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  1. Politesse

    Philosophy Bakes No Bread

    Nothing useful was ever accomplished without collective representation. Even our most famously "solitary geniuses" need a social network through which to disseminate their work and advocate for its preservation. Plato certainly knew this, considering it was through his advocacy (and...
  2. Politesse

    Philosophy Bakes No Bread

    Back in, say, the 1960's? They absolutely would have, because they still had turf to defend. But social capital speaks louder than foundation money in the present global system. These days, groups like the American Philosophical Association routinely cite philosophical contributions from outside...
  3. Politesse

    Philosophy Bakes No Bread

    Interdependent, I would say. We certainly do not ignore philosophy or philosophers. And in the other direction, philosophers have little choice but to respond to the advances of the sciences. I disagree that philosophy requires a full weekly schedule of free time. I mean, I'm sure that would be...
  4. Politesse

    The evidence strongly suggests it's the Republicans who are trying to rig the election!

    So you wish to recreate the circumstances of the 1988 election, perhaps?
  5. Politesse

    The Ark Has Bren Found and Jesus Blood is on it!

    Even that "blood" is treated with meticulous care, as I recall. I wonder how many gallons of divine blood are consumed on any given weekend?...
  6. Politesse

    California Doing California Things

    This I will concede about the California system: It's usually best to run the other way if someone introduces themselves as a representative of an acronymic agency. Especially if it's got the customary CAL- suffix of a state-led initiative.
  7. Politesse

    The evidence strongly suggests it's the Republicans who are trying to rig the election!

    The way it worked during Jim Crow, you mean?
  8. Politesse

    Philosophy Bakes No Bread

    Well, there certainly are philosophers who specialize in those things. But I also maintain that professional philosophers do not have a monopoly on reflective thinking. There was thought before Plato.
  9. Politesse

    Philosophy Bakes No Bread

    No, no, and yes. Didn't you ever take a course on the philosophy of science? Or wonder why the highest credential in most fields of study is called the Philosophiae Doctor?
  10. Politesse

    Philosophy Bakes No Bread

    Incorrect. A structured way of thinking about things is a philosophy.
  11. Politesse

    California Doing California Things

    It stands for Community, Assistance, Recovery, and Empowerment, and is meant to essentially redirect traffic when people with severe mental health issues are either picked up by the police, or recommended to the program by worried family members and the like. This was primarily designed to...
  12. Politesse

    Philosophy Bakes No Bread

    Absent a practiced, refined manner of thinking, good luck with that wheatfield. It's not actually thoughtless work, you need to model the weather, your local ecosystem, what's known of the plants themselves. Humans have been considering and refining consistent systems of reasoning and prediction...
  13. Politesse

    Port strike and automation

    So one should only make reasonable demands, you would argue? You would be a terrible labor organizer. Or CEO, for that matter. Read the "Art of the Deal" sometime, you might learn something useful. Or the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition.
  14. Politesse

    Port strike and automation

    I meant in reality. But yes, they were probably doomed to lose this fight. The government has every reason to want the ports to be open, and the workers have every right to demand payment for their work.
  15. Politesse

    Port strike and automation

    The strike has been quietly resolved. It was a mistake for the USMX to try and play hardball without recruiting meaningful political support first. The White House had no reason to listen to a word they said, and they no doubt have decades of dirt on everyone involved. The ports are home to more...
  16. Politesse

    The Ark Has Bren Found and Jesus Blood is on it!

    You know, ounce for ounce, Jesus' blood was among the most valuable religious commodities in all of Europe, North Africa, and the Levant, for millennia. It's amazing no one ever thought to look under his cross until now.
  17. Politesse

    Multi-Billionaire Oprah Whines About Sexism & Income Inequality At DNC

    You'd feel a lot calmer if you focused on what people say, rather than what you think they are implying. Remember the wise words of Emily's ancestors, only you can choose how to react to things. Don't let the Wokes make you a victim.
  18. Politesse

    Breakdown In Civil Order

    Voluntary placement in a residential mental health facility is not incarceration. Involuntary confinement within one is incarceration.
  19. Politesse

    Breakdown In Civil Order

    If you were sent to a "school" as a punishment for a crime, and there are legal consequences for leaving it, then yes, you're incarcerated. It's the status of the inmates that defines the condition, not the architecture.
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