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  1. L

    Δv to a moon

    I found myself trying to figure out just how hard it would be to get to some of the outer moons. There's that standard chart at Wikipedia but I find myself questioning it's accuracy in some situations. Specifically: aerobrakes to moons. You follow the arrows from Earth and add up every number...
  2. L

    Elections aren't secure??

    https://rollcall.com/2024/06/04/election-officials-plead-more-money-safeguard-voting/ So they want to spend only $0 on the security they say is desperately needed?
  3. L

    Bought and paid for

    More gifts to Thomas than every other justice combined over the last 20 years. You could even populate the list with deci-Thomases and have him take spots 1 through 10.
  4. L

    and Liars are going to lie

    https://apnews.com/article/ohio-doctor-covid-vaccinations-sherri-tenpenny-f56376c4eecde7e7a81686e48b5a306c Lied to America about Covid, not honest with the IRS, either.
  5. L

    Idiots are going to idiot

    https://fortune.com/2024/06/03/elon-musk-tesla-insider-trading-lawsuit-board-directors/ Really now, you think you could possibly get away with an insider trade like that!? Or does he figure The Felon will make it go away?
  6. L

    Signs of dementia show up well before diagnosis

    https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/31/business/economy/alzheimers-disease-personal-finance.html Poor financial decisions, vulnerability to scams.
  7. L

    The Turd's "tax cuts"

    https://www.forbes.com/sites/lynnmucenskikeck/2024/05/31/federal-taxes-are-set-to-skyrocket/?sh=2ef7b0893d4b To make the numbers not look too horrible the little-guy tax cuts were temporary. The big-guy tax cuts were permanent. Now we see the right talking about big tax hikes as the...
  8. L


    (Couldn't decide for certain if this belongs here or in science.) https://www.yahoo.com/news/nurse-drives-off-top-floor-212132961.html?guccounter=1 Transportation has had enough bad incidents from sleep deprivation that the government stepped in and created rules. Why has this not been applied...
  9. L

    Revenge of the coming ice age

    In a chunk of last century it looked like we were heading into an ice age--but that turned out to be crud from our smokestacks. We went and cleaned up our air and it got warmer. And now we've done it again, this time with sulfur in fuel used by ships. (You'll need to be logged in to see the...
  10. L

    It's officially 1984

    https://www.politico.com/live-updates/2024/05/28/congress/trump-endorses-goods-opponent-00160106 Trump: Good is bad. (Yeah, he's referring to a candidate by that name. At least in theory.)
  11. L

    The problem of the Senate, Texas style

    https://www.newsweek.com/texas-gop-amendment-would-stop-democrats-winning-any-state-election-1904988 You can't win state office without winning a majority of counties. Lots of small red ones.
  12. L

    Unconstitutional? Enforce it anyway

    https://www.wosu.org/2024-05-27/ohio-senate-republicans-pass-bill-that-limits-judicial-power-to-pause-new-state-laws That's what the Republicans think of checks and balances.
  13. L

    A picture of the influence of disinformation

    https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/may/22/poll-economy-recession-biden The polls are far from reality. The deplorables are voting on a very wrong picture.
  14. L

    Yet more quiet part out loud

    https://apnews.com/article/trump-election-2024-rhetoric-germany-antisemitism-31002afb91b642c0314223d19e51f427 "unified Reich".
  15. L

    John McEntee

    (Not sure if this belongs here or over in PD) Why isn't this bozo in jail? He's effectively admitted to passing counterfeit currency.
  16. L

    How can you defend this?

    Warning!!! This is technically not NSFW. But I most certainly would not watch it at work. And also a trigger warning for a whole lot of things. And this is the tame version, a lot of things are narrated rather than shown. Israel has screened the real one for various reporters but AFIAK...
  17. L

    An illustration of why reporting from troubled areas is biased

    https://apnews.com/article/burkina-faso-killing-media-radio-4905ce1a72bddb39f52d55acd1907482 BBC and VOA got kicked out for telling the truth. It's not going to be a big deal to them to not be able to report from Burkina Faso so there was no strong incentive to lie. But the same thing would...
  18. L

    Congratulations Iran on your own goal

    One of many hits in Iran. And it appears that the only injury in Israel wasn't even a Jew.
  19. L

    Followup on the deniers not liking laws against harassing election workers

    https://www.reviewjournal.com/news/politics-and-government/lawsuit-to-block-nevada-election-worker-protection-law-dismissed-3031200 Judge threw out their challenge, it remains a felony. How are they harmed by the degree of punishment unless they intend illegal acts?? I sure thought I posted...
  20. L

    Why I oppose e-Verify

    https://www.businessinsider.com/people-getting-taxed-for-gig-work-never-done-doordash-uber-2024-4 We inadvertently created a set of jobs where there's an equivalent to the e-Verify system. We got the expected result--a lot of people working under stolen identities. We can't solve illegals...
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