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  1. Politesse

    Vive la France!

    The electorate finally woke up, and hundreds of candidates found it in themselves to do the right thing and withdraw, grâce à dieu. The government will be tied up in knots for a while, though. Here's hoping good news comes in threes, this year.
  2. Politesse

    Some random questions

    In what court can a god be tried?
  3. Politesse

    When people talk about "god" they are talking about themselves.

    Yes, my software often manages to perform functions that my hardware does not support. That's why I call it my "magic computer juice".
  4. Politesse

    Will Biden drop out? Who replaces him?

    I'm pretty sure that in order to whisper in someone's ear, you have to be in the same room as them.
  5. Politesse

    Will Biden drop out? Who replaces him?

    It will have a happy ending, I truly believe that. I've just lost hope that the happy ending will be in November. Everyone I know who is actually useful and does things in their community is preparing themselves for what's almost certainly coming over the next four years. The Democrats didn't...
  6. Politesse

    When people talk about "god" they are talking about themselves.

    Iset! As was. She's had quite the growing cult in the US lately; the goddess who symbolizes of the otherwise hopelessly broken has a great appeal to the modern Pagan. We all come from the Goddess, and to her we shall return. Good luck starting a conversation about thealogy here, though! Not...
  7. Politesse

    When people talk about "god" they are talking about themselves.

    Not in terms of neuroscience, though, those are very different processes as far as the brain is concerned. You may make the case that a person is not talking to a real person when they talk to a god, but if so, their nervous system is unaware of that fact.
  8. Politesse

    Breakdown In Civil Order

    So, wait... he confessed to distributing counterfeit currency and conspiracy? On his own Tiktok? What a moron. Of course, if they try to arrest him he'll just claim it was a joke and he never actually did that. Of course.
  9. Politesse

    The Race For 2024

    They should really train Trumpistas on how to detect humor.
  10. Politesse

    Climate Change(d)?

    Well, it was definitely cooler on the beach. But now my ass is on fire. Never enough sunscreen...
  11. Politesse

    The Race For 2024

    So in support of your argument that the Goonies are not a good analogy to the Trumpistas, you present me with exhibit A of a child delusionally insisting that simply not saying "death" will somehow protect you from it? You're gonna die in cross-examination. :D
  12. Politesse

    Will Biden drop out? Who replaces him?

    I tend to agree. If she was most certainly the nominee, she'd be stronger candidate at that point than Biden is now. But does the Party want her at all, enough to place that kind of trust in her candidacy?
  13. Politesse

    The Race For 2024

    Seriously. Even if cowardice were a virtue, it's not that easy or desirable to just pick up and go. And if the US is falling to authoritarianism, what safe harbor is out there for a left-wing American expat, ayway? Finland? New Zealand? The list is getting awfully short, and if Trump and his...
  14. Politesse

    Will Biden drop out? Who replaces him?

    True, but not the Democrat's strong point. And there's good and bad that comes with that, but... as you've said, not the time for it.
  15. Politesse

    The Race For 2024

    "By the way, I'm proud to be, as I said, the first vice president, first Black woman, to serve with a Black president." - Joe Biden...
  16. Politesse

    Will Biden drop out? Who replaces him?

    Yup. It's basically his way of saying "this is about the injury to my ego, not about what's best to do." What I don't understand is why his top donors are so late to the party in realizing it. He's never been anyone but the guy he currently is. This is categorically the wrong time to suddenly...
  17. Politesse

    Climate Change(d)?

    June gloom gets tiresome in its own special way.
  18. Politesse

    Climate Change(d)?

    I'm calling an emergency beach day.
  19. Politesse

    Can You Pass A US Citizenship Test?

    I'd be tempted to include one that just centers on accurately describing the roles we're voting to fill. I feel like some of our elections would go differently if people had an accurate understanding of what the president/governor/controller/county sheriff/etc is and isn't authorized to do. I'm...
  20. Politesse

    Names of the US Presidents - what origins?

    Decimal is from the Latin decimalis, which means "decimal".
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