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  1. Emily Lake

    The Race For 2024

    Yeah, you can do whatever you want. I'm not going to be bullied into voting for a clearly cognitively incompetent president from a party that you favor and willingly surrender the executive branch to the control of an unelected set of people with a figurehead just because you don't like the...
  2. Emily Lake

    Gender Roles

    That's a pretty shitty thing for you to say. You've couched it in false niceness, but don't mislead yourself into thinking anyone is fooled by it. You know it, I know it, everyone knows it. So congrats for being intentionally insulting, yay you. That's a bit weaselly, isn't it? But hey...
  3. Emily Lake

    Breakdown In Civil Order

    Which citizen's rights are you worried about? One might think that you are invested in protecting the right of homeless citizens to camp in public spaces and use drugs in the open a bit more than you're concerned about the right of all other citizens to have access to clean and safe public...
  4. Emily Lake

    Breakdown In Civil Order

    Can you imagine any reason why the vast majority of people are not willing to open up their homes to complete strangers? Can you think of any risks associated with such an action that many people might very reasonably be unwilling to take? Of course it's not a reasonable solution. But neither...
  5. Emily Lake

    Gender Roles

    Does this mean you support female human beings who do not wish to have males in their single-sex spaces where they are nude? You support the women at Wi Spa who objected to Darren Merager exhibiting his penis to the women in the female side? You support the teenagers who objected to the school...
  6. Emily Lake

    Gender Roles

    People should use the bathroom that other people are most likely to assume they belong in. That means if they reasonably pass they get to use the bathroom that corresponds to their presentation, and if they don't pass they stick with the one that corresponds to their anatomy. Of course, that...
  7. Emily Lake

    Gender Roles

    Wi Spa Prisons in WA, NJ, NY, and IL Evergreen College pool NHS Inpatient wards Rape Shelters in Scotland IL High Schools Is your head in the sand?
  8. Emily Lake

    Gender Roles

    Oh good gravy. You're actually pretty close in the red. Much of what you're preaching is formenism, not feminism. You're busy telling female human beings that they're evil bigots if they don't prioritize the desires of males above their own, and throw open the door to any male who wishes to...
  9. Emily Lake

    Gender Roles

    I have zero objection to gender expression. I object to the inane notion that a person's gender expression should somehow override the realities of sex when it comes to sex-specific spaces and services. I have zero objection to any ADULT having whatever cosmetic surgeries they wish, albeit I...
  10. Emily Lake

    Gender Roles

    Are you seriously advocating that we should base public policy on whether or not someone likes wearing a dress? Your assumption here is ridiculous. Changing rooms are based on sex, not on whether or not a person has an affinity for lipstick or steel-toed boots. Sports are separated based on...
  11. Emily Lake

    The Race For 2024

    Sure, sure, because somehow not voting for Biden means I'm all in for a theocracy.
  12. Emily Lake

    Breakdown In Civil Order

    Why don't you invite them to come live at your house?
  13. Emily Lake

    Gender Roles

    False - this has nothing at all to do with *identities*. What I am defending is the scientifically observed reality that male and female sexes are separate and non-overlapping in mammals. At no point whatsoever have I even remotely suggested that sex defines social destiny. It doesn't, and...
  14. Emily Lake

    Gender Roles

    I am unaware of which bible verse defines sexes based on the type of reproductive system the individual has evolved within their anisogamous species. I'm also unaware of which bible verse specifies that what distinguishes a man from a woman is which of those reproductive systems they have, and...
  15. Emily Lake

    Gender Roles

    :confused: Equality of opportunity for males to have access to naked or vulnerable females without their consent?
  16. Emily Lake

    Gender Roles

    Thank you, Poli. I appreciate this.
  17. Emily Lake

    Gender Roles

    Is there something in the water that has caused all of you to completely forget how figurative language works?
  18. Emily Lake

    Gender Roles

    Apparently the advocated approach is to force everyone else to mind-read a mismatch by trying to override everyone else's mental perception.
  19. Emily Lake

    Gender Roles

    Clearly you didn't read what southernhybrid posted at all. This is the premise of the article - that behavior that doesn't sufficiently conform to stereotypes is reason to perform surgery on a person's body. No, it isn't. Not using blockers allows the body to achieve full development as a...
  20. Emily Lake

    Breakdown In Civil Order

    That's not true. A male that is locked into a permanent juvenile state with respect to their sexual function will probably not have a beard, nor will they have thick arm and leg hair. They won't have a lower voice. And they might have lower muscle density. But they'll still have the same...
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