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  1. M

    This week in free speech: two months in prison for social media post

    https://apnews.com/article/soccer-sports-media-race-and-ethnicity-social-media-027ac1d4e6f47375a0983d3358566f6b “There will be no curiosity, no enjoyment of the process of life. All competing pleasures will be destroyed. But always— do not forget this, Winston— always there will be the...
  2. M

    This week in trans: NZ plans for sex self-ID on birth certificates

    Something must be in the air of my antipodean neighbour New Zealand, as her government moves to allow alteration of birth certificate sex based on the gender of the applicant. Rampant incoherence is certainly no barrier to this proposed law. The fact sheet explains: Now, it was my...
  3. M

    This week in trans: The Lancet, the ACLU, the Guardian

    I've been wrong about the ACLU. I thought its commitment to free speech was at its zenith in the distant past, but it is so committed to free speech right now that it felt free to alter the words of Ruth Bader Ginsburg in a quote it posted on Twitter: Oddly, despite the executive director of...
  4. M

    University of Otago student association gives "sportswoman of the year" award to a man.

    https://www.nzherald.co.nz/sport/laurel-hubbard-wins-university-of-otago-sportswoman-of-the-year-award/MC7H4ZWWSL2L7BGUHMLDA4Y3ME/ (emphasis mine) I'm not a weightlifting expert, but it's my opinion that failing all three snatch attempts and coming worst than last place (Did Not Finish) is...
  5. M

    State politicians flee Texas to derail legislation on voting restrictions, abortion access

    This strikes me as a subversion of democracy and a dereliction of these Democrats duties as legislators and representatives. State politicians flee Texas to derail legislation on voting restrictions, abortion access - ABC News
  6. M

    'Historical nihilism': China deletes two million online posts insulting communist heroes

    https://www.msn.com/en-in/news/world/historical-nihilism-china-deletes-two-million-online-posts-insulting-communist-heroes/ar-BB1gDzh3 I'm glad China is learning some Western values, like the State censorship of harmful speech. Obviously it is everyone's moral duty to report harmful...
  7. M

    The gender pay gap in Biden's White House

    https://www.aei.org/carpe-diem/based-on-differences-in-median-salaries-theres-a-20-gender-pay-gap-at-the-biden-harris-white-house/ What are the cultural problems in Biden's White House that has caused women staffers to dominate? Or, is Biden's White House discriminating against men in hiring...
  8. M

    Left-wing authoritarianism exists and is a key predictor of psychological and behavioral outcomes

  9. M

    Portland police halt minor traffic stops, citing disparity

    I wonder what other laws can get the kybosh in the name of 'racial equity'? Emphasis mine. https://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/portland-police-change-traffic-stop-search-procedures-78428906 Is there evidence that the city is discriminating against black people in traffic stops? If there is...
  10. M

    University head says free speech does not override transgender safety

    https://www.theage.com.au/national/victoria/university-head-says-free-speech-does-not-override-transgender-safety-20210615-p58171.html [/B] I look forward to the university defining harm for us. I'm sure the policy will make it clear. I agree with the queer political action collective...
  11. M

    Austin newspaper doesn't want to print suspect description because it could perpetuate 'harmful stereotypes'.

    The story is about a shooting in Texas: https://www.statesman.com/story/news/2021/06/12/downtown-austin-shooting-least-13-shot-suspect-remains-large/7666624002/ The newspaper has printed the following at the bottom of the story: Note that the police description is not a secret and other media...
  12. M

    Harvard Business Review: Women want to work from home too much, so don't let them.

    https://hbr.org/2021/05/dont-let-employees-pick-their-wfh-days God I love how leftists really champion working people, unless working people's preferences interfere with leftist religion. Then it's time for women to suck it up and come into the office, even if they don't want to or have to.
  13. M

    This week in the animated corpse of Scotland: Feminist campaigner charged with 'homophobic' and 'transphobic' tweets

  14. M

    This week in the strange death of Europe: 6 months prison for "Stop Islamization" banner

    The original story, in Dutch: https://www.vrt.be/vrtnws/nl/2021/05/26/vonnis-voorpost/ I've used an online translator to translate the story. I have inserted [in square brackets] my own 'translation' where the machine translation appears to be misleading because of lack of context. Emphasis mine.
  15. M

    The fastest girl in Conneticut. Unless you count males.

    https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2021/05/22/transgender-athletes-girls-women-sports-track-connecticut-column/5149532001/ I wish I had her optimism.
  16. M

    Queensland police discriminated against 200 potential male recruits in favour of women: this week in gender equity

    From The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2021/may/12/queensland-police-discriminated-against-200-potential-male-recruits-in-favour-of-women-report-finds Interesting that The Guardian (or the report, it isn't clear which) thinks female-only positions are somehow not...
  17. M

    Year 11 boys ordered to stand up and labelled 'oppressors' if they are white, Christian, and male.

    You might think I've reported on this incident before, but no: this is another episode of a captive audience of boys being publically shamed like the Brauer College incident. This time around, however, the boys were only publically shamed as oppressors, but were not required to confess their...
  18. M

    The killing of Ma’Khia Bryant

    No doubt you've heard about this already. This article does a moderately honest job of relaying the facts, though it took 8 paragraphs for the Guardian to mention that Bryant had rushed another female and was about to stab her with a knife. Of course, some people on Twitter think the officer...
  19. M

    ACLU blocks woman's request for data on numbers of transgender inmates in women's prisons

    ACLU blocks woman's request for data on numbers of transgender inmates in women's prisons | The Post Millennial In a twist of irony that no screenwriter could have the audacity to add to their movie, the FOI applicant found out how to file FOI requests FROM THE ACLU This latest move is...
  20. M

    Gay press loses its mind when it discovers gay man starting a male-only camping club

    While it's near-impossible to find neutral reporting in the lgbT press, the advocate summarised some events here: Gay Michigan Campground Bans Trans Men (advocate.com) Predictably, discriminating based on sex is cast as the unforgivable blasphemy against the Holy Spirit for a large portion of...
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