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  1. J

    Quantum uncertainty, and Schrodinger's cat

    No, the many-worlds interpretation says that nothing special happens at the moment of measurement, unlike the Copenhagen interpretation which postulates a "collapse" on measurement distinct from the normal deterministic equation for wavefunction evolution. Opening the box just means the outside...
  2. J

    Herrnstein and Murray on "Intelligence Besieged"

    You think all the examples listed are measurement error? Plenty of them were large studies involving hundreds or even thousands of individuals. Here it seems like you are conflating two different issues--one can easily believe that IQ differences between randomly selected individuals are 60%...
  3. J

    Quantum uncertainty, and Schrodinger's cat

    It's a thought-experiment, so it doesn't really have to be realizable in practice, it just has to respect the known fundamental laws of physics. But if we ever figure out a way to design a large quantum computer, we could imagine simulating an isolated Schroedinger's cat-like system on such a...
  4. J

    Herrnstein and Murray on "Intelligence Besieged"

    If Herrnstein and Murry give this as part of the "received wisdom" of their opponents, does that mean they actually disagree with this statement in particular? Take a look at this article by Ron Unz, a conservative whose site "The Unz Review" is by no means ideologically opposed to "human...
  5. J

    Quantum uncertainty, and Schrodinger's cat

    Yes, exactly. And in that case, if we measure the precise quantum state of all the particles in the mush, then right before we measure the probability distribution for different precise states may be different then it would be if we had assumed the friend and cat had to be either definitely...
  6. J

    Quantum uncertainty, and Schrodinger's cat

    I never said anything about there being an actual physical process called "wave collapse", I just said that in the Wigner's friend thought experiment you could get the wrong prediction if you assumed the friend's measurements inside the box did collapse the wavefunction, which argues against the...
  7. J

    Quantum uncertainty, and Schrodinger's cat

    I think most physicists would say that in an experiment where some measuring-system records the information but this information is later erased in an unrecoverable way before the box is opened (as in my last post about waiting billions of years to open the box so the atoms the cat was made of...
  8. J

    What would happen after the end of "Twelve Monkeys"? (spoilers)

    Stephen Hawking has said that even if Everett is right, each time traveler would probably find themselves in a single self-consistent history rather than being able to "change the past" and end up in a different timeline than they started from (see the "Many-worlds interpretation" section of the...
  9. J

    Does Race Exist? The continuum fallacy and the fallacy of convergent evolution

    There is not really any good evidence for different races differing in genes contributing to mental aptitudes--looking at the historical achievements of civilizations in different regions is hardly a scientific procedure, an ancient Roman adopting a similar procedure would have concluded the...
  10. J

    Quantum uncertainty, and Schrodinger's cat

    As I understand it, in quantum physics if you make a statement like "the system must be either in state A or B at time T, we just don't know which one", the demonstration that you're wrong can only happen in a situation where you measure the system at some later time T', and the result is such...
  11. J

    1+2+3+4+... = -1/12

    I would distinguish between two different senses of non-rigorous: 1. A proof may be non-rigorous because although it sketches out some of the main important features of a full rigorous explanation, it leaves out a lot of steps or considerations that a mathematician would need to look at before...
  12. J

    1+2+3+4+... = -1/12

    The proof you quote (which I'm guessing you saw at http://www.numberphile.com/videos/analytical_continuation1.html since that video was discussed on a lot of sites) would not be considered valid by any mathematician, since as beero1000 said there are many different ways to "add" divergent...
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