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  1. D

    When people talk about "god" they are talking about themselves.

    LOL, and to get this perfect, pure, loving creator god to not leave you decaying in your grave, you just had to do a little sumpin sumpin .. Year One (2009) - Cut off the Tip Scene (5/10) | Movieclips The Abrahamic perfect, pure, loving creator god is a day late and a dollar short to the...
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    The Christ Myth Theory

    And then later created a fictional historical narrative for said "a historical person" using the "Old Testament". "Jesus Was Probably Constructed Using The Old Testament". YouTube. Godless Engineer. Jul 9, 2022. @time:00:10:16
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    The Christ Myth Theory

    (a) This is an otherwise unknown/unremarkable 'a certain James and some others' (or similar wording), who is remembered only in this notice by Josephus, the plausibility of which can be allowed because of how common the name is. (b) James the brother of the Jewish high priest Jesus ben Damneus.
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    The Christ Myth Theory

    Jesus "called Christ" in Jewish Antiquities 20.200 is a later Christian interpolation.
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    AI "alignment"

    The Danaher citation being complete Jabberwocky nonsense. Yudkowsky, Eliezer (2023). "Will superintelligent AI end the world?". TED2023. "Eliezer Yudkowsky's TED Talk - A stark warning that unaligned Superintelligence will most likely doom Humanity". r/singularity. 7 May 2023. "Existential...
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    AI "alignment"

    "Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies by Nick Bostrom". YouTube. Nov 28, 2023. "Nick Bostrom: Superintelligence & the Simulation Hypothesis". YouTube. Dr Brian Keating. Sep 7, 2022.
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    AI "alignment"

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    AI "alignment"

  9. D

    AI "alignment"

    Carrier is making a probability argument per his forte—Bayesian prior probability without the math and his philosophy of morality. Carrier does posit the possibility of our universe as a simverse, just not the likelihood. And if our universe is a simverse, then it is evil and should never be...
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    AI "alignment"

    I consider it possible—if each human==a Univ.Unique.ID instantiation object—then we are a type of aligned "biological" AI instances in a simverse. As I noted previously, My point being that we are perhaps "biological" AI instances and steered/aligned ?
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    AI "alignment"

    "Fractured Reality: new BBC Studios Science series launches on YouTube". WWW BBC. "Exploring the Essence of Human Experience | Fractured Reality Full Series". YouTube. BBC Earth Science.
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    AI "alignment"

    "Mohammad 'Mo' Gawdat is an Egyptian entrepreneur and writer. He previously served as chief business officer for Google X and is the author of the books Solve for Happy and Scary Smart." [Wikipedia] "About – One Billion Happy". web.archive.org. 8 December 2022. In 2020, Mo launched his podcast...
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    AI "alignment"

    The following two videos have the ring of truth when thrown at my hypothesis about an innate morality engine in humans. "Artificial". YouTube. DarkMatter2525. Jul 12, 2022. "What The Prisoner's Dilemma Reveals About Life, The Universe, and Everything". YouTube. Veritasium. Dec 23, 2023.
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    The Christ Myth Theory

    Linssen plumps for the hypothesis that later cultus members—not the original devotees of the ΙS ΧS cult—invented Paul and attributed to Marcion the collection of the Pauline epistles.
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    The Christ Myth Theory

    Given: Humans (on a bell curve) have a hardwired (innate): morality engine and a language engine. If the input data to our hardwired morality engine is selected/filtered. Then there is not much difference between AI, Big Brother, or religious dogma. But AI has the potential to be much worse...
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    The Christ Myth Theory

    SainT ? or "New Testament"
  17. D

    The Christ Myth Theory

    With the 2024 countdown, nominations are open for #1 🍭 of 2023! 🍭 types read "Jesus of Nazareth was crucified circa 30-33 AD" in agony (in the modern sense of the word) from Paul. Who never claims Jesus felt pain, mental dread, James Deanian teenage-angst , etc.. 🍭 types are blind and think...
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    The Christ Myth Theory

    Greek pathós (παθός) —someone who experienced or underwent something, e.g. an agony (a word originally meaning: competition, battle, etc.—i.e. a hero's journey). Paul says that Jesus, in obedience (FAITH) to first-god, relinquished the perfection of he heavenly realm and humbled himself. The...
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