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  1. Emily Lake

    Gender Roles

    False - this has nothing at all to do with *identities*. What I am defending is the scientifically observed reality that male and female sexes are separate and non-overlapping in mammals. At no point whatsoever have I even remotely suggested that sex defines social destiny. It doesn't, and...
  2. Emily Lake

    Gender Roles

    I am unaware of which bible verse defines sexes based on the type of reproductive system the individual has evolved within their anisogamous species. I'm also unaware of which bible verse specifies that what distinguishes a man from a woman is which of those reproductive systems they have, and...
  3. Emily Lake

    Gender Roles

    :confused: Equality of opportunity for males to have access to naked or vulnerable females without their consent?
  4. Emily Lake

    Gender Roles

    Thank you, Poli. I appreciate this.
  5. Emily Lake

    Gender Roles

    Is there something in the water that has caused all of you to completely forget how figurative language works?
  6. Emily Lake

    Gender Roles

    Apparently the advocated approach is to force everyone else to mind-read a mismatch by trying to override everyone else's mental perception.
  7. Emily Lake

    Gender Roles

    Clearly you didn't read what southernhybrid posted at all. This is the premise of the article - that behavior that doesn't sufficiently conform to stereotypes is reason to perform surgery on a person's body. No, it isn't. Not using blockers allows the body to achieve full development as a...
  8. Emily Lake

    Breakdown In Civil Order

    That's not true. A male that is locked into a permanent juvenile state with respect to their sexual function will probably not have a beard, nor will they have thick arm and leg hair. They won't have a lower voice. And they might have lower muscle density. But they'll still have the same...
  9. Emily Lake

    Gender Roles

    Well I guess it's a good thing I didn't claim that zero people have ambiguous reproductive systems that make it difficult to discern whether they're male or female then.
  10. Emily Lake

    Gender Roles

    :cautious: A blind eye can only be determined to be blind by looking at the population at large. A blind eye could be sighted if only the objects at which it were aimed had a property that allowed the blind eye to perceive it in a different way. A blind eye is defined by being incompatible...
  11. Emily Lake

    The Race For 2024

    :ROFLMAO: Alrighty. Yep.
  12. Emily Lake

    Gender Roles

    The difference here is that black women are women. Transwomen are male. You're arguing that males are like black women, and that males are disadvantaged because women don't want to relinquish our boundaries and let males into our sex-specific spaces and services.
  13. Emily Lake

    Gender Roles

    Agreed, it isn't an easy fix. Particularly because transgender people don't actually change sex, and the specific protections under discussion are those that exist on the basis of sex, not gender. Well, this gets a bit murky. There's the people who insist that it's all hypothetical with no...
  14. Emily Lake

    Gender Roles

    And yet YOU seem to feel that YOU have the right to tell ME what I am. And you feel that you are not at all rude, nor abusive at all. So basically, you get to tell me what I am, and to be rude about it in the process and call me names... but in your eyes, I'm the one who is in the wrong for...
  15. Emily Lake

    Gender Roles

    Only 0.02% of humans have a disorder of sexual development. But the vast majority of DSDs do NOT present with materially ambiguous reproductive systems. You can "think" whatever you want, but the reality is that only a vanishingly small percentage of people have ambiguous reproductive systems.
  16. Emily Lake

    Gender Roles

    No, I'm talking about a situation in which the referent's sex is known. That was the entire point that Bomb#20 was making - historically we have used a singular they when the sex of the individual being referred to is unknown, or when it's a hypothetical in which the subject could be of either...
  17. Emily Lake

    Gender Roles

    Sure sure, because black women are totally men, right? And men have been so incredibly oppressed throughout history, what with those uppity women not wanting to share their showers with them and all...
  18. Emily Lake

    Gender Roles

    Why do you think a piece of paperwork that has no obligation, no oversight, and no impact at all will weed out bad actors? "No, you can't buy alcohol as a minor. You have to go to the DMV and get an ID that says you're 21, then you can buy some booze. But don't worry, nobody is going to...
  19. Emily Lake

    Gender Roles

    There is no gonad in any mammal that produces both gametes. Neither is not a different category. Not all ovaries produce eggs, but NO OVARIES produce sperm, nor are they EVER capable of producing sperm. Not all testes produce sperm, but NO TESTES produce ova, nor are they EVER capable of...
  20. Emily Lake

    Gender Roles

    The premise here is that if a person doesn't conform to a stereotype about what females should like (dresses and not basketball) then they're not actually females, regardless of their body. Furthermore, if they don't conform to those stereotypes, then they should undertake extreme medical...
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