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  1. Cheerful Charlie

    Slavery In England

    An interesting article on slavery in England. There seems to be a lot of mythology about slavery in England. In Anglo Saxon times, as much as 30% of English were slaves or concubines. Slavery faded away under the Normans for a time, but nobody knows exactly why...
  2. Cheerful Charlie

    Monetagium Medieval Roguery

    Those whacky Norman lords! .... By the 11th century, Normandy's dukes had been resorting to regular debasements as a revenue device for some time. But they soon had an epiphany. They realized that they needn't enact an actual debasement to earn a profit. Instead, they could just threaten to...
  3. Cheerful Charlie

    Dionysian Feast

    The opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics has outraged Christian around the globe. Paris is accused of parodying the Christian last supper to piss off Christians. Except it wasn't that at all. In fitting with the Greek Olympics, this was a Dionysian Feast. An ancient Athenian celebration...
  4. Cheerful Charlie

    Voter Purges

    Reports are coming in that the GOP in various states are trying to purge voter rolls. At R/atheism a fellow Texan reports he was sent a message he had to re-register. I am in Texas, and in Texas, one can easily check one's voter status online...
  5. Cheerful Charlie

    Racism And Kamala Harris

    Now that Kamala Harris is running for President of The United States, far right racists like Sebastian Gorka are now playing the racist, misogynist games. Harris is being painted as a black woman who did not rise because of her abilities and talents and hard work, but by being a token black...
  6. Cheerful Charlie

    16 Nobel Prize Winning Economists Warn Trump Will Ruin Economy

    When 16 Nobel Prize winning economists warn the U.S. about Trump's economic incompetence, people should take this seriously. ...... Sixteen Nobel prize-winning economists are jumping into the presidential campaign with a stark warning: Former President Trump's plans would reignite inflation...
  7. Cheerful Charlie

    Split Ukrainian Churches (From: Louisana/10 commandments)

    What a country! Russia is destroying all non-Russian Orthodox churches in Russian controlled Ukraine. ..... Religious freedom is under attack in Ukraine. Not from Ukrainian lawmakers, as some critics have falsely alleged, but from actual Russian soldiers. A forgotten element of Russia’s war on...
  8. Cheerful Charlie

    FOAF Tale News Online

    A site devoted to collection and study of FOAF tales. Friend Of A Friend tales. "I know this happen because it happened to my sister-in-laws hairdreasser's aunt!" Improbable story follows. .... FoafTale News (FTN) is the newsletter of the International Society for Contemporary Legend...
  9. Cheerful Charlie

    Hunter Biden And 1911 Debauchery Law

    The MAGA Hunter Biden witch hunt is still ongoing. ... A government watchdog group filed suit in Delaware federal court this week, seeking to compel the Justice Department to produce records that may determine whether Hunter Biden should be further investigated under a 1910 law relating to...
  10. Cheerful Charlie

    Souls And Brains And IQs

    Hiram is the village atheist. Hiram has an IQ of 160. Danny is the village idiot. Danny has an IQ of 50. If we accept both have souls, we must ask this question. Is it the IQ that has an IQ? Or the human brain that matters? Could it be all mankind has a potential IQ of 200, but our human brains...
  11. Cheerful Charlie

    Mohammad The Pederast?

    Errrr... Uhmmmmm. Islam gets weirder. I don't know how to take this. ......... First Tradition: Imam al-Haithami recorded this tradition I saw the Messenger of Allah pbuh putting Husein’s legs apart and kissing his penis.Related by Al-Tabarani and it's chain of narration is GOOD Imam...
  12. Cheerful Charlie

    Steve Bannon Is Going To Get Screwed.

    Steve Bannon will soon be reporting to prison for four months for ignoring a Congressional subpoena from Congress. But Bannon is going to be in much bigger trouble come September. This is going to be fun. He is going to howl real pretty. He's going to be in prison for years to come. ...
  13. Cheerful Charlie

    More Trump Corruption

    More corruption that needs investigation. ..... Nine witnesses in the criminal cases against former President Donald Trump have received significant financial benefits, including large raises from his campaign, severance packages, new jobs, and a grant of shares and cash from Trump’s media...
  14. Cheerful Charlie

    2000 Mules Discontinued By Publisher

    Dinesh D'Sopuza's lie filled 2000 Mules book and film pulled by publisher. ..... The conservative media company behind the book and film “2,000 Mules,” which alleged a widespread conspiracy by Democrats to steal the 2020 election and was embraced by former President Donald Trump, has issued an...
  15. Cheerful Charlie

    Bill Maher For President - 2028

    Everybody bitches about the fact we have less than exciting candidates for president. Win or lose, 2028 is going to be a wide open race. I suggest drafting Bill Maher. He's smart. He's thoughtful. He is exciting. Why wait for some political hacks to float to the surface while everybody...
  16. Cheerful Charlie

    Political Dirty Trick Season - Could Be Costly

    Using AI to play dirty political tricks is a no no. ...... The political consultant who admitted paying $150 to create a deepfake anti-Biden robocall has been indicted on charges of felony voter suppression and misdemeanor impersonation of a candidate. Steven Kramer, 54, of New Orleans, also...
  17. Cheerful Charlie

    Mohammad's Believe It Or Else

  18. Cheerful Charlie

    British By Elections - Tories Lose Big

    By elections in Britain have taken place. The Tories have suffered big loses. Post Brexit Britain has been suffering since then economically. The Tories were running Britain and have gotten the blame, and deserve it. ...... Elections expert John Curtice projected the Tories could ultimately...
  19. Cheerful Charlie

    Taylor Swift Pisses Off The Christians

    Taylor Swift's new album, The Torture Artist Department has some criticisms of Evangelical patriarchs and has some Christian leaders quite upset. ...... Taylor Swift's new album, The Tortured Poets Department, has garnered criticism from faith leaders who have taken to social media this week to...
  20. Cheerful Charlie

    Right Winged Gateway Pundit declares Chapter 11 Bankruptcy

    Right winged blog Gateway Pundit has had to declare chapter 11. They are being sued by Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss for defamation. Rudy Giuliani got sued and popped for $148 million for the same thing. What fun...
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