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  1. Elixir

    The Only Way To Defeat Trump

    San Francisco climate sucks. It’s always wet, usually cold and largely caused by homeless people shitting on the street. Which they definitely would NOT be doing if they were in Santa Monica.
  2. Elixir

    PA Republican faces 10 years for death threats against other PA Republicans

    You’re so cynical! Ever hear of The Rifleman? One weapon. ONE. Then there’s ME. Living here among the lions and tigers and bears (ok, no tigers) with a slingshot and a pellet gun, which you can pry from my cold dead hands!!
  3. Elixir

    The Only Way To Defeat Trump

    So, Swiz, I assume that if Biden wins you will join Trumpers in claiming he cheated? Will it be another genius undetectable cheat, just like 2020? Hey, the dumbass Republitards still can’t figure out how Joe did it last time; what are the chances that they’re going to figure it out this time...
  4. Elixir

    16 Nobel Prize Winning Economists Warn Trump Will Ruin Economy

    The e-verify system is very accessible and simple for employers to use. The guv is disinterested because if they went to 100% enforcement tomorrow, grocery store shelves would empty out, there would be panic snd the stock market would collapse. It’s not a partisan problem.
  5. Elixir

    16 Nobel Prize Winning Economists Warn Trump Will Ruin Economy

    Trying to reveal the Republicans’ disingenuousness, showing that they are pretending to want to solve “the problem” while doing everything they can to preserve its political value.
  6. Elixir

    16 Nobel Prize Winning Economists Warn Trump Will Ruin Economy

    Nobody cares. "Border crisis" is a useful tool for a lot of people in a lot of different ways. It might be a bad thing for the few people whose family member is murdered by an "illegal", but most everyone else is busy scrimping to afford some chicken, or making bank off people scrimping to...
  7. Elixir

    Local Weather

    We had an epic downpour in the middle of the night last night, no thunder or lightning, just a roaring downpour for about 20 minutes. 47 degrees this morning! It never gets muggy around here, but it's 84 degrees, sunny and muggy!
  8. Elixir


    Well theoretically, they are just as subject to the President's will as anyone else. It might be risky business to try to tell a guy with a gun to your head what he is not permitted to do.
  9. Elixir


    That would certainly be the (an) argument Biden could make, and create a case that would long outlive him, so ... immune immune immune ...
  10. Elixir


    Not sure he can do that, but hey why not give it a whirl? It’s not like he can be held responsible or anything. He might want to send some visitors to a couple of Justices’ homes and make them offers they can’t refuse (free housing, food etc). Actually I’d like to see all the scumbags who...
  11. Elixir

    The Only Way To Defeat Trump

    You misspelled "as long as he lives"
  12. Elixir

    The Only Way To Defeat Trump

    It's not a conspiracy theory. The fact that conservatism - and especially the trumpian version - is devoted to tearing down representative government, is common knowledge outside of the RW delusion bubble. In fact, that goal is recently right up front, not even covered in political politeness...
  13. Elixir

    16 Nobel Prize Winning Economists Warn Trump Will Ruin Economy

    Yeah, relying on cannon fodder requires … cannon fodder. Migrants, NK’s undesirables and whoever they can arrest for petty crimes - they all get to go get shot at. It’s easy to see how their lack of motivation has afflicted Russian military ops.
  14. Elixir

    How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

    The latter, I’m pretty sure. Babs is not an idiot, and one would have to be, to believe most of what he posts.
  15. Elixir

    The Race For 2024

    Your desire to see Russia destroyed, is a required element of babs’ fantasy.
  16. Elixir

    How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

    Even babs doesn’t. That’s why I have designated his posts a CWOT.
  17. Elixir

    When people talk about "god" they are talking about themselves.

    How refreshing. I like Joe. I believe you’re absolutely correct about the projection. It is useful to keep that in mind when trying to explain the attraction that Trump holds for evangelitards. It is exactly the same thing that Trump does whoever he refers to the “Country”; he’s talking about...
  18. Elixir

    How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

    Then, what exactly makes you a Hindu? I think The Golden Rule is cool. Does that make me a Christian?
  19. Elixir

    How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

    “I’m just a Hindu atheist” “I’m not a Pacifist” “Ukraine should talk” How’s your Russian, Aupy? Also - do Hindu atheists disbelieve in all gods or just Hindu gods? Who is your least favorite Hindu god?
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