more of the tiki torch weilding "Jews will not replace us" crowd.
  5. J

    The SOTU

    Yes - We've been in the bizarro world since 2016. Any comparisons about age, mental sharpness, blah, blah are completely irrelevant considering the choice between a Trump and pretty much anyone else.
  6. J

    Merged Gaza just launched an unprovoked attack on Israel

    I've been a 2 state solution guy for a long time. I'm leaning towards a no state solution these days. Neither has shown the ability to govern itself.
  7. J

    Who is the biggest face of the Men's Rights/incel movement(s)?

    I'll go with Jordan Peterson too. He's vile and fills large venues with his speaking engagements. He's a dumb person's intellectual.
  8. J

    Question about Trump and his religious fanatic followers.

    Something as simple as taxing them would probably be enough to scramble their drive for power. That's what scares them the most.
  9. J

    How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

    I find it hard to take any media seriously from a country that has such a high kill rate for journalists, so I won't comment on anything you post from any Russian news sources. I will say this. I'm not American and can be a pretty harsh critic of US politics and especially media, but you are...
  10. J

    GOP: The party of idiots

    I dunno - I think there is truth in the saying “you won’t go broke appealing to the lowest common denominator” Not to say people are dumb, but there’s a lot of low info people out there. I mean, I see guys at work talking about the horror of trans people. They’re not Christians, just mild...
  11. J

    GOP: The party of idiots

    This issue must do well in focus groups. So freakin weird. Conservatives using trans people as a wedge issue in Canada right now too. No surprise that since they've started violence against LGTBQ people is on the rise. They just look at Putin and say "I'll have whatever he's having"
  12. J

    Does a Large Part of the Russian Population suffer from Stockholm Syndrome?

    I think it’s the power of disinformation, combined with (authoritarian) state controlled narratives. It’s not difficult to get people to buy in to false narratives if you use the right psychology. The 3 main methods are rage, fear, and giving the recipient a sense of having special knowledge -...
  13. J

    Canada's nazi problem

    What’s more, if you investigate a bit where a lot of their empowerment comes from - it’s no surprise https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Research_Agency BTW - I see they offed Navalny today. Nice country they have there.
  14. J

    Canada's nazi problem

    I could fill this server with examples of anti-semetism in Russia. You calling anyone else a Nazi is a joke in itself.
  15. J

    Canada's nazi problem

  16. J

    Canada's nazi problem

    Who wants to tell him
  17. J

    Canada's nazi problem

    They applauded what they thought was a Ukrainian soldier. The key to effective disinformation is to start with a kernel of truth, and then manipulate and extrapolate to bolster a false narrative. People are on to Putin.
  18. J

    Trump Says He Might 'Encourage' Russia To Attack NATO Allies

    I'll say this for Barbos' Russia, they play a strong disinformation game. The US are amateurs in comparison.
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