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  1. thief of fire

    Derail from PD: rehash on 911 conspiracy.

    If there was molten steel, what does that indicate?
  2. thief of fire

    Fake London underground signs.

  3. thief of fire

    Should white people perform the blues?

    I would like to see a white person perform Syl Johnson's 1969 hit.
  4. thief of fire

    Flight MH17, who shot it down?

    Ok so you are prepared to at least accept that it's not confirmed, so it can't be presented as evidence. The BUK is irrelevant, unless we can show a BUK was used. First you need to show some evidence that a BUK was used. If there is nothing to point to a BUK being used then why does it matter if...
  5. thief of fire

    Flight MH17, who shot it down?

    In other words you have nothing that US intelligence agencies are willing to stand behind, only stuff from social media. No credible source would dare stand behind the amateurish and ridiculous faked youtube video where the rebels conveniently confess, yet you have no shame linking to...
  6. thief of fire

    Flight MH17, who shot it down?

    they were 5 KM north of Donetsk, and were active betwen the 14th July and 17Th July. the images show that.
  7. thief of fire

    Flight MH17, who shot it down?

    Again, don't be fooled. the Dutch report says nothing about Russians confirming there were no military aircraft in the vicinity. Here is what Russia had to say, openly to the world when they presented their evidence. So we have the Russians being open and clear, and the west hiding supposed...
  8. thief of fire

    Flight MH17, who shot it down?

    What evidence? America has supplied none. German intelligence has supplied none. What is the evidence? - - - Updated - - - What data from Russia? Don't be fooled by Bilby's careful and deceptive wording. Bibly did not point to any "data from Russia", though he seems to have fooled you into...
  9. thief of fire

    Flight MH17, who shot it down?

    America and Australia have both asserted this without any evidence though.
  10. thief of fire

    Flight MH17, who shot it down?

    Whether it makes sense to you isn't really relevant. The fact is we have satellite footage showing they were moving them, and other evidence showing they were active. The separatists shot down a plane with manpad. Big difference.
  11. thief of fire

    Flight MH17, who shot it down?

    I think we can tell from the fact that they supply no evidence, like Bilby who supplies no evidence. Like John Kerry who supplied no evidence, despite saying he has a "mountain" of evidence. Neither the Germans nor the Americans nor the Australians have supplied even one piece of evidence...
  12. thief of fire

    Flight MH17, who shot it down?

    You don't speak for them. You don't know them. Stop pretending you care.
  13. thief of fire

    Flight MH17, who shot it down?

    You presented no evidence The report does nothing of the sort. Kiev, who is under suspicion for being the cause told them there were not. For some reason you think this is independent. Bullshit. I know some of the families involved. Do you? If you don't like it then go away.
  14. thief of fire

    Flight MH17, who shot it down?

    You obviously didn't read it too well did you? It is a preliminary report, the full report won't be out for another 12 months or so, but more important if you had bothered to read it you would have seen this. Says you, who formed your opinion before any investigation is complete and before you...
  15. thief of fire

    Flight MH17, who shot it down?

    As that data appears to be coming from Kiev ATC it's worthless. ;) though for some reason you are convinced. Do you really think Kiev is going to open up and admit there were military aircraft in the vicinity, if that were the case? You can't say that unless there has been an investigation, and...
  16. thief of fire

    Flight MH17, who shot it down?

    The separatists didn't impede the investigation. Kiev forces started shelling the area. Shellfire nearby forces MH17 investigators out of search area for more bodies There is no evidence of separatists firing SAMS anywhere. What we do know from Russian satellite images is that Kiev forces were...
  17. thief of fire

    CNN: Ebola Hysteria

    Though I don't think we can rule out airborne transmission yet. From Pigs to Monkeys, Ebola Goes Airborne..
  18. thief of fire

    Cyber War

    It's interesting that something, "data", got stolen but what that data is we don't seem to know. If I steal your car we known what got stolen. I have your car you don't.
  19. thief of fire

    Disaster for Ukraine. Rebels route Ukrainian forces at Donetsk

    IMF loans? Putin Need Not Invade The Ukraine: The IMF Is Already Looting It
  20. thief of fire

    Disaster for Ukraine. Rebels route Ukrainian forces at Donetsk

    I've never suggested anything of the sort. Which is why you didn't use the quote function. ;)
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